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Big city, Small city…And why it doesn’t always make a difference:

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Picking up from a previous discussion which had a few “micro topics”, but went too far off topic with personal opinions and added no value to the discussion (let’s try not to do that again). 

I know a few people seem to hinge an escort’s success on how big their…city is. But in my experience, being in a major metropolis is no guarantee that someone will find instant success or improvement to business. In my experience, here’s the reasons why:

Bigger city: more advertisers. Which means more choices for clients, more chances the clients may have a regular escort, and not to mention: the greater chance of guys using free methods (bars, bathhouses, hookup apps, network connections). It may also take longer for a client to notice an ad among the sea of others

Higher expenses: Everything from hotels, to toll roads, and gas spent waiting in traffic or commuting clear across town (a common theme in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, Florida, DFW/Houston, Washington DC, Phoenix which are very spread out metropolises and clients could be anywhere), and even gas prices. Places like Chicago and Los Angeles often run higher than the surrounding small towns.

More risk: Bigger cities are also more prone to issues like drug use amongst the gay scene/clients, and even from everyday civilians. I always feel I need to “watch my back” more in big cities. And if you don’t have a car, walking around carrying cash can be an issue. Even if you do drive, I’ve had people come up and grab my door handle once in awhile. Usually thinking either I’m an Uber or, maybe something ill.

Higher police/security presence: this can include in hotels, on the streets/highways, or possibly browsing thru ads. There’s not always “they have better stuff to do”. Some hotels in big cities may even have decoy cop cars parked at hotels, which may scare off a client.

So that’s my take on the big cities, and why I don’t often frequent them. I still go to cities, but a big metropolis, I may only visit 2-3 times a year. However, small cities: the drawbacks can often include:

*limited client pool,

*less gay acceptance,

*the commute to get there can add up. 

hotels often sell out easier due to college events/conferences, etc. You may also find it more expensive in terms of choices: Upscale hotel in smaller cities can cost a lot more, than in a big city with lots of real estate (Big cities with great deals on upscale hotels include Orlando, Dallas, Las Vegas, occasionally Phoenix certain times of year).

This is not implying big cities can’t be successful, or there’s not money to be made. However, it may take longer to see the success happen. I personally don’t have the luxury to wait around in a city, and spend $500 upfront on travel and accommodations and hope to make it all back + a profit. Any time I go to a big city, I have to be sure I have at least 1 client to “kick off” the trip. Usually that’s enough to break even, if nothing else works out.

However, being physically present in a big city can make one more accessible to take same day/last minute appointments that come up. Which I find sometimes, just isn’t possible to do if you’re not actually there yet.

For me, it’s all about risk management/assessment. I don’t like to take risks unduly when it comes to travel. Even relocating to a big city can have similar caveats. I used to live in Orlando for 2 years, and my God: It would get slow like you wouldn’t believe. And the level of competition was epic a times. When one guy leaves, another 5 arrive. It was a shark tank. And at that time, I didn’t really take deposits much unless I had to get a hotel. But I was also mainly offering outcalls anyway. Eventually, I ended up stop working in Orlando, and would travel to smaller cities 2-3 hours away, or one of the coasts. Orlando would be great some days, dead the others. But the saving Grace was a high convention/tourist industry and a relatively high gay population. 

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Before commenting on your post, I decided to go through your links, to get a better idea of how you might present to a potential client. 

Here are my observations:

Your RMen ad has been up since 2013. Tons of positive reviews, but the last one being Nov 2013. I know it’s probably because you promote your personal website, and likely have people reach out through there, but your premium clients aren’t keeping up with the reviews. It’s something I always look at when searching a provider, and question why someone suddenly stopped receiving them.

The most apparent thing in both your website and RM ads is that the money comes first, and is the most important thing for you. As a provider, I feel like you are having all future clients pay for the consequences for bad experiences a few previous clients might have left. Being in this since at least 2023, I’d imagine some bad experiences are par for the course. No business has a 100% success rate and a 0% loss rate. 

Your website is rather cold. Even to have a potential client reach out and see if you’re a good fit is gonna cost him $20. 

Tour profile basically reads as: “pay me for every minute I’m working for you, or move on”. 

My own lived experiences:

I live in Montreal, it’s the second biggest city in Canada. Much smaller compared to American big cities, but I think my experiences hold true here. I’ve only been a provider for a year. I don’t have the ripped body and six pack, but I carry myself well, and have an ability to connect with people, identify their needs, and provide what they are looking for. Because I only sign on for clients who I am confident I am able to help, I get to really enjoy my job, and that results in my clients really enjoying their time with me (not bragging or anything but just speaking to my strength)  

In Montreal, I work a pretty consistent and stable number of hours from one week to the next, and each week it’s roughly 50% new clients and 50% returning (I’m a big nerd when it comes to data so I have stats and dashboard on everything). 

I also visit Ottawa, a much smaller city, about once a month. My first time there, I only had three clients. But I connected with many more who weren’t available the weekend I was there. The following month, I reached out to many of them to let them know I was going back, and had my busiest weekend to date. 

What seems to be happening is that I will have a higher % of returning clients in Ottawa. As it’s a smaller city, the clients I’ve connected with there will want to see me when I’m in town. I also reach out to them and don’t wait for them to message me. 

Back home in Montreal, it continues to be 50/50 new and returning. 

I’m going to Atlanta this weekend, and it will be the biggest city I’ve ever worked in. Part of me is intimidated by the number of beautiful providers there (and what they are packing!). The other part of me knows that the client that connects with me is going to leave with a huge smile on his face, have their needs met, and not feel like I was just doing this for the money. I don’t know how many clients I’ll see. The purpose of my trip isn’t work, but I do have a “nice to have” target I’d like to hit, which would help pay down my flight/hotel costs. 

Outside of my work, I also make sure to create lots of downtime for my hobbies, friends, family, etc. A year in, I saw that it was getting hard to not go after every dollar at first. Then I asked myself what my goals were. Now, I have a target yearly income I’d like to make. Every week/month, I get to see if I’m on track. I base my targets on 48 weeks vs 52 so that I have a month off during the year, which also acts as a buffer when weeks are quieter. Having an actual goal makes things much easier to accept. I don’t get thrown off by a quiet week because things are still moving forward. Or, if I see that I’m having a longer quiet stretch, I look at my options. 

This profession has turned me into a branding, marketing, operations, sales, accounting, and customer satisfaction expert 😂. I don’t always wait for clients to come to me, and I don’t push the credit card terminal in their face when they say hello. We get enough of that with the crazy tipping culture everywhere else. 

Lastly, the definition or busy vs quiet week can also be subjective. Maybe a quiet week for you is a really busy week for me. That’s where my goals and targets come in. It gives me perspective on how I’m doing, rather than constantly worry about when the next dollar is gonna come in. 

I hope some of this helps. Would love to hear your thoughts and if you have anything else to share! 


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Posted (edited)

Thanks, however I should mention: Not sure where you get that my last review was in 2013? My last review on RentMen was end of 2023. However I have at-least a couple more recent ones on RentMasseur from this year. You might be referring to the reviews on this site: However this isn’t my most popular Avenue for being reviewed.

As for as the website stuff goes, again I feel that’s a separate micro-topic that’s going to be a bit different than this thread is focused on, which is the difference between big and large markets. 

I’ve had my website for almost a couple years I think. It wasn’t meant to be a state of the art platform. I spent a fair amount of time on it, however I didn’t go all out website designer on it. I just wanted an auxiliary platform that goes over pricing and expectations…more than what RentMen and RentMasseur can convey. If anything, it’s more meant to be a “detailed menu”. However, I try to update regularly and assess my tone where necessary. I know there’s a lot of “money talk” in there, however: keep in mind that I’m coming from 2 websites that allows no money talk at all, and RentMasseur only allows 2 rates: in and outcall.

That said, my site has brought me plenty of spare coins, and many of my clients like it. Sorry if you don’t feel the same but, it’s something that I feel is beneficial for me: as I often travel multiple cities, and I simply can’t explain to every caller and texter, what’s my rates (as that’s generally the question they always want to know). 

That out the way: I know you’re based in Montreal. Being a Canadian city, I can only imagine things work a bit differently. I have actually posted up there and got a few hits, but making a trip up there hasn’t come into fruition. However there’s a few America cities across the River that could “simulate” a Canadian trip: where Canadians can visit me instead lol. 

I know you said you’re going to Atlanta, that’s one city I don’t find to be a hitmaker for me. I went there to work for the first time back in maybe 2008, booked 3 days of hotels in midtown Atlanta in advance, and didn’t even know what deposits were at that time: not a single person showed up. I felt like a fool. However, I’ve since been thru there a few times over the years: but I only do work there if I have someone booked ahead But for you, it may be different.

I know this makes some out there uncomfortable, but race and level of options plays a part in some things. Like you said, there’s no shortage of providers (and gay, black men in general) in Atlanta. The success may be varied or may take longer to see than others. White and Latin guys there, I feel tend to be in a league of their own, but there’s so many options for Black ethnic gays: most are like kids in a Candy store. To get even 1 client in Atlanta as a Black provider, seems nothing short of a miracle. But hey, I’ve gone there and made coins before. Will you catch me planning trips there just for escorting? Hell no lol. Only when I’m there for other stuff, and clients are supplementary.

Sometimes it’s just acknowledging that things may be different for others thru no fault of their own: but it doesn’t mean they aren’t good, just they have to find their niche. And the problem I find: men…whether in the industry or not, seem to think the key to sex worker success, is moving to a big city. It’s not. It’s a common myth that’s been rehearsed over and over, and it’s unfounded. 

And when I say “big city”, that doesn’t always mean New York and Los Angeles. Those are more like megapolis. But any city that is going thru a “boom” period, can be too big. Nashville is an example of that. When I first used to go there, circa 2014-2016, there was hardly any guys advertising. I would make bank. Now, it’s so flooded with guys, most trips I barely get more than a client or 2. I was oddly busy earlier this year there in January around new years, but then I went back about a month or 2 later and nobody except for 1 client from L.A., booked me. 

Where I live at, it’s a “big city” but a small gay community. That’s the other thing.

Some cities are and function like a big city, but are actually “small” in terms of gay/client pool because it’s either the same few clients over and over, or the gay scene is concentrated in just one area of the city and hasn’t expanded. Or it’s growing, but only in the context of straight families, straight White techies, or transplants from neighboring small towns (places like Denver, Orlando, Raleigh,NC, San Antonio, Tex, Reno, Kansas City/St. Louis, Columbus/Cincinnati are such examples). However, it can still be big enough to the point where it’s not as busy as I like due to a surge of escorts flooding the area for no apparent reason.

I woulda never thought in a million years Denver, Nashville, or Kansas City would become escort hot spots: Years ago, I used to have to basically live in secrecy when I lived there. Even now, if and on the rare occasion I tell guys in the scene, they start acting weird and eventually disappear.

I have had to trade even those medium cities for even smaller cities a few hours away, to get as busy as I want to be.  

I’ve even heard some refer to Atlanta as being “small”, not that it’s small as a city: but in certain communities (say like the entertainment/music/the gay community), it’s been referred to as such. Meaning: you’re likely to run into the same people in the same circles. Or you sleep with someone, and turns out that person is or has slept with everyone you know lol.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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4 hours ago, Trick said:

Big city, small city, it won’t make a difference if you carry your baggage with you wherever you go.  I say this without any judgment or sarcasm, if you want things to change, you need to start  with the man in the mirror.

If you don’t have anything uplifting or encouraging to add, don’t say it all. You’re not obligated to contribute.

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5 hours ago, Enzo Falcone said:

Before commenting on your post, I decided to go through your links, to get a better idea of how you might present to a potential client. 

Here are my observations:

Your RMen ad has been up since 2013. Tons of positive reviews, but the last one being Nov 2013. I know it’s probably because you promote your personal website, and likely have people reach out through there, but your premium clients aren’t keeping up with the reviews. It’s something I always look at when searching a provider, and question why someone suddenly stopped receiving them.

Are we looking at the same profile? I see the most recent review was left in Nov 2023. With reviews dating back to Sept 2014.

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11 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

I know a few people seem to hinge an escort’s success on how big their…city is. But in my experience, being in a major metropolis is no guarantee that someone will find instant success or improvement to business.

If a provider changing locations isn't yielding more success, as was mentioned in another (now deleted) discussion, perhaps it's the provider's business model that is flawed.

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28 minutes ago, Enzo Falcone said:

Apologies I wrote the year out as 2013 instead of 2023. Just submitted a request to correct that! 

You can correct it yourself by tapping the three dots next to your name on the comment you made.  You’ll see the option to “Edit,” then “Save.”

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3 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Thanks, however I should mention: Not sure where you get that my last review was in 2013? My last review on RentMen was end of 2023. However I have at-least a couple more recent ones on RentMasseur from this year. You might be referring to the reviews on this site: However this isn’t my most popular Avenue for being reviewed.

As for as the website stuff goes, again I feel that’s a separate micro-topic that’s going to be a bit different than this thread is focused on, which is the difference between big and large markets. 

I’ve had my website for almost a couple years I think. It wasn’t meant to be a state of the art platform. I spent a fair amount of time on it, however I didn’t go all out website designer on it. I just wanted an auxiliary platform that goes over pricing and expectations…more than what RentMen and RentMasseur can convey. If anything, it’s more meant to be a “detailed menu”. However, I try to update regularly and assess my tone where necessary. I know there’s a lot of “money talk” in there, however: keep in mind that I’m coming from 2 websites that allows no money talk at all, and RentMasseur only allows 2 rates: in and outcall.

That said, my site has brought me plenty of spare coins, and many of my clients like it. Sorry if you don’t feel the same but, it’s something that I feel is beneficial for me: as I often travel multiple cities, and I simply can’t explain to every caller and texter, what’s my rates (as that’s generally the question they always want to know). 

That out the way: I know you’re based in Montreal. Being a Canadian city, I can only imagine things work a bit differently. I have actually posted up there and got a few hits, but making a trip up there hasn’t come into fruition. However there’s a few America cities across the River that could “simulate” a Canadian trip: where Canadians can visit me instead lol. 

I know you said you’re going to Atlanta, that’s one city I don’t find to be a hitmaker for me. I went there to work for the first time back in maybe 2008, booked 3 days of hotels in midtown Atlanta in advance, and didn’t even know what deposits were at that time: not a single person showed up. I felt like a fool. However, I’ve since been thru there a few times over the years: but I only do work there if I have someone booked ahead But for you, it may be different.

I know this makes some out there uncomfortable, but race and level of options plays a part in some things. Like you said, there’s no shortage of providers (and gay, black men in general) in Atlanta. The success may be varied or may take longer to see than others. White and Latin guys there, I feel tend to be in a league of their own, but there’s so many options for Black ethnic gays: most are like kids in a Candy store. To get even 1 client in Atlanta as a Black provider, seems nothing short of a miracle. But hey, I’ve gone there and made coins before. Will you catch me planning trips there just for escorting? Hell no lol. Only when I’m there for other stuff, and clients are supplementary.

Sometimes it’s just acknowledging that things may be different for others thru no fault of their own: but it doesn’t mean they aren’t good, just they have to find their niche. And the problem I find: men…whether in the industry or not, seem to think the key to sex worker success, is moving to a big city. It’s not. It’s a common myth that’s been rehearsed over and over, and it’s unfounded. 

And when I say “big city”, that doesn’t always mean New York and Los Angeles. Those are more like megapolis. But any city that is going thru a “boom” period, can be too big. Nashville is an example of that. When I first used to go there, circa 2014-2016, there was hardly any guys advertising. I would make bank. Now, it’s so flooded with guys, most trips I barely get more than a client or 2. I was oddly busy earlier this year there in January around new years, but then I went back about a month or 2 later and nobody except for 1 client from L.A., booked me. 

Where I live at, it’s a “big city” but a small gay community. That’s the other thing.

Some cities are and function like a big city, but are actually “small” in terms of gay/client pool because it’s either the same few clients over and over, or the gay scene is concentrated in just one area of the city and hasn’t expanded. Or it’s growing, but only in the context of straight families, straight White techies, or transplants from neighboring small towns (places like Denver, Orlando, Raleigh,NC, San Antonio, Tex, Reno, Kansas City/St. Louis, Columbus/Cincinnati are such examples). However, it can still be big enough to the point where it’s not as busy as I like due to a surge of escorts flooding the area for no apparent reason.

I woulda never thought in a million years Denver, Nashville, or Kansas City would become escort hot spots: Years ago, I used to have to basically live in secrecy when I lived there. Even now, if and on the rare occasion I tell guys in the scene, they start acting weird and eventually disappear.

I have had to trade even those medium cities for even smaller cities a few hours away, to get as busy as I want to be.  

I’ve even heard some refer to Atlanta as being “small”, not that it’s small as a city: but in certain communities (say like the entertainment/music/the gay community), it’s been referred to as such. Meaning: you’re likely to run into the same people in the same circles. Or you sleep with someone, and turns out that person is or has slept with everyone you know lol.

Your website reads as follows to someone who lands on your page:

”Hi. Want to connect with me? $20. Where did you see my ads? Give me details. What are you looking for? Choose between 4 options. Oh you want details on those options? I need a deposit. Here are all my fees and extra fees. You want to see pics of me? Pay me.”

On your RentMen ad, you refer clients to your website in the first line. You have tons of pics on your ad but you’ve directed the client away and onto your site, where you are wanting to exact as much money as you can just so they can even ask a question about what your services are. 

You touched on race being an important barrier to meeting clients. As a white guy, I won’t pretend to know what that’s like. I imagine you’re right. I will say though that if you want to bring race into your discussion about big city vs small city, then business models are fair game too, and my discussion on your presentation and ads are not micro-topics. 

I’m going to be a little blunt and argue that I think your ego is not letting you see things clearly. After so many years in this line of work, you have put yourself on a pedestal. You’re convinced that the issue solely rests on the socio-economic realities of big vs small cities, and won’t even acknowledge how some of your current practices might also play a role. 

I’ve been on this website for less than a week. You are by far the name I’ve seen the most here. Both in terms of your posts, as well as being the subject of other people’s posts. Unfortunately, not all of it has been positive. 

Just remember that the more limits you place between you and your clients, the tougher it is to get booked. 

I don’t even know what your brand is. All I know is that you need to be paid up front. It’s all I retain from viewing your ads and website and posts here. You’re so dead set on not getting burned financially that you’ve sacrificed your entire personality in the process. If you’d like to have a chat about this please reach out. 

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3 minutes ago, Trick said:

You can correct it yourself by tapping the three dots next to your name on the comment you made.  You’ll see the option to “Edit,” then “Save.”

I don’t have those options. Even checked with the comment I just posted. I can only use the report function. Is it a setting that hasn’t been made available to me?

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3 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

If you don’t have anything uplifting or encouraging to add, don’t say it all. You’re not obligated to contribute.

Sometimes we don’t need something uplifting or encouraging, sometimes we need a wake up call.  Until you realize and admit that, you will always come here and rant about everything, except yourself.

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4 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

I know this makes some out there uncomfortable, but race and level of options plays a part in some things. Like you said, there’s no shortage of providers (and gay, black men in general) in Atlanta. The success may be varied or may take longer to see than others. White and Latin guys there, I feel tend to be in a league of their own, but there’s so many options for Black ethnic gays: most are like kids in a Candy store.

Good observation.


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And I thought that perhaps Jarrod had taken our previous advice and moved out of the profession he so passionately hates away from the clients he constantly complains about and has even in other posts stalked, doxed and threatened with violence.   BUT NO - here we are with the exact same complaints (no kind of presented as questions) about why his business sucks.    Let the fun begin again!

Edited by BostonDadType
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35 minutes ago, BostonDadType said:

And I thought that perhaps Jarrod had taken our previous advice and moved out of the profession he so passionately hates away from the clients he constantly complains about and has even in other posts stalked, doxed and threatened with violence.   BUT NO - here we are with the exact same complaints (no kind of presented as questions) about why his business sucks.    Let the fun begin again!

You missed the part about him refusing to give back the full deposit to a client after a booked session did not happen. It was not the client’s fault.

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12 hours ago, Enzo Falcone said:

I don’t have those options. Even checked with the comment I just posted. I can only use the report function. Is it a setting that hasn’t been made available to me?

Just a heads up, even when you become an old timer here (more than 30 days LOL), I believe your ability to "edit" a posting is limited to 24 hours after you "submit reply."

Another point of clarification, "locking" a topic is an action reserved for moderators. Typically used for comments swaying too far off topic, religion, politics, personal attacks between members, etc. Everyone can still read it, but no further written comments are allowed.

If you start a topic and you loose the argument, or are embarrassed about things you wrote, etc, as the creator of the topic you have the option to "hide" or "delete" the topic and then no one can even read it anymore.

Edited by APPLE1
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 6/12/2024 at 6:23 AM, 56harrisond said:

If a provider changing locations isn't yielding more success, as was mentioned in another (now deleted) discussion, perhaps it's the provider's business model that is flawed.


I beg to differ:

I’ve been away for the past week, focusing on a tour I had going that included some smaller town areas. I actually had only 4 bookings that although I won’t say what the amount was: it was sufficient to pay all my bills for the month, and go on a couple shopping visits.

I have traveled throughout the country for many years. The whole point of this topic is, many people often assume that if an escort goes to New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc etc…all the places that sex workers often frequent, that it’s the ONLY way to support yourself or earn decent cash. I’m simply saying, it’s not true.

I’m not talking about towns with populations of 5,000 lol. I’m talking places where Fortune 500 companies have put up offices, or has a thriving economy. For example: For a long time: very few sex workers knew about Denver. I was there Pre-2014 before the migration from California and other states really ramped up. But that’s still not the only city in the west. There’s other cities, but first thing people think of is: Las Vegas. But there’s already 500 other guys out there trying to get the same bag.

When I plan cities now, I want to go to places where I can get a reasonable hotel, and the drive for me and clients isn’t much more than 20-30 minutes, and then it’s the last exit lol. But I’m not about to go to Chicago or Los Angeles, spend $200 a night on a hotel and compete with 500 other guys. That’s not something I’m interested in anymore unless, I have other reasons to be there.

I’ve also been open to gay entertainment to move away from the downtowns, and into the more affordable suburbs. For example in St. Louis: the gay bar scene all centers around 1 or 2 inner city neighborhoods. But outside of that, there’s nowhere “gay” to be social. However, a large population of the young “hip” gays live outside of the city in the suburbs. Having gay nightlife centered only in the city, means either living in the city or, taking risks driving intoxicated to get to/from.

Even the nearest bigger city I stay by: I’ve stopped going out much anymore, because all the gay social stuff centers in an area just outside of downtown. But for me to get there, I have to drive an hour, and then go thru a sketchy area of the city, and take rickety roads that are full of potholes and construction. Fuck that. Especially when the likelihood of finding business is not high, in the big city social scenes. Most are looking for free sex, the ones who pay generally aren’t seen or are real low key about it. I only do so when I’m in the vicinity, and met a client online.


On 6/12/2024 at 6:43 AM, Enzo Falcone said:

Your website reads as follows to someone who lands on your page:

”Hi. Want to connect with me? $20. Where did you see my ads? Give me details. What are you looking for? Choose between 4 options. Oh you want details on those options? I need a deposit. Here are all my fees and extra fees. You want to see pics of me? Pay me.”

On your RentMen ad, you refer clients to your website in the first line. You have tons of pics on your ad but you’ve directed the client away and onto your site, where you are wanting to exact as much money as you can just so they can even ask a question about what your services are. 

You touched on race being an important barrier to meeting clients. As a white guy, I won’t pretend to know what that’s like. I imagine you’re right. I will say though that if you want to bring race into your discussion about big city vs small city, then business models are fair game too, and my discussion on your presentation and ads are not micro-topics. 

I’m going to be a little blunt and argue that I think your ego is not letting you see things clearly. After so many years in this line of work, you have put yourself on a pedestal. You’re convinced that the issue solely rests on the socio-economic realities of big vs small cities, and won’t even acknowledge how some of your current practices might also play a role. 

I’ve been on this website for less than a week. You are by far the name I’ve seen the most here. Both in terms of your posts, as well as being the subject of other people’s posts. Unfortunately, not all of it has been positive. 

Just remember that the more limits you place between you and your clients, the tougher it is to get booked. 

I don’t even know what your brand is. All I know is that you need to be paid up front. It’s all I retain from viewing your ads and website and posts here. You’re so dead set on not getting burned financially that you’ve sacrificed your entire personality in the process. If you’d like to have a chat about this please reach out. 

I absolutely won’t be having a chat about this. Don’t give me that fake shit like you’re trying to help out, and then have the audacity to criticize me for me “conceited”. Matter of fact, let me go down the list because you’re one of “those” escorts who think they can boss up on me, and I’m going to back down and let you run me. Sit down:

#1: My business model has nothing to do with ego. 

#2: Where’s your top of the line, self created website that’s better than mine?

#3: You’re new here, and you think you have me figured out? Have a seat 🪑 

#4: You are in Canada. You can’t convince me that you’re more aware of how it works in the United States, than me

#5: My website has been up for over 2 years. Most of my REAL clients have no problem booking me after seeing it.

#6: You don’t know my journey. You have no idea what I been thru. I have gone thru everything from being technically robbed/ripped off by clients, to booking whole 2-3 day trips on MY DIME, OUT OF MY FUCKING POCKET: only to arrive and not a single person shows up despite having lots of requests (had experienced this in Houston, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Florida, etc)

#7: But guess what? Over times I’ve been able to make a come back and some of those same cities that failed me, I’ve been able to redeem myself: WITH PROPER PLANNING AND DEPOSITS

#8: Don’t you, @Trick, @APPLE1 or any other gossiping, holier than thou MoFos ever come for me or my biz model again. If you think you can be the better person, and make a better website: Go do that. If not, that’s your prerogative. I can care less whether you do or don’t. What you’re not going to do, is gaslight and intimidate me into backing down and being “acceptable” to all clients.

#9: And as I’ve said before; my website is relatively new thing I’ve been doing due to the POST PANDEMIC/POST SESTA-FOSTA State of the business. Prior to the pandemic in 2019 and prior to SESTA/FOSTA in 2016 (Google it, since you’re smart) I had my hurdles, but the behavior I was encountering since then has compelled me to do things a different way now. 

Half of these clients out here, like @Trick and @APPLE1 are not people I want anywhere near my dick or ass to begin with, with that type of mentality. That’s why I choose to screen and ask for deposits. A person who feels an escort should have no boundaries, and is only “good” when they do everything the client thinks they should: is not the type of energy I want in a client. Many of my clients are happy to abide by my rules, and I don’t have to fucking explain tirelessly about why I have to do so because, it’s already in my websites.

It’s “my body, my choice”. I don’t have to be acceptable to all to be worthy.

Some clients out here are disrespectful towards escorts, and don’t even respect themselves because they can’t even figure out their lives enough to book one, and probably have drama and baggage of their own. Maybe it’s their looks, maybe their family, or they can’t bag who they want for free, so they call escorts: but it’s all BAGGAGE. Everybody has baggage. And I know they have baggage, because they don’t even have the courage or balls to show their face. But they want to sit and talk shit about another escort, and what that person “should and could” have done. Miss me with that 100%  

But what you’re not going to do: Is try to criticize me…behind me back, especially when I’m not online and out here doing what I need to support and sustain myself. You got a lot of nerve. 

I refuse to tolerate the disrespect on this forum. Y’all are being put on notice. If you don’t like what I have to say, LEAVE. Don’t respond. There’s plenty of other stuff to read. If you don’t like me, but still reply to my posts: it says more about YOU, than it says about me. 

Next please, if anyone wishes to contribute something more useful about cities. I’m fine to keep the discussion going, unnecessary distractions don’t need to detract from the message.


Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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On 6/12/2024 at 7:02 PM, APPLE1 said: 

If you start a topic and you loose the argument, or are embarrassed about things you wrote, etc, as the creator of the topic you have the option to "hide" or "delete" the topic and then no one can even read it anymore.  

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5 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:


I beg to differ:

I’ve been away for the past week, focusing on a tour I had going that included some smaller town areas. I actually had only 4 bookings that although I won’t say what the amount was: it was sufficient to pay all my bills for the month, and go on a couple shopping visits.

I have traveled throughout the country for many years. The whole point of this topic is, many people often assume that if an escort goes to New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc etc…all the places that sex workers often frequent, that it’s the ONLY way to support yourself or earn decent cash. I’m simply saying, it’s not true.

I’m not talking about towns with populations of 5,000 lol. I’m talking places where Fortune 500 companies have put up offices, or has a thriving economy. For example: For a long time: very few sex workers knew about Denver. I was there Pre-2014 before the migration from California and other states really ramped up. But that’s still not the only city in the west. There’s other cities, but first thing people think of is: Las Vegas. But there’s already 500 other guys out there trying to get the same bag.

When I plan cities now, I want to go to places where I can get a reasonable hotel, and the drive for me and clients isn’t much more than 20-30 minutes, and then it’s the last exit lol. But I’m not about to go to Chicago or Los Angeles, spend $200 a night on a hotel and compete with 500 other guys. That’s not something I’m interested in anymore unless, I have other reasons to be there.

I’ve also been open to gay entertainment to move away from the downtowns, and into the more affordable suburbs. For example in St. Louis: the gay bar scene all centers around 1 or 2 inner city neighborhoods. But outside of that, there’s nowhere “gay” to be social. However, a large population of the young “hip” gays live outside of the city in the suburbs. Having gay nightlife centered only in the city, means either living in the city or, taking risks driving intoxicated to get to/from.

Even the nearest bigger city I stay by: I’ve stopped going out much anymore, because all the gay social stuff centers in an area just outside of downtown. But for me to get there, I have to drive an hour, and then go thru a sketchy area of the city, and take rickety roads that are full of potholes and construction. Fuck that. Especially when the likelihood of finding business is not high, in the big city social scenes. Most are looking for free sex, the ones who pay generally aren’t seen or are real low key about it. I only do so when I’m in the vicinity, and met a client online.


I absolutely won’t be having a chat about this. Don’t give me that fake shit like you’re trying to help out, and then have the audacity to criticize me for me “conceited”. Matter of fact, let me go down the list because you’re one of “those” escorts who think they can boss up on me, and I’m going to back down and let you run me. Sit down:

#1: My business model has nothing to do with ego. 

#2: Where’s your top of the line, self created website that’s better than mine?

#3: You’re new here, and you think you have me figured out? Have a seat 🪑 

#4: You are in Canada. You can’t convince me that you’re more aware of how it works in the United States, than me

#5: My website has been up for over 2 years. Most of my REAL clients have no problem booking me after seeing it.

#6: You don’t know my journey. You have no idea what I been thru. I have gone thru everything from being technically robbed/ripped off by clients, to booking whole 2-3 day trips on MY DIME, OUT OF MY FUCKING POCKET: only to arrive and not a single person shows up despite having lots of requests (had experienced this in Houston, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Florida, etc)

#7: But guess what? Over times I’ve been able to make a come back and some of those same cities that failed me, I’ve been able to redeem myself: WITH PROPER PLANNING AND DEPOSITS

#8: Don’t you, @Trick, @APPLE1 or any other gossiping, holier than thou MoFos ever come for me or my biz model again. If you think you can be the better person, and make a better website: Go do that. If not, that’s your prerogative. I can care less whether you do or don’t. What you’re not going to do, is gaslight and intimidate me into backing down and being “acceptable” to all clients.

#9: And as I’ve said before; my website is relatively new thing I’ve been doing due to the POST PANDEMIC/POST SESTA-FOSTA State of the business. Prior to the pandemic in 2019 and prior to SESTA/FOSTA in 2016 (Google it, since you’re smart) I had my hurdles, but the behavior I was encountering since then has compelled me to do things a different way now. 

Half of these clients out here, like @Trick and @APPLE1 are not people I want anywhere near my dick or ass to begin with, with that type of mentality. That’s why I choose to screen and ask for deposits. A person who feels an escort should have no boundaries, and is only “good” when they do everything the client thinks they should: is not the type of energy I want in a client. Many of my clients are happy to abide by my rules, and I don’t have to fucking explain tirelessly about why I have to do so because, it’s already in my websites.

It’s “my body, my choice”. I don’t have to be acceptable to all to be worthy.

Some clients out here are disrespectful towards escorts, and don’t even respect themselves because they can’t even figure out their lives enough to book one, and probably have drama and baggage of their own. Maybe it’s their looks, maybe their family, or they can’t bag who they want for free, so they call escorts: but it’s all BAGGAGE. Everybody has baggage. And I know they have baggage, because they don’t even have the courage or balls to show their face. But they want to sit and talk shit about another escort, and what that person “should and could” have done. Miss me with that 100%  

But what you’re not going to do: Is try to criticize me…behind me back, especially when I’m not online and out here doing what I need to support and sustain myself. You got a lot of nerve. 

I refuse to tolerate the disrespect on this forum. Y’all are being put on notice. If you don’t like what I have to say, LEAVE. Don’t respond. There’s plenty of other stuff to read. If you don’t like me, but still reply to my posts: it says more about YOU, than it says about me. 

Next please, if anyone wishes to contribute something more useful about cities. I’m fine to keep the discussion going, unnecessary distractions don’t need to detract from the message.


As a client, I don’t care about long dissertations about a provider’s business model or his views on a city’s demographics and economics.  

I’m not a therapist so I can’t think about all the “struggles” and “abuses” that the provider has gone through. It does give me pause though, thinking about how much of this drama will be brought into the session.

When I contact a provider, I have one thing in mind, I want to have a good sexual encounter. So when the provider starts making it about himself—his requirements and his business model–I’m out.

This forum is “Questions About Hiring,” not “Questions about Escorting.” It’s from the client’s POV.  It baffles me that a provider often comes in here to rant about the escorting business. Does he have questions about hiring? I think not.

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On 6/11/2024 at 7:59 PM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

More risk: Bigger cities are also more prone to issues like drug use amongst the gay scene/clients, and even from everyday civilians. I always feel I need to “watch my back” more in big cities. And if you don’t have a car, walking around carrying cash can be an issue. Even if you do drive, I’ve had people come up and grab my door handle once in awhile. Usually thinking either I’m an Uber or, maybe something ill.

Chiming in to say that most big cities are as safe or safer than mid sized or small cities. NYC is incredibly safe, and I’m a very visible queer person who is almost never concerned about my safety. 

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