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I’m really trying to give this show a fair shot, because I love all of the female actors in it. 3eps in and I may bail if the writing hasn’t improved in 4…

Period-wise, it’s frustrating to watch if you were actually an observer in 1969…

Anybody loving it? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m on episode 5. It’s a slow burn for sure. It has its moments, but loses its focus at times. The biggest waste of talent so far is Carol Burnett - this is a woman who’s won 6 Emmys, but has been relegated for the most part to the confines of a bed with her mouth open and unable to speak.

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  • 2 months later...

Kristin Wiig doesn’t have the ability to pull off a lead in a series. She’s very talented and funny, but an actress she isn’t. 
There’s lots of wasted talent in a very thin story. Maybe it’s supposed to be camp? It is very stylish, but it’s far from engaging. 
Stay in your lane, Ms. Wiig. We need big funny movies, not vanity projects that use CGI to enhance everyone’s dusty, saggy, jawlines. 

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