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Something a provider has done that made your experience extra nice?

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I got off the subway two stops too early en route to an appointment.

i got to his place 10 minutes late, and he clearly saw that I huffed to his apartment.

He had me sit, gave me a bottle of iced tea to help calm me down, and gave me my very first foot worship session. I had no idea I would love it so much.

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I had arranged to spend an afternoon with a porn star escort well in advance. He didn't cancel but rearranged his travels to literally be in town for the date and fly out the next morning!

Or another who remembered personal stuff i told him several months later and started a conversation around that as pillow talk!

Last one got me a gift that was totally unexpected as he remembered that i liked the item when we were out shopping on a trip

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I saw one provider years ago who remembered all the little things I told him during pillow talk and he would ask me about stuff when I saw him next, it made me feel really good, like he was putting in effort to interact with me personally.  He turned out to be kind of crazy though, so no more visits.

Rod Hagen was one of my first experiences like 10 years ago and he was just so friendly and outgoing, it really put me at ease and let me have a great time. I remember him after all these years. 

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I think some of the best times I've had and the most fun for sure have been when I was really into the rentboy (I almost always am since I'm the one reaching out to him, but it has happened where after meeting I realize it was not a good fit) AND when the rentboy was really into me and everything we were doing. It's a very different experience compared to if the rentboy just finds you acceptable and kind of does the minimum with not a ton of passion or even just genuine interest. I tend to go for rentboys in their mid to late 20s, and I am a bit older, so that probably plays a role. Most 24-29 year olds would be willing (for money) to go with a guy in okay shape approaching his late 30s, but only a certain fraction actually really want or enjoy that.

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