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Looking for suggestions…


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I was somewhat struck by the fact you are trying to arrange a three day date in January 2024. Now.

I guess there are people who make their plans far in advance. To each his own. But from the other side, I can understand someone not willing to commit to something so far in advance.

Even when I have arranged to fly someone to me from another country, it has only been in a two month timeframe. Life is too unpredictable to make plans so far out in these kinds of situations. Imo.

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1) The timeframe wasn’t the salient issue here. I was giving background. The topic is SUGGESTIONS…

2) Said boy has booked this far in advance with me before on numerous occasions. Since I fly him in, he’s asked that I book at least three months ahead for his daytime work schedule.

3) I wrote in another thread about booking ahead because of my own work schedule.

Edited by Archangel
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5 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

Well if you want to book with someone else, the timeframe may become an issue. I hire every month multiple times and I never try to book a half year in advance. Many providers simply won't agree to tying up their time when so many variables can happen in the interval. But good luck.

Disagree on booking months in advance. I have a fave who will book months in advance, and keeps to the schedule and the booking. But also needs to check with others if it’s ok. Once confirmed, his word is gold. So people need to chill out and let folks check their schedules. 

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On 8/1/2023 at 11:08 PM, Archangel said:

Sorry if this is the wrong forum…Feel free to relocate it! 

I have a regular who’s spooked me. We were discussing plans for January at the cabin. All normal. I was going to book his flight yesterday but then he said he wanted to wait because he had a fight with his boyfriend and wants to make sure it’s okay before booking. Well, I don’t want to pay the flight and Mr. Boyfriend decides down Mr. Escort isn’t going…I’m torn if I should trust him if he says his BF is good with it that it’s good or if I should trust my anxiety – something that never really works out…

So…Operation Second Option…

Can anyone recommend anyone reasonably priced for a BFE for three nights who can be “dominant” but not get carried away? Like assertive? Also not much older than like 35…Someone who can hold a conversation but isn’t super needy as far as attention. Extra points if he’s twinky or a muscle guy…

Reading comprehension is your friiiiiieeeeeend.

The top was what we call baaaaackground.

The entire red paragraph here could’ve been the whole post in its own right. You don’t require the other part to offer a recommendation. You’re focusing on details that are nice-to-know-but-not-need-to-know. And opinionating and criticizing on that and not addressing the real prompt…

Edited by Archangel
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