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Premium account reviews only?

Rick M
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1 hour ago, Rick M said:

I just noticed this statement in the rent.men webmaster's acknowledgement of a new review: "Note that as of March 1, 2022, only Premium users will be able to submit reviews."

What do we all think of this policy change?

I’m wondering if that is in response to people setting up non-premium accounts who, (may or may not be other Escorts or Clients who already have established accounts), write bogus reviews for people they favor… 
 You know, there are these people out there that have hundreds of reviews in a matter of months. Some of them are by legitimate registered Clients but, you have to wonder who are these other reviewers and how do you some of these people get so many Reviews in such a short period of time when some of the top providers globally over the years have a fraction of that number. Sometimes it just doesn’t add up~ 

 Granted some people may opt to pay for an extra account but, I’m guessing that may not be the typical trend for many people.

 In terms of that particular site, I think a good portion of whatever riffraff goes on there is potentially on the unregistered side of the fence and may actually be contributing to a lot of animosity or conflict from paying members whether they are Client or Provider~ It is almost as though when the current administration took over from the business from the original owners, they neglected to take seriously their responsibility for non paying member troublemakers, (not all non-paying members are troublemakers… but, the mischief that can be done by them can be substantial). It also created what can inevitably become a burden to their business by offering free service to some people but, making other people pay for it. That places is an unnecessary financial burden, (that the company creates), upon the providers as well as premium members.

 In order for these people to turn over the profits they hope to make, they have to keep inventing creative ways to increase their profit. Provider is already paid for anything and everything they do on that site and each thing they do is a separate charge. Premium Clients get to see some extra pictures. How long can you get away with that before people finally get fed up and start feeling ripped off and take to complaining. Rather than charge paying members for the little they get or taking away what they already have… It seems more practical to begin charging people that don’t pay for something they’re getting for free~ 

So perhaps this is their way to make the transition into the site becoming a paid members only site as well as reduce the mischief that can go on with unverifiable accounts.

Edited by Tygerscent
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I appreciate Tyger's POV, but as a non-paying client (who will not pay to shop anywhere, not at Costco, not on RM, ever; let the provider recoup his membership through charges to me) I can find one downside: those limited ratings prompt other clients to ask me for details, esp. when they are sitting on the fence, and I try to promote the good providers...

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16 hours ago, Unicorn said:

I gotta ask--why respond in that case?

Well because I am a premium client and I will be able to continue to post reviews as I have done over the years. So it doesn't affect me.

But reading Tygerscent's comments, I think also it may cut out some of the phony reviews of providers which I have always suspected. There are a couple of said providers who rack up hundreds of uniformly positive reviews who I have been with and was less than satisfied. 

When I wrote the even mildly critical review they got the reviews deleted and blocked me.

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Well, then I won’t be able to submit reviews. I guess that’s one less thing I need to worry about. I’ve always given reviews for my sessions, but if I’ve got to pay to do that, I won’t be doing that. Not really bad for me, but bad for the providers I would potentially give positive reviews to.

I have noticed that some providers have no reviews, then have one or two, and then those reviews disappear. I’ve noticed this in particular with MatteoBlanco. I personally believe he’s using RM as a platform lure guys in to subscribing to his OF and has no intention to actually meet up. Question: do providers have the ability to delete reviews? I just don’t know how some of these reviews can be gone unless RM is curating them. Which really undermines the credibility of the whole review process on the site.

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I don't consider the RM reviews useless per se but they have to be judged in the overall context. 

There are some reviewers I trust because they have given reviews of providers I have been with and were completely spot on. So I will trust them when commenting on someone new I may want to see.

There are others who have given a positive review to providers for instance on their looks and were completely off base. I found the pics were misleading and would never hire the providers again because they were not as advertised.

Also I tend to discount reviews by clients who are new to the game. They do not have the experience to provide meaningful comparisons.

I sometimes get in touch with clients on RM to confirm their reviews. That has sometimes helped but the odd time hasn't. Anyway, despite all one's efforts, sometimes things just don't go as planned. C'est la vie.

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54 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

I sometimes get in touch with clients on RM to confirm their reviews.

I have as well. At times it’s been immensely useful. Especially when you talk to someone who didn’t leave a 5-star review.

But what I was driving at is that the reviews really aren’t terribly helpful if providers can remove reviews. Or can have them removed. I understand having invalid reviews removed, but having negative reviews removed just because you disagree with them (“you” being the provider) really doesn’t present a fair, holistic view.  

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On 2/10/2022 at 8:51 PM, Rick M said:

I just noticed this statement in the rent.men webmaster's acknowledgement of a new review: "Note that as of March 1, 2022, only Premium users will be able to submit reviews."

What do we all think of this policy change?

I would never assume any RM change is to tighten controls on providers. Maybe there's a problem with nuisance bad reviews. 

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5 hours ago, tassojunior said:

I would never assume any RM change is to tighten controls on providers. Maybe there's a problem with nuisance bad reviews. 

There’s no incentive for them to curb provider bad behavior because guys will always want to pay for sex, likely more than guys are willing to get paid to fuck. So if there are bad providers making the client experience poor, so what? That’s on us as clients to decide – as per RM logic. Remember: the RM client really isn’t the provider’s client; it’s the provider. So whatever makes the provider’s experience better is going to take precedence over ours. They make much, much more money from providers than from provider clients.

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I was against this initially at first glance but actually am ok with it now. Will crack down a bit on a provider creating a fake profile to give himself good reviews and same with fake clients leaving bad reviews. I tend to look at and trust mainly the reviews left by premium clients or clients who have been members for over a year. Now I will know any reviews left after March 1 will have been by a premium user. It has always bugged me a little that when you let your membership lapse then your premium review reverts back to a basic user review. Which will still happen I'm guessing but won't be as big of a deal now. I don't keep my premium membership going all the time. I just subscribe when I'm definitely hiring. Just will stink when I do an unplanned hire and can't leave a review until I do subscribe again. 

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Will all reviews stand now in RM? Or will providers still be able to have “negative” reviews removed? I feel like the ability to remove negative reviews, especially after a “firewall” of premium membership requirement for me to post a review, is a huge disincentive for me to pay to submit a review if I were so inclined. I’m not paying to just be a cheerleader. I’ll be a cheerleader if it was good, but if it was bad, I’m going to say so. And if I’m paying to say so, I expect it to stand. 

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Supposedly, RM will remove a negative review at the escort's request only when they have few reviews or no other reviews. I tend to believe this is the case as I've seen several instances where a provider who has several reviews has one or two negative ones.

Regarding a premium membership, the price affords benefits other than the ability to post reviews. It allows the member to see "semi-private" pictures without requesting the advertiser's permission and all videos. Frankly, I think the ability to see the additional photos is worth the price of a membership.


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9 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

Regarding a premium membership, the price affords benefits other than the ability to post reviews. It allows the member to see "semi-private" pictures without requesting the advertiser's permission and all videos. Frankly, I think the ability to see the additional photos is worth the price of a membership.

Sure. But I was speaking specifically about what happens to reviews posted by clients. I simply feel if reviews are now part of premium membership, then they should have some increased level of dependability. I don’t think it’s fair a provider can have negative reviews removed as it is already, but if I’m paying for membership, and one of the perks (among others) is leaving reviews, I expect that the reviews stand. I’m not just a pot of gold for RM. I have expectations in return for payment…

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Paying for the privilege to shop is the new 21stC retail scam. Not just online. You stand outside a store window for two secs too long, and there will be someone from inside to ask what you’re looking at, and invite you in, and ask for your phone and email… repeatedly. More online shops need some sort of card on file just to look. 

RentMen’s new all-member site business model is akin to a talent agent who takes a portion of the box office before getting his client cast in the show. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

Well it's now March 2 and looking on RM at the most recent reviews there are still reviews coming in from basic users. 


The site does seem at times to be a bit clunky. Maybe the change will have a late rollout. Like Truth Social.

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18 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

Still allowing basic users to post reviews! 🤣

Maybe if someone was ever a premium user then they can still post reviews. 

The site isn’t known for efficiency. I’m not surprised an announced plan hasn’t yet happened. 

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