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411 on BoySlavic


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Yeah, I’m sure that’s it 🙄.  It’s very telling to me that this thread was dormant for months until someone wrote they had a negative experience with this guy. Much like RentMen, the escorts know how much a negative review affects their business, so they control it as much as possible.  Like I said, they took down my 1 star review of BoySlavic or Platin Kris or whatever name he chooses next when his scam catches up to him again and he pisses off enough people, or the wrong person and he skips the country (which he actually told me was his plan btw). I have no doubt he is reading this and soliciting people to do damage control.  I’m glad this site exists as it is certainly more telling than RM, which as a policy “reviews” 1 star reviews indefinitely while they keep them off an escorts profile. Why do you think he changed it in the first place—bad reviews! A one off I could understand, but this guy clearly has a pattern and is quite slick at his scam. I certainly fell for it. But I guarantee you, all the positive posts on him are solicited. The only reason I posted on here are to save other suckers from making the same mistake. If you need referrals for hot twink escorts that work in or travel to NYC, happy to provide many that do an excellent job and are fantastic company worth way more than this pretty schiester.

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I can tell you all I met him already and was happy and I highly recommend him to others and had with him so good experience so still highly recommend him as he is beautiful playful And you can have good conversation with him 

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On 7/23/2024 at 6:31 PM, DavidNY said:

If you say so…I actually joined to ask about another guy but saw that he was being discussed as he’s in NYC working. Also looks like other posts were deleted and they take down low reviews on RM so those are worthless. If you wanna get him again, go for it. I’m sure many more guys will waste their money on him.

Reviews on rentmen are verified by support and if there is a problem escorts can open a case to verify them. Probably review was fake thats why RM delete them. Difference about „Company of men forum” and RM is that on RM administration is interesting what is happening. Then website could be most truthfully, they verify cases. Here everyone can write what is possible to imagine and no one cares. You can make 10 accounts and write whatever you want. If anything from those things was true it would be on RM page. This page is made mostly  for rummors.

Edited by lar1010
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On 7/27/2024 at 5:34 PM, lar1010 said:

Reviews on rentmen are verified by support and if there is a problem escorts can open a case to verify them. Probably review was fake thats why RM delete them. Difference about „Company of men forum” and RM is that on RM administration is interesting what is happening. Then website could be most truthfully, they verify cases. Here everyone can write what is possible to imagine and no one cares. You can make 10 accounts and write whatever you want. If anything from those things was true it would be on RM page. This page is made mostly  for rummors.

The one star reviews are only allowed if the Scott acknowledges the meeting or you can prove a meeting based solely on the direct messaging chat on the app. That’s why they try to get you off the platform as soon as possible.  All this takes time, of course, and even if you succeed, they can just start a new profile or skip the country, both of which is part of this kid’s scam/MO. I also suspect they solicit positive reviews on both platforms, even paying for them in some cases.  I think this guy knows exactly what he’s doing and how to play the system.

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You mentioned eight times that he scammed you, how exactly? Because all your comments look like you had many unfulfilled dreams in your head. Probably he didn't text you back after the meeting.

 @Jonathan said, " MAYBE, we are both just gorgeous handsome men that providers can't resist." It is clear that you are not one of them. Learn to live with it. 

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