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What is considered 'other' for a massage ?

Ali Gator

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I've noticed when I read reviews on RM for different massages, some categorize the experience as "other" instead of the three categories the ad has listed : Therapeutic, Sensual or Erotic.  Usually the 'other' is more expensive and longer in time, as well (according to the reviewer). I'm thinking 'other' must mean a more 'escort' experience, but I don't want to jump to that conclusion without checking here first (especially wen the same provider doesn't have an escort ad running on RentMen). It also seems that when a masseur gets a lot of great reviews (say 40) about a third of them are listed as 'other'. 

Can anyone clear this up for me - especially those who have left reviews under 'other' ?  Thanks ! 

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Many masseurs are vague deliberately. They don’t open the door for more than a massage until after they see you naked on the table. It could be, that about a third of clients are appealing enough to the provider to receive “other” 

No substitute for chemistry, is there? 
If you want to guarantee MT and HE (and Other) for you, hire an escort. 

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