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Do you discuss hiring guys with friends?


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Who I have sex Sith and how I have sex is my business (any whoever my playmate might be at the time).

I do discuss this on line in this forum, and occasionally on recon, if I have a face to face convo about this - it is normally with a gentleman I have hired - as we talk about the industry.  


someone who I used to see reguarly in my previous location - would always start out with a hot massage - and during that massage he would ask me about what adventures I had had between appointments and he would discuss what he had been having adventures - either with clients or in his personal life - names were never mentioned but it was always an interesting and horny conversation 


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On 1/3/2023 at 8:04 AM, muslnicknj said:

This seems to be a taboo subject with my friends - I can honestly say the conversation has never come up. I sometimes wonder how many of my friends have hired - or if they wonder about me. Anyway, just curious what others’ experiences have been. How did the subject come up in conversation? Do you compare notes on hires? 

I've been engaging the services of escorts far too long as I care to remember. But in conjunction with your initial thread heading, only one living friend knows that I have paid for some hot companionship; he did prior to his prostate surgery.  To date he and I have not discussed.

Another of my very good friends knew that I hired but never hired himself except for the time that he spent with me at Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro in 2003.

Regarding your thread's heading-- I would say no at this time.

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On 1/4/2023 at 8:08 AM, Coolwave35 said:




I really enjoy sharing tales of my sexual exploits with paid providers with at least a dozen of my real life friends. I regularly host house parties, ski trips, great adventure outings etc with a mix of personal friends and escorts. It keeps the mood lively and provides access for my regular friends to my favorite escorts. 

One of my favorite memories was a ski trip with 11 guys. 6 were escorts and 5 were my best gay friends. Two escorts literally dragged a mattress out of the bedroom onto the kitchen floor. They started going at it. A regular friend brought this to my attention and said “do you think I can join them?”  I said my suspicion is that if they wanted privacy, they’d have left the mattress in the bedroom. I’d ask, but I’m sure all are welcome. I was right, 3 quickly became 7. That weekend included rounds of strip poker, shirtless skiing, blow jobs in the loft where my orally talented friend just stayed up there and guys would periodically ascend the stairs and come down smiling. 

My friends have never expressed a stigma and hiring is such a substantial part of my life, and escorts are always around that it would be impossible not to discuss and call it what it is. 

Since my divorce, escorts are usually my plus one at dinner parties. My neighbors are a gay couple in their 50’s. They asked me point blank how I land such hot guys in their 20’s. I said it’s very easy. My checks always clear. Needless to say, they’ve never had a party I wasn’t invited to and my guests and I are usually the last to leave after the hot tub cover comes off. 

My motto is sharing is caring. 


Awesome mindset and fantastic circle of people for your sexcapdes! So what does it take to be friends with you and be invited to join your fun groupings, Mr. Cool wave? 😉

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On 1/4/2023 at 5:08 AM, Coolwave35 said:




I really enjoy sharing tales of my sexual exploits with paid providers with at least a dozen of my real life friends. I regularly host house parties, ski trips, great adventure outings etc with a mix of personal friends and escorts. It keeps the mood lively and provides access for my regular friends to my favorite escorts. 

One of my favorite memories was a ski trip with 11 guys. 6 were escorts and 5 were my best gay friends. Two escorts literally dragged a mattress out of the bedroom onto the kitchen floor. They started going at it. A regular friend brought this to my attention and said “do you think I can join them?”  I said my suspicion is that if they wanted privacy, they’d have left the mattress in the bedroom. I’d ask, but I’m sure all are welcome. I was right, 3 quickly became 7. That weekend included rounds of strip poker, shirtless skiing, blow jobs in the loft where my orally talented friend just stayed up there and guys would periodically ascend the stairs and come down smiling. 

My friends have never expressed a stigma and hiring is such a substantial part of my life, and escorts are always around that it would be impossible not to discuss and call it what it is. 

Since my divorce, escorts are usually my plus one at dinner parties. My neighbors are a gay couple in their 50’s. They asked me point blank how I land such hot guys in their 20’s. I said it’s very easy. My checks always clear. Needless to say, they’ve never had a party I wasn’t invited to and my guests and I are usually the last to leave after the hot tub cover comes off. 

My motto is sharing is caring. 


How fun! I would love to be your friend. Keep sharing! Your posts and stories are my favorite content on this site, and I often find myself reading them aloud to my best friends and my partner who are all very supportive of my exploits and hires too. We only have this one life, might as well do it with our chins up ❤️

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There are two close friends I have discussed the hobby with. They are both very supportive and one of them I think has hired a provider himself (he's straight though) It's now a running joke whenever I tell them I'm traveling to a big city that one of them will ask "So what's his name?"

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On 1/3/2023 at 4:26 PM, KeepItReal said:

No. There are some things I consider private. My hobby of hiring, my net worth/annual earnings and the Justin Bieber blow up doll I have in the back of the closet in the hallway are a few examples of things I do not share with anyone. 🤫

hey @KeepItReal,  I want a Justin Bieber blow up doll!   lol.   

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On 1/14/2023 at 8:07 PM, DrownedBoy said:

I've been starting to keep a detailed journal of my sessions(at least a page single-spaced per meeting). If I wasn't worried about being arrested or letting my identity become widely known, I'd start a blog 😄

Every hire I ever made is described in the daily journal that I have kept for almost fifty years (yes, it fills a whole file cabinet).

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  • 7 months later...

Resurrecting this topic because I wanted to add my own word of caution based on recent experiences. I recently disclosed to a friend that I occasionally engaged in this hobby. Friend was mostly cool with it but shared this with another friend, who shared with another. 🙄

Long story short: these three friends have run the gamut from (1) “whatever” to (2) nonjudgmental “but what about trafficking and exploitation?” concerns to (3) outright hysteria based on all kinds of assumptions, misconceptions, and stigma associated with this.

Lesson learned: because of our culture’s complicated and clouded views of sex and sexuality generally, I wish I had kept this all to myself.

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I agree caution is advised. Try hanging out with the finance bros of NYC. They love to brag about hiring and compare notes so that’s one situation where it adds to one’s social status.
On the other hand, in my main social circle of middle aged professionals, they are very sex positive and yet… there’s an undercurrent of judgement about promiscuity. Sex is good. Too much sex is a sign of a character flaw it seems. It’s bizarre and contradictory, but then people are complicated. 
A younger friend of ours who is a struggling performer turned to escorting to make ends meet. I was deeply saddened by my friends’ hushed tones and vaguely judgmental statements when gossiping about it. 

I have not and will not share with my friends regarding this hobby. 

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true confessions: two and a half years ago, I spotted a guy on Mintboys that I was really attracted to; his ad was definitely not the typical MB posting, and he took it down a few weeks after I started seeing him; he was experiencing a very difficult financial situation then; I see him almost every weekend and we travel together; I told a friend or two about it when I first met him, but I have not discussed it since then and I refer to him by name when I talk to friends and family.

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I don’t discuss this hobby with my friends. Only with my husband, who hires as well. We are very open to each other about it, we share our experiences, but we dislike threesomes. We once hired individual providers at the same time in a 2 bedroom  hotel suite, and we could hear our moans. It was hot. 

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On 8/18/2023 at 8:27 AM, Bokomaru said:

On the other hand, in my main social circle of middle aged professionals, they are very sex positive and yet… there’s an undercurrent of judgement about promiscuity. Sex is good. Too much sex is a sign of a character flaw it seems. It’s bizarre and contradictory, but then people are complicated. 

In my experience, that attitude only applies towards straight people.

My social circle is almost entirely professional, and the majority are straight. This is a good description of how they act now (in middle age, not when they were in their 20s and sleeping around all the time).

However, my straight friends have always given me a pass from judgment. Part of it is no doubt liberal guilt, or worries about un-PC remarks, towards what could arguably be called "gay culture." The other part is that they just assume that, as a gay man, I sleep around.

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