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411 on Cuban Boy?


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I think if you’re booking a “massage” of any kind vs full escort services - be prepared to get what you get.  there’s too much open to interpretation and some of the therapists are very skilled at luring people in & not caring about repeat clients.  now, if he makes specific promises that are unfulfilled, that’s different

the first red flag is “traveling” massage therapist - that’s not how anyone builds a stable clientele 

the last few years have flooded the US with new providers eager to make a buck.  the increased supply hasn’t lowered prices, but instead there are more providers w questionable business practices & lackluster service.  all justifying their prices w “inflation”.  for clients - adjust your expectations to this new reality 

the negative reviews here are fair-game.  that’s the purpose of this site 

Edited by SouthOfTheBorder
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Hace 7 minutos, SouthOfTheBorder dijo:

Creo que si estás reservando un "masaje" de cualquier tipo frente a servicios completos de acompañante, prepárate para obtener lo que obtienes. Hay demasiado abierto a la interpretación y algunos de los terapeutas son muy hábiles para atraer a la gente y no preocuparse por los clientes habituales. Ahora, si hace promesas específicas que no se cumplen, eso es diferente

la primera bandera roja es el masajista "viajero" - así no es como alguien construye una clientela estable

los últimos años han inundado los EE. UU. con nuevos proveedores ansiosos por ganar dinero. El aumento de la oferta no ha bajado los precios, sino que hay más proveedores con prácticas comerciales cuestionables y un servicio mediocre. Todos justificando sus precios con "inflación". para los clientes: ajuste sus expectativas a esta nueva realidad

las críticas negativas aquí son de juego limpio. Ese es el propósito de este sitio

Really, negative reviews are not something that matters much to me. I am simply responding to what I think is an attempt to discredit me. Once again, I want to let you know that I traveled to obtain a better income, and as I mentioned in other comments, if one day we meet in the same city, you have the option of not coming to me. This beautiful country that I love is a free country, so you can do what you truly feel you want to do, and you will always find better options than coming to me.

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Hace 1 minuto, cuban_boy dijo:

En realidad, las críticas negativas no son algo que me importe mucho. Simplemente estoy respondiendo a lo que creo que es un intento de desacreditarme. Una vez más, quiero hacerle saber que viajé para obtener mejores ingresos, y como mencioné en otros comentarios, si algún día nos reunimos en la misma ciudad, tiene la opción de no venir a mí. Este hermoso país que amo es un país libre, así que puedes hacer lo que realmente sientes que quieres hacer, y siempre encontrarás mejores opciones que venir a mí.

Oh, I'm not justifying why I charge what I charge. If I didn't charge what I currently do, I would prefer not to provide this type of service and work an eight-hour job, because if I didn't charge 200, it wouldn't be worth making the sacrifices that I often make. Or would you prefer that I charge less and still give you my effort and work? Mmm, I think so, but what a bummer. To be able to do this, I have to continue charging what I do to see some profit, my friend.

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On 6/27/2024 at 10:59 PM, cuban_boy said:

Here's the corrected version of your message:

"Do you know why I have good reviews? Unlike you, of course, all my clients have left very happy. They know that, just like I treated you, I treat my clients with respect, humility, and affection. I regret not being able to satisfy what you were really looking for. When I sent you the description of what I really offer, you had the option of not coming, and we could have avoided the inconveniences you mentioned. However, I still understand your attitude." blessings ❤️🫶🏻

So you used a mattress first.  No table.  Lotion not oil, the lotion that was in your AirBnb.  You worked for 35 mins total not 60-mins.  You were late to the front to come and get me.  You rubbed the same spot with your forearms over and over.  That is not a massage by any means of the definition.  You are correct that you do not speak English.  We can take a step further that you’re in the United States earning income without a Work Visa which means you’re violating our tax laws.  But I will let others decide the type of person you are based on your combative responses.  

I never asked you to escort when messaging you, did not ask you to escort during the massage, or after.  I was completely respectful of your boundaries.  What I was expecting was a full body massage, however, that is not what occurred.  You barely provided a lower back rub with your forearms for 35-minutes.  You didn’t massage my upper back, arms, legs, glutes or any other area.  Absolutely no attention was given to any other area.  That deserves to be said on Rentmasseur so others know your poor service.  

$220 for mediocre service for 35-mins of barely working is the issue at hand.  

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On 9/10/2023 at 8:59 AM, Jonjon7984 said:

Update: cuban_boy

hes a complete a**hole. Don’t bother. He’s a waste of time. 

He’s proven it based on his recent posts.

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I've been following the conversation in this thread and the other that is now locked.  Just a few things to consider, perhaps:

1.  The amount that a masseur requests from a client is for his time, not for specific activities beyond a massage.  It seems that @cuban_boy has been pretty clear what the limits of those activities are for him, and that should be respected by anyone who contacts him.

2.  I don't see anything in @cuban_boy's profile that would suggest anything more than a massage, with the exception that he notes that he is HIV negative and on PreP, which could lead some people to believe he is open to additional activities.  But this does not mean he is open to other activities - he may just prefer to indicate what the profile template is asking, rather than leaving it blank.  

3.  I don't think that @Swazca was necessarily looking for anything more than a massage based on what he has written in the threads - he has indicated that the reason he tipped is not because he expected more.  I can understand this.  I still give a small tip even when I am not fully satisfied by an experience, such as the service at a restaurant, because I just find it awkward not to give some tip for the time and effort the person has made.

4. The biggest issue I see is the possibility that @Swazca paid for a full hour of massage, and apparently only received 35 minutes.  Since the masseur is being paid for their time, it is only fair that the full hour be given - otherwise a smaller fee should be requested by the masseur in those specific cases.  Everyone has their good days and their bad days, but if the massage is shorter than agreed to, I don't think the full fee should be expected.

5.  It is also the client's responsibility to indicate whether or not the massage is meeting their expectations during the massage.  If a masseur is only concentrating on one area, or using only one method of massage, the client should let the masseur know that other areas need attention too.  I have only seen an RMT a few times, and only when I've had an injury.  I've never had a problem indicating that the massage is either too light or too deep, or if the area being massaged needs to be expanded.  In every case the RMT has appreciated that info, and has modified their pressure or mode of massage to improve the experience.  Only the client knows how the massage is feeling, so the client needs to let the masseur know if the massage is meeting expectations.  Masseurs are not mind-readers.

6.  I agree with those who noted that English is not @cuban_boy's first language, and that makes it very difficult to express nuances clearly.  He's trying to express himself in a language that he is not fluent in, and we all need to appreciate that fact.

Anyway, those are just a few thoughts.  It's good to have a forum where a client such as @Swazcacan share their particular experiences, and where a masseur such as @cuban_boy can share their side of the situation too.  Unfortunately these back-and-forth dialogues can get nasty - especially when others get involved.  Hopefully this post of mine does not contribute to that!

Finally, I just want to wish @cuban_boy and @Swazca the best going forward. :) 

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35 minutes ago, CuriousByNature said:

Anyway, those are just a few thoughts.  It's good to have a forum where a client such as @Swazcacan share their particular experiences, and where a masseur such as @cuban_boy can share their side of the situation too.  Unfortunately these back-and-forth dialogues can get nasty - especially when others get involved.  Hopefully this post of mine does not contribute to that!

Finally, I just want to wish @cuban_boy and @Swazca the best going forward. :) 

Thank you for your input.  You’re absolutely correct.  I stand firm on the fact that I don’t hire masseurs for sex.  I clearly state that in other posts for other providers.  I saw in the other thread Cuban boy posted the same accusation towards another user for blocking him.  Quite the opposite when you hear from the paying customer.  35-mins was not an hour and not even a massage worth $200.  I wanted to post about it on RentMasseur for the benefit of customers not privy to this site.  But others posted here the same issue so I’m not alone.  Cuban boy found the review unnerving and resorted to lie to save face.  Let the customers decide their own opinion.  I just stated my experience which is what this forum is for.  Not to get ripped to shreds and lied about.  

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El 28/6/2024 a las 7:41, SouthOfTheBorder dijo:

Creo que si estás reservando un "masaje" de cualquier tipo frente a servicios completos de acompañante, prepárate para obtener lo que obtienes. Hay demasiado abierto a la interpretación y algunos de los terapeutas son muy hábiles para atraer a la gente y no preocuparse por los clientes habituales. Ahora, si hace promesas específicas que no se cumplen, eso es diferente

la primera bandera roja es el masajista "viajero" - así no es como alguien construye una clientela estable

los últimos años han inundado los EE. UU. con nuevos proveedores ansiosos por ganar dinero. El aumento de la oferta no ha bajado los precios, sino que hay más proveedores con prácticas comerciales cuestionables y un servicio mediocre. Todos justificando sus precios con "inflación". para los clientes: ajuste sus expectativas a esta nueva realidad

las críticas negativas aquí son de juego limpio. Ese es el propósito de este sitio



Friend, I want to make one point clear to you. I am legal in the United States, I have permanent residence, and I have never had a legal problem with the American justice system. This is something I would like you to know about me. I also file taxes because I have another job, and I have never asked for help from the government because I don't want to be a burden on this nation. I love this country of freedom very much, even though you feel that others who do not speak your language do not deserve it.

I have read all your criticisms of other masseuses, and it is evident what you are really looking for. By not pleasing yourself, you act in this way trying to hurt me. I have always been respectful and am with all clients. My positive reviews are not false; many people like my service and leave happy. Above all, I am a humble and respectful person. I do not care if the client is from a different culture, I do not care about your color, or if you are overweight. I have never discriminated against anyone, nor do I plan to do so.

This is a free country, and I am stating what I feel is the truth. You are a racist who only emphasizes that I do not speak English and even suggest that I am illegal in the country and doing something illegal. Are you supposedly doing something illegal? And you? You requested my service expecting something more that is illegal? This is going to be the last message I write to you because I will not waste any more energy. I will tell you something, sorry. It was not my intention for my existence to make you so angry to the point of acting the way you do. Sorry, I just hope never to see each other again so that you don't go through such an unpleasant situation like the one you went through with me.

Many times I don't travel with a table because the investment of going to each city, even if you don't mind, is very expensive. Carrying a table on the airline would increase costs, but I always explain this to the client, and they have the option of not going to avoid unpleasant moments. The oil I use is original massage oil. Can you suggest another one? But nothing, thank God, I have always had a job, and these comments, which are obviously for other intentions, have not hurt me in my work. God bless you.

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2 hours ago, cuban_boy said:

Many times I don't travel with a table because the investment of going to each city, even if you don't mind, is very expensive. Carrying a table on the airline would increase costs, but I always explain this to the client, and they have the option of not going to avoid unpleasant moments. The oil I use is original massage oil. Can you suggest another one? But nothing, thank God, I have always had a job, and these comments, which are obviously for other intentions, have not hurt me in my work. God bless you.

Your assertion of providing high-quality service is entirely contradicted by my experience. The 35 minutes of service you provided were substandard and unprofessional. Your failure to meet basic expectations reflects poorly on your competence and commitment.

Your attempt to divert attention by accusing me of discrimination is utterly unfounded and a transparent attempt to deflect from your poor performance. I have never commented on or judged you based on your legal status, language proficiency, or background. My criticisms are strictly based on the quality of service you provided, which was severely lacking.

The false claim that I expect or demand illegal services is not only offensive but also defamatory. Such accusations are a desperate attempt to smear my character and distract from your failings. My expectations were entirely within the bounds of lawful and professional service standards, which you failed to meet.

Your excuses regarding the absence of necessary equipment, such as a massage table, and the quality of materials used are unconvincing. Professionalism demands that you are prepared and adequately equipped to provide the services you advertise, regardless of logistical challenges. Notably, you have not disputed the fact that your service was mediocre.

I will never use your services again and will recommend that others make their decisions based on your ongoing lies and poor performance. Reflect on your conduct and the quality of service you provide. Defaming clients and fabricating lies will not compensate for your shortcomings.

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3 hours ago, cuban_boy said:

You requested my service expecting something more that is illegal? This is going to be the last message I write to you because I will not waste any more energy. I will tell you something, sorry. It was not my intention for my existence to make you so angry to the point of acting the way you do. Sorry, I just hope never to see each other again so that you don't go through such an unpleasant situation like the one you went through with me

friend - you quoted the wrong person.  I have never contacted you or experienced your “massage” services.  my one comment in this thread was about massage therapists in general.

while you have the right to continue your comments here - it doesn’t make you look good.  It’s the opposite 


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Hace 10 horas, Swazca dijo:

Su afirmación de proporcionar un servicio de alta

Hace 10 horas, Swazca dijo:

Su afirmación de proporcionar un servicio de alta calidad se contradice por completo con mi experiencia. Los 35 minutos de servicio que proporcionó fueron deficientes y poco profesionales. Su incapacidad para cumplir con las expectativas básicas se refleja mal en su competencia y compromiso.

Su intento de desviar la atención acusándome de discriminación es completamente infundado y un intento transparente de desviarse de su bajo rendimiento. Nunca te he comentado ni juzgado en función de tu estatus legal, dominio del idioma o antecedentes. Mis críticas se basan estrictamente en la calidad del servicio que usted proporcionó, que era muy deficiente.

La falsa afirmación de que espero o exijo servicios ilegales no solo es ofensiva, sino también difamatoria. Tales acusaciones son un intento desesperado de manchar mi carácter y distraerme de tus fallos. Mis expectativas estaban completamente dentro de los límites de los estándares de servicio legales y profesionales, que usted no cumplió.

Sus excusas con respecto a la ausencia del equipo necesario, como una mesa de masaje, y la calidad de los materiales utilizados no son convincentes. El profesionalismo exige que esté preparado y equipado adecuadamente para proporcionar los servicios que anuncia, independientemente de los desafíos logísticos. En particular, no ha cuestionado el hecho de que su servicio fuera mediocre.

Nunca volveré a usar sus servicios y recomendaré que otros tomen sus decisiones basándose en sus mentiras continuas y su bajo rendimiento. Reflexiona sobre tu conducta y la calidad del servicio que prestas. Difamar a los clientes y fabricar mentiras no compensará sus deficiencias.

calidad se contradice por completo con mi experiencia. Los 35 minutos de servicio que proporcionó fueron deficientes y poco profesionales. Su incapacidad para cumplir con las expectativas básicas se refleja mal en su competencia y compromiso.

Su intento de desviar la atención acusándome de discriminación es completamente infundado y un intento transparente de desviarse de su bajo rendimiento. Nunca te he comentado ni juzgado en función de tu estatus legal, dominio del idioma o antecedentes. Mis críticas se basan estrictamente en la calidad del servicio que usted proporcionó, que era muy deficiente.

La falsa afirmación de que espero o exijo servicios ilegales no solo es ofensiva, sino también difamatoria. Tales acusaciones son un intento desesperado de manchar mi carácter y distraerme de tus fallos. Mis expectativas estaban completamente dentro de los límites de los estándares de servicio legales y profesionales, que usted no cumplió.

Sus excusas con respecto a la ausencia del equipo necesario, como una mesa de masaje, y la calidad de los materiales utilizados no son convincentes. El profesionalismo exige que esté preparado y equipado adecuadamente para proporcionar los servicios que anuncia, independientemente de los desafíos logísticos. En particular, no ha cuestionado el hecho de que su servicio fuera mediocre.

Nunca volveré a usar sus servicios y recomendaré que otros tomen sus decisiones basándose en sus mentiras continuas y su bajo rendimiento. Reflexiona sobre tu conducta y la calidad del servicio que prestas. Difamar a los clientes y fabricar mentiras no compensará sus deficiencias.

🫶🏻❤️Of course yes, feel free to do what makes you happiest, I already said what I had to say, have a great day and God bless you🫶🏻❤️


Hace 10 horas, Swazca dijo:

Su afirmación de proporcionar un servicio de alta calidad se contradice por completo con mi experiencia. Los 35 minutos de servicio que proporcionó fueron deficientes y poco profesionales. Su incapacidad para cumplir con las expectativas básicas se refleja mal en su competencia y compromiso.

Su intento de desviar la atención acusándome de discriminación es completamente infundado y un intento transparente de desviarse de su bajo rendimiento. Nunca te he comentado ni juzgado en función de tu estatus legal, dominio del idioma o antecedentes. Mis críticas se basan estrictamente en la calidad del servicio que usted proporcionó, que era muy deficiente.

La falsa afirmación de que espero o exijo servicios ilegales no solo es ofensiva, sino también difamatoria. Tales acusaciones son un intento desesperado de manchar mi carácter y distraerme de tus fallos. Mis expectativas estaban completamente dentro de los límites de los estándares de servicio legales y profesionales, que usted no cumplió.

Sus excusas con respecto a la ausencia del equipo necesario, como una mesa de masaje, y la calidad de los materiales utilizados no son convincentes. El profesionalismo exige que esté preparado y equipado adecuadamente para proporcionar los servicios que anuncia, independientemente de los desafíos logísticos. En particular, no ha cuestionado el hecho de que su servicio fuera mediocre.

Nunca volveré a usar sus servicios y recomendaré que otros tomen sus decisiones basándose en sus mentiras continuas y su bajo rendimiento. Reflexiona sobre tu conducta y la calidad del servicio que prestas. Difamar a los clientes y fabricar mentiras no compensará sus deficiencias.


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3 hours ago, cuban_boy said:

Of course yes, feel free to do what makes you happiest, I already said what I had to say, have a great day and God bless you 🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻❤️

Your flippant response only reinforces your lack of professionalism and accountability. Your substandard service and blatant lies won't be forgotten. Others will be made aware of your incompetence by what they read here and decide.  Improve your conduct and professionalism!

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Hace 4 horas, Swazca dijo:

Surespuestafrívola solo refuerza su falta de profesionalismo y responsabilidad. Su servicio deficiente y sus mentiras descaradas no se olvidarán. Otros serán conscientes de su incompetencia por lo que lean aquí y decidan. ¡Mejora tu conducta y profe¡sionalismo!

❤️🫶🏻Of course, say everything you want about me, have a great day 

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I already said what I had to say, yes, you made me think about the table in my descriptive message I will say that when I am away from my residence, I will do the massage in bed because I will not travel with the table, there it is already in the preference of the person who goes or not, but say everything you want, I already said what I had to say, people like you exist and always will exist, and I am more prepared to deal with this type of actions, have a very nice big man day

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This is not me writing... this is AI writing.
I asked AI to analyze the interaction and make suggestions.


Cuban Boy could have handled the criticism better by being more receptive to client feedback and showing more empathy towards their concerns. While his responses were professional and explained his perspective, acknowledging the clients' feelings and offering solutions or improvements could have demonstrated a more customer-centric attitude. A balanced approach that combines professionalism with empathy can often lead to more positive outcomes in handling criticism.

Here are some examples of rephrased responses from Cuban Boy to make them friendlier and more positive:

Original Response

"I charge what I do because my services are worth it. If you don't like it, you can go somewhere else. I can't please everyone."

Suggested Response

"I appreciate your feedback on my pricing. My goal is to provide high-quality services, and I understand it may not fit everyone's budget. I'm always looking for ways to improve and hope to offer something that meets your expectations in the future."

Original Response

"I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I did my best given the time constraints. I can't always accommodate last-minute bookings."

Suggested Response

"Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't what you hoped for. I strive to accommodate all clients, but time constraints can be challenging. I’ll work on better managing these situations and hope to provide a more satisfying service next time."

Original Response

"I don't speak English very well, but I try my best. If you have issues with that, there's not much I can do."

Suggested Response

"I appreciate your understanding as I continue to improve my English. Communication is important, and I'm always working on it to provide the best service possible. Thank you for your patience and support."

Original Response

"My prices are non-negotiable. If you can't afford it, that's not my problem."

Suggested Response

"Thank you for your input on my pricing. I aim to provide value for the cost, and while my prices are set to reflect this, I understand budget concerns. I'm committed to delivering a great experience that justifies the investment."

These rephrased responses aim to acknowledge clients' feelings, show empathy, and offer constructive solutions or improvements.



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1 hour ago, cuban_boy said:

I already said what I had to say, yes, you made me think about the table in my descriptive message I will say that when I am away from my residence, I will do the massage in bed because I will not travel with the table, there it is already in the preference of the person who goes or not, but say everything you want, I already said what I had to say, people like you exist and always will exist, and I am more prepared to deal with this type of actions, have a very nice big man day

How thoughtful of you to finally realize the importance of proper equipment, even if it's too little, too late. Your excuses and condescending attitude are exactly what one would expect from someone so unprofessional. Thank you for showing your true colors; it makes warning others about your incompetence that much easier. Have a "very nice big man day" yourself.

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Hace 7 minutos, Swazca dijo:

Qué considerado de tu parte darte cuenta finalmente de la importancia del equipo adecuado, incluso si es demasiado poco, demasiado tarde. Tus excusas y actitud condescendiente son exactamente lo que uno esperaría de alguien tan poco profesional. Gracias por mostrar tus verdaderos colores; hace que advertir a los demás sobre tu incompetencia sea mucho más fácil. Que tengas un "muy buen día de hombre grande".


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2 minutes ago, cuban_boy said:


This individual has shown a blatant disregard for honesty and professionalism. Despite clear and constructive criticism, they have failed to take any responsibility for their numerous failings. 

From the outset, their service was substandard and unprofessional, with only 35 minutes of inadequate performance. Rather than acknowledging their poor service, they attempted to deflect blame by making baseless accusations of discrimination. These accusations are not only unfounded but also a transparent attempt to distract from their own incompetence.

Furthermore, their excuses about the lack of necessary equipment, such as a massage table, are unconvincing and highlight a lack of preparedness and professionalism. Despite admitting to this oversight, they made no effort to rectify the situation or improve their service standards.

Their defensive and condescending responses to valid criticisms only reinforce their unwillingness to improve. Instead of addressing the issues raised, they resorted to personal attacks and further lies.

In light of their repeated dishonesty and refusal to take any constructive feedback seriously, it is clear that this individual cannot be trusted to provide a reliable and professional service. Buyer beware—this person’s complete disregard for accountability and truthfulness makes them a poor choice for any service.

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Posted (edited)
Hace 1 hora, Swazca dijo:

Este individuo ha mostrado un desprecio flagrante por la honestidad y el profesionalismo. A pesar de las críticas claras y constructivas, no han asumido ninguna responsabilidad por sus numerosos fallos.

Desde el principio, su servicio fue deficiente y poco profesional, con solo 35 minutos de rendimiento inadecuado. En lugar de reconocer su mal servicio, intentaron desviar la culpa haciendo acusaciones infundadas de discriminación. Estas acusaciones no solo son infundadas, sino que también son un intento transparente de distraer de su propia incompetencia.

Además, sus excusas sobre la falta de equipo necesario, como una mesa de masaje, no son convincentes y ponen de relieve la falta de preparación y profesionalismo. A pesar de admitir este descuido, no hicieron ningún esfuerzo para rectificar la situación o mejorar sus estándares de servicio.

Sus respuestas defensivas y condescendientes a las críticas válidas solo refuerzan su falta de voluntad para mejorar. En lugar de abordar los problemas planteados, recurrieron a ataques personales y otras mentiras.

A la luz de su repetida deshonestidad y su negativa a tomar en serio cualquier comentario constructivo, está claro que no se puede confiar en este individuo para proporcionar un servicio confiable y profesional. Cuidado con el comprador: el completo desprecio de esta persona por la responsabilidad y la veracidad los convierte en una mala opción para cualquier servicio.


Lol Dios,  I can feel your hatred towards me, all that hatred you try to hide in beautiful words that you don't even believe. I don't have to apologize because I never did anything to you, and I know the only thing you want to do is hurt me because it's more than obvious. But I don't care, it's not worth it. I just don't plan on ever seeing you again. But seriously, friend, thank God I haven't missed work. Every day I do three or four massages. Do you think your negative comments about me hurt me? Well, I'll tell you yes so that you can be happy. God bless you Papi ."

Edited by cuban_boy
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2 hours ago, cuban_boy said:


Lol Dios,  I can feel your hatred towards me, all that hatred you try to hide in beautiful words that you don't even believe. I don't have to apologize because I never did anything to you, and I know the only thing you want to do is hurt me because it's more than obvious. But I don't care, it's not worth it. I just don't plan on ever seeing you again. But seriously, friend, thank God I haven't missed work. Every day I do three or four massages. Do you think your negative comments about me hurt me? Well, I'll tell you yes so that you can be happy. God bless you Papi ."

It's fascinating how you continue to argue with such fervor. Such a display of multitasking mediocrity is truly impressive. Your unwavering commitment to deflecting blame rather than improving your service is nothing short of commendable in its own twisted way.

Your service is as inadequate as your ability to take criticism. It’s almost charming how you think dismissing feedback will erase the truth of your incompetence.

Enjoy your self-constructed echo chamber. The reality of your ineptitude will outlast your attempts at deflection.

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