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NYC Pride March


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20 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

Please, forgive me. Have sympathy. I did not have the privilege of Superior White Parenting.

Yikes!  My parents are of mixed ethnic backgrounds, so you could say my parents were just average.  Nonetheless, I tend to avoid pride parades.

 My first pride parade was in Toronto 2015, and it happened to be the weekend I vacationed there.  The parade was okay, but it lost support from the spectators and participants when a group of protestors invited to participate in the parade hijacked the parade and forced it to a standstill for nearly an hour.

My second pride experience was when I happened to be in New York City during pride 2018 and was trying to get to the airport but traffic was at a standstill.

Now, I make sure to know when pride is and travel a week earlier.

Edited by Vegas_Millennial
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5 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

The entirety of my comment is that AFTER the parade. All the decent joyful people move uptown to celebrate and we are left with all  the troublemakers / trash.

If you had stayed on the landscape after the parade, your intolerant comments would be more understandable. However, it is not the case.

5 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

am old enough to remember the parade when it was a fun event. We'd go an check out all the cute boys, watch the floats and go to parties.  It's now too big / too political and too full of monsters.  If your "diversity" is about embracing angry, desctructive and lewd behavior, then we are very much different types of people.  Community for me is everyone getting along and respecting each other. That's not what happens here after the parade every year.

You keep mixing it up. You are expressing your disgust for the after-party and the party/protest itself. It looks like you only welcome a parade with cute boys you can enjoy and not too much politics or anything that bothers you. You know, those monsters. Your tolerance is very short-living and short-sighting. 


5 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

I stand by my opinion and I will ask that you stop insinuating that I am some racist because I expect people to behave like human beings.

I am glad you stand by your opinion. I never asked you not to speak your mind. Au contraire, mon amour. I also stand by my opinion. I did not insinuate you are a Racist. I am trying to avoid ad-hominems, although I often fail. But I did not fail this time. I explicitly pointed out that you have often shared Racist tropes. That is my opinion, and I stand by it.

You can try to silence me. I will never try to silence you. Feel free to speak your mind about me or my opinions. I will never report you or ask you to stop.

Edited to add:

By the way, I understand some posters' confusion about my reference to White Parenting. It was a snark not directly related to this thread's topic. So I do apologize for that, for bringing an unrelated topic to this thread. I should have known that you would not understand the reference if you were not an active participant in the deceased Politics Forum. I am sorry for that.

Edited by José Soplanucas
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14 hours ago, Xavitv said:

This made me think of  the “is this place a community?” question. After reading this thread I would answer with a “hell, no”. 

My homophobic uncle would be happy to be among some of the fine gentlemen who frequently post in this forum. 

Edited by marylander1940
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19 minutes ago, augustus said:

Anyone see the group of drags in NYC a few days ago chanting "we're queer, we're here and we're coming for your children"?   Weirdos and mentally Ill people making threats against parents regarding their children.  This is not going to end well.

It was theatre. Satirising homophobic tropes. Trolling. Pure and simple.

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On 6/26/2023 at 12:41 PM, pubic_assistance said:

Sadly all the attractive people seem to head elsewhere after the parade on Christopher Street.

We arrived home at 10:00pm last night and I have to say I've never seen so many ugly people in one place. The Christopher Street area ( West Village ) was populated by hundreds of the most hideous, obese Lesbians you could imagine. (It's as if they relish in making themselves ugly as possible). It's like a nightmare scene in a horror movie. I feel bad for my children that they have to witness this kind of stuff. It's hard to convince them this is a "Pride" march when you witness so much disrespectful, and frankly disgusting behavior on the streets of your neighborhood. ☹️

I guess next year they should only allow hot muscle gay men and slender lesbians walking through the Village.

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2 hours ago, augustus said:

Anyone see the group of drags in NYC a few days ago chanting "we're queer, we're here and we're coming for your children"?   Weirdos and mentally Ill people making threats against parents regarding their children.  This is not going to end well.

It was a joke, they were making fun of stereotypes from the news outlet you follow. Unfortunately some don't get it!

Even in this forum (of all places) some insinuate gay men are groomers....

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3 hours ago, augustus said:

Sounds interesting...NOT.

Definitey not.

100 years of Latin literature calling for Civil disobedience and revolution gets tiresome quickly.

It's always the same result. The revolution "of the people" claims victory and within a year the money people are back in office. They never learn.

The gays are seemingly being lead by the same kind of radicals instead of intellectuals. They mimic the same failed strategies for their social justice movement instead of garnering support from members of legitimate authority and securing their goals. They end up with a lot of placating and slogans and eventual pushback from the people in power.

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10 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

That's the way it was when I attended parades back in the 90's. 😉

Well...yeah. I remember sitting on my stoop back in the 90s with some of the neighborhood gays watching all the hot boys walk by. It used to be a fun event.

Now all the hotties head uptown and the monster lesbians take over the Village along with an array of other angry destructive outcasts.


Lesbian ( lack of ) PRIDE.webp

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Gentlemen, There are several replies in this thread that violate our Guidelines on “No personal attacks” and “staying on topic”. Please, when submitting your message, follow our Community Guidelines. 🙏

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On 6/28/2023 at 1:32 PM, SouthOfTheBorder said:

if you want to have sex with others watching or you watching others - go to a sex club or other appropriate venue: not in a public street for a "parade"

don't get confused that somehow pride opens the door for whatever (sex) you want to do in public spaces just because you just want to do it 

Exactly.  Wearing a preference on the sleeve and making it the end all and do all of existence is a shallow existence. Of course, there's anxiety, sadness and fear.  

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