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Here’s the sneaky way around the oil check move previously posted - the “reverse cradle” or “back cradle.”


1. The top wrestler begins from a position behind the opponent.

2. One hand is used to reach around and grab under the opponent's buttocks and the far leg.

3. The other hand reaches over and around the opponent's head or neck.

4. By pulling the opponent's head and leg together, the wrestler can control them and potentially pin them.

The back cradle is a control and pinning move, typically used to maintain dominance over the opponent and work towards a pin. You’re not sticking your finger(s) in your opponent’s asshole like the oil check, but with this, you’re essentially grabbing his nuts and using the base of your hand to spread the ass apart. Sometimes that’s enough to buckle his knees and go for the pin. Sometimes not, in which case you have carry the cradle home. 



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This is a nice move 😜 — the “near-side cradle.”


1. The top wrestler uses one arm to reach around the opponent's head and neck from the side.

2. The other arm reaches under the opponent's near leg (the leg closest to the wrestler) and lifts it.

3. The wrestler then pulls the opponent's head and leg together, cradling them.

4. The wrestler can use their head and body to control the opponent and secure them in this position.

This move can lead to a pin or near fall if executed successfully.

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