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411 on Cuban Boy?


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  • 3 months later...

Okay, so I just had a session with Cuban_Boy here in OC, and let me just say I had an amazing time with him. I know there’s a comment above that says he’s rude. Without attacking anyone’s own experience with him, let me just give you my take. Cuban_Boy is actually Cuban (I mention this to emphasize that English is not his first language). He’s super sweet, has a beautiful body, and gives a good massage. His only weakness is that he has trouble with English. This wasn’t an issue for me because I’m fluent in Spanish. I mention this only because I can see how someone may perceive his text responses as a bit aggressive or rude. I promise you he's not trying to be that he honestly just doesn't speak the language that well. I mentioned this to him and he said that he's trying hard to get better with the language and that he tries to use Google Translate for his response as much as he can but that sometimes it can get exhausting when he gets a shitload of messages in a day. One thing to mention, he does a fully nude massage with MT and HE. He's clear about that, but if you want more than that any potential client should be respectful when asking if he's open to doing more. If you're not respectful he as every right to say no to you. He told me a lot of people try to cross certain boundaries with him and they become so persistent to the point of being disrespectful, he told me that he's going to defend himself when need be and I agreed with him that he should. Long story short, if you want to book with him go ahead and do so, he's a solid choice for a good massage, sexy body, and kind demeanor. Just have patience with his weak English. 

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  • 6 months later...

So I tried him out on Saturday.  Massage was mediocre and all he did was rub the same area over and over with his forearm.  60-min massage and he started at 10 after the hour and finished at 45 after the hour for a total of 35 mins of actual work.  Then a simple rub and tug.  I paid $220 -- $200 and $20 tip as I still tip even if the service is trash.  

Interestingly enough he blocked me on Rentmasseur following the service before I could leave a rating on there.  So here we are.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
22 hours ago, relaxdudeitsjustsex said:

I don't understand how he has more 5 star reviews than I have seen and so many bad experiences only discussed on here.  I guess you can fake the reviews on rent? (if you work hard enough and speak english)

He blocked me before I left a true rating.  Literally as I was leaving.  I’m sure he sensed that I wasn’t too happy. That’s how you keep ratings up on Rentmasseur — block the bad. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

He sure is handsome, with the most kissable lips. I know a lot of guys are not into scent, but I wouldn't mind testing his after-workout smell. He's no small guy either. I imagine those arms could be quite powerful.

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On 4/1/2024 at 1:54 PM, Swazca said:

So I tried him out on Saturday.  Massage was mediocre and all he did was rub the same area over and over with his forearm.  60-min massage and he started at 10 after the hour and finished at 45 after the hour for a total of 35 mins of actual work.  Then a simple rub and tug.  I paid $220 -- $200 and $20 tip as I still tip even if the service is trash.  

Interestingly enough he blocked me on Rentmasseur following the service before I could leave a rating on there.  So here we are.  

Tip even if the service is shitty?!

I suggest having the exact amount whenever seeing someone for the first time, precisely for this reason.

And if someone is an exceptionally assholesque, as in blocking you, deleting your review, or not delivering what they promised, they deserve a fake appointment from another number that you cancel 15 minutes into it, with a message of your choice. Think of this as community service. They need to understand that there are consequences to scamming their clients.

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  • 1 month later...
On 17/4/2024 at 11:11, relaxdudeitsjustsex said:

No entiendo cómo tiene más reseñas de 5 estrellas de las que he visto y tantas malas experiencias que solo se discuten aquí. Supongo que puedes falsificar las reseñas sobre el alquiler. (si trabajas lo suficientemente duro y hablas inglés)

I'm David and I read all the negative and positive reviews about me, thank you for the positive reviews that say who I really am and what I offer, the negative ones are obviously from people who asked for degrading practices towards me and I gave them a rating. limit or I refused, I am humble, respectful and very kind, whoever is looking for something more with me found the wrong person, I blocked you because I saw your intentions after I refused what you wanted, I don't kiss, I don't do oral sex and even less other things, I always describe what I offer very well and if you are looking for something else, it is better not to go there to avoid bad times, but my positive reviews do not confirm everything I say here, it is more than evident that all their reviews are ill-intentioned and full of hatred and racism since you worry more because I don't speak English than about other things, I really don't live off of you or your criticism, here I feel the evil and low level with which you act, don't go any further with me because I will be more than happy, I have my limits and my values and 200 dollars do not buy them, I have earned my good reviews on the page, so if it hurts that I have good reviews, it is really irrelevant for me, I will ask you a favor, do not go with me anymore. I will thank you, have a true life of your own and that you work for the community does not mean that you are its submissive slave, we are in 2024, kisses, love and a lot of respect

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19 hours ago, David_7 said:

I'm David and I read all the negative and positive reviews about me, thank you for the positive reviews that say who I really am and what I offer, the negative ones are obviously from people who asked for degrading practices towards me and I gave them a rating. limit or I refused, I am humble, respectful and very kind, whoever is looking for something more with me found the wrong person, I blocked you because I saw your intentions after I refused what you wanted, I don't kiss, I don't do oral sex and even less other things, I always describe what I offer very well and if you are looking for something else, it is better not to go there to avoid bad times, but my positive reviews do not confirm everything I say here, it is more than evident that all their reviews are ill-intentioned and full of hatred and racism since you worry more because I don't speak English than about other things, I really don't live off of you or your criticism, here I feel the evil and low level with which you act, don't go any further with me because I will be more than happy, I have my limits and my values and 200 dollars do not buy them, I have earned my good reviews on the page, so if it hurts that I have good reviews, it is really irrelevant for me, I will ask you a favor, do not go with me anymore. I will thank you, have a true life of your own and that you work for the community does not mean that you are its submissive slave, we are in 2024, kisses, love and a lot of respect


Hola David, no te conozco, ni nunca he contratado tus servicios. Sin embargo, me basaré en lo que dice tu anuncio. En primer lugar, el precio: puedes cobrar lo que consideres adecuado, pero si alguien está cobrando $200 por un masaje, es implícito que podría haber algún tipo de servicio extra. Además, en tu anuncio confirmas que estás ofreciendo servicios eróticos y sensuales. Estás en una plataforma donde, obviamente, el 95% de tu mercado busca algo más que un masaje terapéutico.

Respecto a las fotos, solo muestras tu cuerpo, sin camisa, flexionando el bíceps, mostrando tu espalda, etc. En ningún momento muestras una cama profesional de masaje, una loción profesional de masaje, o algo que se relacione con tus servicios supuestamente profesionales. Si deseas que tus potenciales clientes no se confundan, envía el mensaje correcto desde el principio y cambia tus fotos. Creo que el error es tuyo. Estás enviando un mensaje completamente equivocado por todas partes.


I don't know you, and I have never hired your services. However, I will base my comments on what your advertisement says. First, the price: you can charge whatever you think is appropriate, but if someone is charging $200 for a massage, it implies that there might be some kind of extra service. Additionally, in your ad, you confirm that you are offering erotic and sensual services. You are on a platform where, obviously, 95% of your market is looking for more than just a therapeutic massage.

Regarding the photos, you only show your body, shirtless, flexing your biceps, showing your back, etc. At no point do you show a professional massage table, professional massage lotion, or anything related to your supposedly professional services. If you want your potential clients not to be confused, send the right message from the beginning and change your photos. I think the mistake is yours. You are sending a completely wrong message in every way.



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El 18/4/2024 a las 9:21, Swazca dijo:

Me bloqueó antes de que dejara una calificación verdadera. Literalmente, cuando me iba. Estoy seguro de que sintió que no estaba muy feliz. Así es como mantienes las calificaciones en Rentmasseur: bloquea lo malo.

Here's the corrected version of your message:

"Do you know why I have good reviews? Unlike you, of course, all my clients have left very happy. They know that, just like I treated you, I treat my clients with respect, humility, and affection. I regret not being able to satisfy what you were really looking for. When I sent you the description of what I really offer, you had the option of not coming, and we could have avoided the inconveniences you mentioned. However, I still understand your attitude." blessings ❤️🫶🏻

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11 hours ago, 7829V said:

I don't know you, and I have never hired your services. However, I will base my comments on what your advertisement says. First, the price: you can charge whatever you think is appropriate, but if someone is charging $200 for a massage, it implies that there might be some kind of extra service. Additionally, in your ad, you confirm that you are offering erotic and sensual services. You are on a platform where, obviously, 95% of your market is looking for more than just a therapeutic massage.

Regarding the photos, you only show your body, shirtless, flexing your biceps, showing your back, etc. At no point do you show a professional massage table, professional massage lotion, or anything related to your supposedly professional services. If you want your potential clients not to be confused, send the right message from the beginning and change your photos. I think the mistake is yours. You are sending a completely wrong message in every way.



I don’t see it the same way, 7829V.  I think he clarified that he provides MT and HE, which means to me that he does more than just therapeutic.  Consequently, I don’t see anything in the profile that promises anything more than he delivers.  Now the quality of the services and client satisfaction could be an issue, but shirtless photos and higher than average rates are not promises of services beyond a HE.


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I don’t see it the same way, 7829V.  I think he clarified that he provides MT and HE, which means to me that he does more than just therapeutic.  Consequently, I don’t see anything in the profile that promises anything more than he delivers.  Now the quality of the services and client satisfaction could be an issue, but shirtless photos and higher than average rates are not promises of services beyond a HE.

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On 9/23/2023 at 12:48 AM, oclatin92xxx said:

He told me a lot of people try to cross certain boundaries with him and they become so persistent to the point of being disrespectful

Gay men can be notoriously difficult customers, especially the horny ones. The words needy and selfish come to mind. Massage with sensual elements is not an easy business. Some customers can be quite demanding, and use social media as a weapon when they don't get what they want.

14 hours ago, 7829V said:

if someone is charging $200 for a massage, it implies that there might be some kind of extra service

Maybe $300 for 60 minutes, but not $200.

13 hours ago, cuban_boy said:

I offer a massage with a happy ending

Most licensed professionals might consider that degrading. Picking and choosing your sensual limits is difficult enough to express when English is your native language. Can't imagine trying to navigate those waters with poor language skills.

I could easily argue that in America, choosing to offer sensual massage when English is not your first language might be a bad idea. If you learn to master the English language, you will be better equipped to handle difficult customers. Saying no to a horny gay man without insulting him requires special skills.

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Hace 4 horas, Other Mouse dijo:

No lo veo de la misma manera, 7829V. Creo que aclaró que proporciona MT y HE, lo que significa para mí que hace algo más que terapéutico. En consecuencia, no veo nada en el perfil que prometa nada más de lo que él cumple. Ahora, la calidad de los servicios y la satisfacción del cliente podrían ser un problema, pero las fotos sin camisa y las tarifas más altas que la media no son promesas de servicios más allá de un HE.

"Do you think I charge a lot? No, my friend. Expensive is what I spend on a plane ticket or a night in a hotel. Sometimes I have paid up to $220 a night, not counting the Uber, and that's when I'm away from my home community. Anyway, in these days that we are living in the United States, $200 goes quickly into a market purchase, especially when traveling to different cities, which often involves very high expenses. I sometimes wonder what profit I am actually earning. No, my friend, $200 is not expensive when I invest much more to provide a service. But everyone must still find their price range."

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Hace 1 hora, d.anders dijo:

Los hombres homosexuales pueden ser clientes notoriamente difíciles, especialmente los cachondos. Las palabras necesitadas y egoístas vienen a la mente. Masajear con elementos sensuales no es un asunto fácil. Algunos clientes pueden ser bastante exigentes y usar las redes sociales como un arma cuando no obtienen lo que quieren.

Tal vez 300 $ por 60 minutos, pero no 200 $.

La mayoría de los profesionales con licencia podrían considerar eso degradante. Elegir y elegir tus límites sensuales es bastante difícil de expresar cuando el inglés es tu lengua materna. No puedo imaginarme tratando de navegar por esas aguas con malas habilidades lingüísticas.

Podría argumentar fácilmente que en Estados Unidos, elegir ofrecer un masaje sensual cuando el inglés no es tu lengua materna podría ser una mala idea. Si aprendes a dominar el idioma inglés, estarás mejor equipado para manejar a clientes difíciles. Decir que no a un hombre gay cachondo sin insultarlo requiere habilidades especiales.

"Well, there is always the option of not choosing me, and that would be better for everyone. Do you know why I offer a massage even though English is not my mother tongue? Because I fight for my life and I don't let the language barrier limit me."

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Hace 1 hora, d.anders dijo:

Los hombres homosexuales pueden ser clientes notoriamente difíciles, especialmente los cachondos. Las palabras necesitadas y egoístas vienen a la mente. Masajear con elementos sensuales no es un asunto fácil. Algunos clientes pueden ser bastante exigentes y usar las redes sociales como un arma cuando no obtienen lo que quieren.

Tal vez 300 $ por 60 minutos, pero no 200 $.

La mayoría de los profesionales con licencia podrían considerar eso degradante. Elegir y elegir tus límites sensuales es bastante difícil de expresar cuando el inglés es tu lengua materna. No puedo imaginarme tratando de navegar por esas aguas con malas habilidades lingüísticas.

Podría argumentar fácilmente que en Estados Unidos, elegir ofrecer un masaje sensual cuando el inglés no es tu lengua materna podría ser una mala idea. Si aprendes a dominar el idioma inglés, estarás mejor equipado para manejar a clientes difíciles. Decir que no a un hombre gay cachondo sin insultarlo requiere habilidades especiales.

Ok Yes, but it is what I offer, there is always the option of not coming with me to avoid awkward moments.

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