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My funniest health care moment.

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I went to "The Center" in Las Vegas, which is a place that offers free AIDS testing, and testing for other sexually transmitted diseases for a fee. I was nervous, never having been tested for these things intentionally. The entire staff was great, from the door greeter / registration person all the way to the person providing me the results, and everyone in-between. I wish that their hours were longer (but don't many of us wish things on us were longer, too). 

When I was taken back to a private room to discuss with the doctor my recent sexual history, I was taken aback looking at the wall, as there was a poster of this dashing, handsome man with a smile on his face, promoting the facility I was in. When I was asked about sexual partners, I pointed at the wall, and said, "Well, I've had sex with that guy right there." 

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This doesn't really qualify, probably, but what the hell...  One day when I was 16 or 17ish I was on the subway heading into Manhattan to go to a gay porn theater and I looked up at the ads along the top of the subway car.  There was one for Preparation H with a picture of one of my Junior High math teachers.  With her real name.  

And after posting this I was curious, so I googled her and found her wedding announcement from the NY Times in 1972!  The internet is a beautiful thing!


Rosalyn Bailey Wed To Franklyn Snitow

May 28, 1972

CEDARHURST, L. I., May 27 — Miss Rosalyn Bailey, daughter of Mrs. Irving Bailey of Forest Hills, Queens, and the late Mr. Bailey***, was married here this evening to Franklyn H. Snitow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snitow of Bayside, Queens. Rabbi William A. Orentlicher performed the ceremony at the Sephardic Temple.

The bride, a graduate of Queens College, has a master's degree in education from Boston University. She teaches in the New York City elementary school system. Her mother is with the Israel National Discount Bank and her father was in the wholesale meat business.

The bridegroom, an Assistant District Attorney for New York County, is assigned to the Rackets Bureau. He has degrees from the American University in Washington and the New York Law School. His father is an insurance broker.

***There was a very good episode of DESIGNING WOMEN called Mr. Bailey, in which a client of theirs dies in the middle of a job and leaves her fortune to her cat, Mr. Bailey.  I don't think he was Mrs. Snitow's father.



Edited by samhexum
because he's bored as hell
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