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Qatar World Cup Escort Activity


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Just out of curiousity, I've been having a look at the offerings in Doha since the start of the World Cup. There hasn't been the explosion in listings that I had envisaged. Is this because it's a muslim country. If that's the case, why is Dubai seemingly a male prostitute Mecca?

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6 hours ago, Quincy_7 said:

Just out of curiousity, I've been having a look at the offerings in Doha since the start of the World Cup. There hasn't been the explosion in listings that I had envisaged. Is this because it's a muslim country. If that's the case, why is Dubai seemingly a male prostitute Mecca?

It could be that the number of hotel rooms in Doha is such that many fans have to fly in from other Gulf cities just to attend a game, and there are restrictions on entering Qatar unless you hold a ticket. Abu Dhabi and Dubai may just be easier to get to and to find accommodation.

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@mike carey is correct in his supposition. There are only 31,000 hotel rooms in Qatar. Also, Qatari society is conservative; hence the alcohol ban. 

Staying in Dubai - a short flight (or longer drive) away - offers more nightlife, restaurants etc with alcohol available in the hotels.

8 hours ago, Quincy_7 said:

why is Dubai seemingly a male prostitute Mecca?

An unfortunate choice of words.

There are undoubtedly many fit young men who go to Dubai at this time of year for the Winter sun…and the ability to earn money discreetly. Some define themselves as personal trainers, some as actors and models, and some may also be escorts.

But I emphasise that discretion is paramount. Public displays of affection and being dressed skimpily are frowned upon. Hotel restaurants will serve alcohol to foreigners but getting drunk is very much a no-no.

It’s merely an anecdote but some years back, I heard from a friend that a fellow member of our gym (an escort) was indiscreet on a visit to Dubai and became involved in an argument with his local client. I don’t know what, if anything, happened to the client. I do know that our fellow gym-member was arrested and held for some hours prior to deportation. Consular assistance was NOT forthcoming. 

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17 hours ago, mike carey said:

Abu Dhabi and Dubai may just be easier to get to and to find accommodation.

100% agree.

While Qatar is interesting in many ways, nightlife and overall tourism is not yet their strong suit.

It's like comparing Reno to Vegas.  Sure, it gets the job done, but with multiple caveats.

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