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Getting the latest Covid vaccination


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On 9/1/2024 at 7:02 PM, pubic_assistance said:

Correct. Influenza doesn't do that.

Unfortunately there are no drugs that PREVENT you from catching Covid. Only a vaccination that helps boost your own immune system's response time to help fight the disease once you catch it. You also are not provided a guarantee against "Long-Covid". Just a 50-50 chance you may still end up with Long-Covid after being vaccinated. Additionally even if you've been vaccinated you can still SPREAD Covid.

Essentially Covid is going to continue to take-out a lot of people with underlying conditions. Same as influenza does every year. 

I haven’t seen stats that indicate the chances of getting long COVID are 50/50. More like 10 percent is what I recollect. 

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3 hours ago, Luv2play said:

I haven’t seen stats that indicate the chances of getting long COVID are 50/50. More like 10 percent is what I recollect. 

"Overall, 16% reported ongoing symptoms a year later, and 3.6% reported moderate-to-severe impairment in their daily activities. ...similar to the 3.4% with ongoing impairments after influenza." link

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I also haven't seen a stat that there has been a 50% chance (!) of developing Long Covid with earlier or later variants. "At the pandemic’s onset, approximately 10% of people who suffered COVID-19 infections went on to develop Long COVID. Now, the risk of getting Long COVID has dropped to about 3.5% among vaccinated people (primary series)." article (study

Edited by Lotus-eater
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1 hour ago, Luv2play said:

I expect you will want to retract your statement. 

No need.

What I said is that your recollection is off. What I meant is your recollection vs. what I said. 

I didn't say 50% of people are getting Long Covid.

I said your chances of being infected in spite of being vaccinated are about 50/50 and I am pairing that with the opinion that the latest version of Covid 2024 is weaker but causing more Long Covid. Of course this isn't mathematical at all..since I don't know how much more likely this version causes Long Covid. Obviously it's not 100% so I was being obtuse.

That statistic is hypothesized early in the growth of recent infections so they may change their numbers as the months go by.  

Overall I'm saying that too many people think getting vaccinated is going to keep them safe when it's really just a hedge, not a cure. 

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I have a health professionak friend who, in his time post-vaccination but still testing daily, had a single positive test bracketed by negative tests. He was asymptomatic but did note that his fitbit showed his heartrate that day was several beats higher than normal. Had he not been testing he'd never have thought he had it. There are probably quite a few people in that boat.

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I got the new Covid vaccine earlier in the week. They asked me if I wanted the flu shot as well and I declined. I’ve convinced myself that flu shot effectiveness only lasts 4-6 months. If true, it seems best to me to get the flu shot in late October or early November to have the best chance of avoiding  severe flu infection during the deepest parts of the winter (December-February)

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The new COVID vax is not available yet in Canada. A bit of a bummer as my last booster was 9 months ago. Also the flu vax is not yet available. 

Of course these vaccines do not prevent one from getting sick but hopefully lessen the severity if infected. Last fall I finally got my two shingles vax which I had put off for years. Two weeks after my second shot I got shingles on my left lower leg. But it wasn’t very severe or extensive. So there’s that. 

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My pharmacy had an Rx ready and while there told me I could get the latest COVID vaccine and the RSV vaccine.

There doesn't appear to be a separate thread for RSV vaccine so will mention it here.

I  had some of the common RSV vaccine reactions according to what is found on the appropriate Websites



pain and redness around the injection 


I have never had side effects from the COVID vaccine so I attribute my situation to the RSV.

However that is merely a logical guess.


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1 hour ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

Socialized medicine...  lol.
You can keep it!



It has more to do with having a separate health agency which conducts its own testing of all new vaccine’s and drugs generally before they are released to the public. I believe this goes back to the thalidomide experience when inadequate testing was done with horrendous results. 

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3 hours ago, Luv2play said:

It has more to do with having a separate health agency which conducts its own testing of all new vaccine’s and drugs generally before they are released to the public. I believe this goes back to the thalidomide experience when inadequate testing was done with horrendous results. 

I agree it's more likely regulatory approval, not the delivery structure.

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On 8/29/2024 at 8:36 PM, Charlie said:

Actually, I socialize much more with the straight neighbor couple from whom I learned that one of the gay couples has COVID (I don't socialize with them at all, and I haven't seen the other gay couple who admit to having COVID in more than a month). I also wasn't implying that gay men are more susceptible to COVID than straight people, just that it seemed surprising that the only neighbors on the block that are known to have COVID right now all happen to be gay men. During the pandemic, the only neighbors I knew who had COVID were all straight.

Is it possible that gay men in PS are dining together indoors more often or in larger groups than straight people?

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On 8/30/2024 at 2:29 PM, Luv2play said:

I never gave up sessions with escorts throughout the pandemic. I did hire for weekends mostly and they travelled to me, who lives in a small town. They came from big cities. I vetted for ones who got vaccinated when it was available.
Obviously I cut back on frequency but never abstained longer than 2 months. I never came down with anything even a cold. I did wear masks when in public places like shopping and avoided bars and restaurants except for a few high end restaurants in Montreal and Toronto and hotels there. The 5 star hotels were half empty and cheap. 
I took all the vaccines when available. Combo of Pfizer and Moderna: Maybe I did acquire a asymptomatic infection but it didn’t affect me one iota. 
I count myself as lucky nevertheless and count my blessings. 

Great hotels were ridiculously cheap here as well.  Every couple weeks my husband and I took a couple days off in the middle of the week to cool our jets at one 4-star resort or another in the wine country. The weather was nice so lots of nice restaurants had outdoor seating.

Edited by Rudynate
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I got a blast yesterday.  I decided to pay my physician a visit for a general onceover.  Everything was going great until I told him I had gotten the latest COVID shot along with my annual flu shot.  He hit the ceiling!  He said no more COVID shots, that a lot of information has been suppressed and that the COVID shots were/are responsible for heart ailments in the young and cancer in the elderly.  He went on to say that should I get COVID symptoms I was to call him and we would take it from there (not very comforting).  I wanted to charge him with why he didn't send an e-mail blast or make some phone calls advising his patients of his concerns, but I refrained, he has been my primary care physician for 30+ years and all of his diagnoses and treatments have been right-on-the-money. 

On the upside, he approved of my getting the flu shot.  🙄

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Sorry you had such startling advice from a long-trusted provider.  I do hope if you even think of following his directive, you will as they say "do your research" or get a second opinion.  He's clearly at odds with the vast majority of the medical/research establishments, and the "information being suppressed" trope puts him into tin-hat territory.  I'm not a professional, but it's well known that like all vaxes, COVID can cause very rare reactions (although a cancer connection is new to me, and I can't readily find anything that even discusses that online, again tin-hat territory).  Hundreds of millions of doses have been administered safely.  What we absolutely do know is how devastating severe COVID can be, and the implications of "long-COVID" are still not well understood.

I saw my own PCP this week, who told me consensus is that the current COVID vax is only really good for about 6 months, which is why it's now recommended bi-annually for 65+, who are most at risk.  That somewhat explains the bump in new cases this summer, as most folks had their last shot a year ago.  Booked mine for next Monday.

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On 9/11/2024 at 7:31 AM, sync said:

I got a blast yesterday.  I decided to pay my physician a visit for a general onceover.  Everything was going great until I told him I had gotten the latest COVID shot along with my annual flu shot.  He hit the ceiling!  He said no more COVID shots, that a lot of information has been suppressed and that the COVID shots were/are responsible for heart ailments in the young and cancer in the elderly.  He went on to say that should I get COVID symptoms I was to call him and we would take it from there (not very comforting).  I wanted to charge him with why he didn't send an e-mail blast or make some phone calls advising his patients of his concerns, but I refrained, he has been my primary care physician for 30+ years and all of his diagnoses and treatments have been right-on-the-money. 

On the upside, he approved of my getting the flu shot.  🙄

I appreciate your concerns…read your post night before my flu/covid shots. Went ahead with them this morning…traveling to Asia soon wanted to be vaccinated. Not sure your doctor’s info jibes with current thinking…but worth researching some more.

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My PCP's office sent an email reminding me to get my shots as did the Safeway pharmacy. Got the flu shot a couple weeks ago and am getting my COVID and RSV shots this afternoon. 

My cousin didn't get any vaccines until she was hospitalized for three weeks in a coma when she had COVID. She is now a proponent of vaccines.

I'm seeing my PCP Saturday for my PrEP follow-up and will ask what she thinks about the "don't get the shot" stance. 

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