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Nail polish

Milo Janus
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45 minutes ago, dbar123 said:

Recently an escort I saw had nail polish on. I thought it was a little weird but I went with it and said nothing. The next time I saw him a few weeks later it was gone. Just a passing fad. Glad I kept my mouth shut.

Also, it's Pride Month so the gays may be doing a little extra. 

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I always shriek "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at the top of my lungs, flail my hands about, and lecture him about gender norms (complete with a vigorous wag of my un-nail polished finger). Unless, of course, he is wearing fire engine red. I mean, ya gotta appreciate that kind of moxie.

But seriously, I don't think it is that big of a deal. Think of all the things our parents' generations disapproved of and how we said we would be different. 

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This is like guys who have tattoos. One can look at them and say, “Oh, this is terrible! I can’t have sex with such a person!” I’ve found that tats and nail polish, and died hair and pierced noses have nothing to do with an escort’s intelligence and abilities. Enjoy the moment comrades!! You may conclude that you don’t want to repeat the extraordinary session you had with this decorated person, but maybe you’ll conclude that the magic of that first experience is worth repeating, or not. Have sex and enjoy, then move on in whatever direction inspires you. 😈

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The OP is entitled to his preferences, but I would be hugely pissed if I were a provider and I showed up a client's location, looking like the guy in the photos, on time, sober, fresh. and prepared; and that client picked out some arbitrary thing that was never discussed and canceled the appointment without any compensation.   Would the OP also send him packing if he had frosted tips, or was wearing white after labor day? 

If something like that is a huge dealbreaker for you, then fine -- disclose it up front and the provider can decide if he can conduct business with you or not.

Edited by DynamicUno
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2 hours ago, DynamicUno said:

The OP is entitled to his preferences, but I would be hugely pissed if I were a provider and I showed up a client's location, looking like the guy in the photos, on time, sober, fresh. and prepared; and that client picked out some arbitrary thing that was never discussed and canceled the appointment wihtout any compensation.   Would the OP also send him packing if he had frosted tips, or was wearing white after labor day? 

If something like that is a huge dealbreaker for you, then fine -- disclose it up front and the provider can decide if he can conduct business with you or not.

What if he showed up in a full length acid washed jean coat? Is it ok to send him packing? 

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Totally NOT into nail polish on guys as it relates to sexual attraction 

I was chatting with a guy on RM who on one of his pics and had it and I asked him if he had currently cuz I’m not into it.  He said yes and I asked him to remove and he started selling me on how it’s flesh tone etc - I politely said I hear you but it’s not what I prefer.  He got upset which immediately made my antenna go up.  I was tired of apologizing for my preferences and essentially said ya let’s move on 

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6 minutes ago, Chancealot said:

Totally NOT into nail polish on guys as it relates to sexual attraction 

I was chatting with a guy on RM who on one of his pics and had it and I asked him if he had currently cuz I’m not into it.  He said yes and I asked him to remove and he started selling me on how it’s flesh tone etc - I politely said I hear you but it’s not what I prefer.  He got upset which immediately made my antenna go up.  I was tired of apologizing for my preferences and essentially said ya let’s move on 

The fragile masculinity on display in this thread is too much. If the provider isn’t to your taste, hire someone else. Why are you asking people to change themselves?

Getting a manicure and pedicure costs about $100 at a decent, not high-end,  salon. Are you going to give him the extra money to have it redone? 

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37 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

The fragile masculinity on display in this thread is too much. If the provider isn’t to your taste, hire someone else. Why are you asking people to change themselves?

Getting a manicure and pedicure costs about $100 at a decent, not high-end,  salon. Are you going to give him the extra money to have it redone? 

What are you talking about ?  He had nails colored in one pic - I asked him if he did or he didn’t 

I don’t prefer it - I’m the customer 

if that’s “too much” for ya that’s a you thing 

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holy jeez, was trying to stay out of this moronic "nail polish" thread, but requesting that a provider remove nail polish before meeting is inappropriate ("too much"!).....ya don't like it? - ya move on!.......really very simple and obvious!

(by the way, no, I don't like nail polish on dudes)

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On 6/18/2022 at 5:58 PM, Lazarus said:

Pete Davidson wears nail polish. Not that it matters, but it would probably be a deal breaker for me. I would have to see what the guy looks like before I could say for sure what I would do . 

If Pete Davidson showed up at my door, I'd certainly send him away. Then I'd make sure I wasn't living on a burial ground or something.

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I just think nail polish looks pretty bad on some of the guys I've seen it on. They seem to be doing it because it's very trendy. It's a turnoff because they appear to be trying too hard.

I have noticed that I like some attractive "alternative" or indie type guys who wear black or blue nail polish. It goes well with their interesting tattoos and aesthetic. Overall, guess it comes down to the individual guy & how he presents himself. We all have different tastes which can be bewildering and interesting at the same time😃

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8 hours ago, Chancealot said:

Totally NOT into nail polish on guys as it relates to sexual attraction 

I was chatting with a guy on RM who on one of his pics and had it and I asked him if he had currently cuz I’m not into it.  He said yes and I asked him to remove and he started selling me on how it’s flesh tone etc - I politely said I hear you but it’s not what I prefer.  He got upset which immediately made my antenna go up.  I was tired of apologizing for my preferences and essentially said ya let’s move on 

You certainly have the right to ask for whatever you like or don't like.  

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On 6/18/2022 at 5:40 PM, Milo Janus said:

What would you do if your desired escort shows up with nail polish on?  That's a big fat no for me and I'd send him on his way without a cent.

In general if anyone shows up looking significantly different than they represented in their pix, it's a NO GO for me ( unless it's some improvement which I've never encountered).Nail polish would definitely be a non-starter. Although I am bisexual I am not pan-sexual. I like women who look like women and men who look like men. I've dabbled in the mix-n-match community but once the novelty of it all wore off I lost my interest. 

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Asking someone to change a feature like nail polish or even facial hair where the provider has photos posted that shows both states (polish and no polish, clean shaven and with beard/mustache) is reasonable.  If the provider states he doesn't want to remove the polish or shave, though, the client should just politely move on.  The reason why I think it's a reasonable request is that the provider is marketing himself with different looks, so presumably he isn't wed to looking one specific way.  It would be entirely different if the provider's photos only showed him looking a specific way.  I certainly wouldn't support contacting someone who has facial hair in all of his photos with a request to shave. 

The alternative for a client who cares is to simply ask the provider to describe what he looks like in the moment, and then simply pass if he has attributes the client doesn't like.  I assume a provider would prefer clarity ("Oh, you have a beard right now? If you're willing to shave, I'd like to meet you but I am not interested in men with beards") rather than the client simply saying, "No thanks" and then ending the conversation.  The former at least gives the provider some information he can use in his business, i.e., how much business he might be losing due to certain choices he's made, and then he can decide whether that matters to him.  The latter tells him nothing other than that someone called him and then decided not to book.

I don't understand the notion of "fragility" on either person's part here.  The client is a client, spending money for an experience of his choosing.  The provider is marketing a service.  Surely both parties can simply accept that not all clients are going to be compatible with all escorts.  There's no reason to get upset that someone isn't interested unless the person is a jerk about it.

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4 hours ago, maninsoma said:

I don't understand the notion of "fragility" on either person's part here.  The client is a client, spending money for an experience of his choosing.  The provider is marketing a service.  Surely both parties can simply accept that not all clients are going to be compatible with all escorts.  There's no reason to get upset that someone isn't interested unless the person is a jerk about it.

The OP started off by saying if he set a date and the provider shows up with nail polish he's sending the guy on his way without a cent. The fragility is that if Chris Evans (or the hot guy of your choice) shows up looking every bit as sexy and hot as you'd imagined. Then you notice he has on nail polish, and that's the deal breaker?

Why? Considering you're going to be horizontal shortly, kissing, blowing, fucking, whatever, how much would you even notice the nail polish? I hooked up with a guy in P Town last summer and it was only after the deed was done, and we were dressing that he noticed my fingers and toes were painted with bright red polish. Which he complimented me on. 

So the only reason to be SO opposed to nail polish is due to a rigid understanding of gender. @pubic_assistance equates a guy wearing nail polish with being gender queer or non-binary. For some that may be true, but for others it's just something they enjoy. But what most of those opposed seem to be reacting to is that nail polish = femininity. And rejecting feminine guys is just reactionary misogynistic bullshit. No, it's not your "personal preference", it's a bias you've been socialized to have because of patriarchy and heterosexism. 

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