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Big city, Small city…And why it doesn’t always make a difference:

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

Chiming in to say that most big cities are as safe or safer than mid sized or small cities. NYC is incredibly safe, and I’m a very visible queer person who is almost never concerned about my safety. 

I can see that. And by no means do I imply that one may encounter direct situations to their safety, but those things are often all around. For example, a hotel may have beefed up security, due to the city it’s in. 

One year I was in Phoenix, and had some stuff stolen in my car at a hotel. Sure it can happen anywhere, but when I go to Des Moines, Iowa: people aren’t as worried about someone breaking into their car, like they do in Phoenix.

That created a whole day of “nonsense” that I didn’t need. I spent some time in Seattle, and it was hard to find a decently priced hotel in the summer…without it being “sketchy”. So I had to spend more than I normally would, simply because I’ve learned in the past: some clients may be put off by an escort staying at a sketchy motel in a big city. Whereas in smaller towns, like say: Eureka Springs in Arkansas, a budget motel can actually be nice and quaint, free of bugs and drugs (another gay friendly area that most gays outside of the Midwest don’t know about).  

Again, it’s all relative. I know places like Washington DC can feel “safe” to someone living there, but as somebody not from the area: I know for a fact I have to watch my back at every corner: whether that’s from a parking ticket, or somebody geeked out on PCP. All of that means extra work on top of the work of being readily available for clients.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Trick said:

As a client, I don’t care about long dissertations about a provider’s business model or his views on a city’s demographics and economics.  

I’m not a therapist so I can’t think about all the “struggles” and “abuses” that the provider has gone through. It does give me pause though, thinking about how much of this drama will be brought into the session.

When I contact a provider, I have one thing in mind, I want to have a good sexual encounter. So when the provider starts making it about himself—his requirements and his business model–I’m out.

This forum is “Questions About Hiring,” not “Questions about Escorting.” It’s from the client’s POV.  It baffles me that a provider often comes in here to rant about the escorting business. Does he have questions about hiring? I think not.

Let’s be clear: this is used to be called “ask an escort”. Why it was changed, I don’t know, however I would hope it did not mean, clients ask other clients about hiring escorts. That’s what I would hope it isn’t about, maybe I’m wrong.

That said, again: micro-topics. Nothing you’re saying is related to big city/small city. If anything it’s YOU who is making it all about himself: what you do and don’t like, which as a reminder: has nothing to do with big and small markets. 

But just to be clear, a confident provider who is not afraid to state boundaries: is not “drama”. I like to get all that stuff out the way before the session starts. That’s how it’s done, to not come off as drama. Eliminates surprises, and clients are actually happy to know ahead all the details of price.

Ever since I came out with my website, I earn more per booking than prior. Most times, no one books me for less than $300. Although, I’m fine with $250 and will occasionally do $200. Anything less, I’ve already laid out that: it’s not something I offer except for returning or regular clients “at my discretion”. 

What y’all hear about on here: is not struggles, but me talking about a specific area and segment of clientele. That’s why it takes a discerning man, to understand CONTEXT. Someone who’s just coming to the forum with prejudices about someone is not going to understand that. If and when I talk about business being slow, it’s referring to particular area(s) at a given time, or times/experiences in the past: not an everyday occurrence or speaking for the entire country.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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45 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Let’s be clear: this is used to be called “ask an escort”. Why it was changed, I don’t know, however I would hope it did not mean, clients ask other clients about hiring escorts. That’s what I would hope it isn’t about, maybe I’m wrong.

That said, again: micro-topics. Nothing you’re saying is related to big city/small city. If anything it’s YOU who is making it all about himself: what you do and don’t like, which as a reminder: has nothing to do with big and small markets. 

But just to be clear, a confident provider who is not afraid to state boundaries: is not “drama”. I like to get all that stuff out the way before the session starts. That’s how it’s done, to not come off as drama. Eliminates surprises, and clients are actually happy to know ahead all the details of price.

Ever since I came out with my website, I earn more per booking than prior. Most times, no one books me for less than $300. Although, I’m fine with $250 and will occasionally do $200. Anything less, I’ve already laid out that: it’s not something I offer except for returning or regular clients “at my discretion”. 

What y’all hear about on here: is not struggles, but me talking about a specific area and segment of clientele. That’s why it takes a discerning man, to understand CONTEXT. Someone who’s just coming to the forum with prejudices about someone is not going to understand that. If and when I talk about business being slow, it’s referring to particular area(s) at a given time, or time in the past: not the entire country.

I say this without any sarcasm. I hope you do well in your business.

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3 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Let’s be clear: this is used to be called “ask an escort”. Why it was changed, I don’t know, however I would hope it did not mean, clients ask other clients about hiring escorts. That’s what I would hope it isn’t about, maybe I’m wrong

From the forum header:

Questions About Hiring

User-to-user help related to our hobby.  Get answers from fellow members and providers

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On 6/22/2024 at 2:41 AM, Jarrod_Uncut said:


I beg to differ:

I’ve been away for the past week, focusing on a tour I had going that included some smaller town areas. I actually had only 4 bookings that although I won’t say what the amount was: it was sufficient to pay all my bills for the month, and go on a couple shopping visits.

I have traveled throughout the country for many years. The whole point of this topic is, many people often assume that if an escort goes to New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc etc…all the places that sex workers often frequent, that it’s the ONLY way to support yourself or earn decent cash. I’m simply saying, it’s not true.

I’m not talking about towns with populations of 5,000 lol. I’m talking places where Fortune 500 companies have put up offices, or has a thriving economy. For example: For a long time: very few sex workers knew about Denver. I was there Pre-2014 before the migration from California and other states really ramped up. But that’s still not the only city in the west. There’s other cities, but first thing people think of is: Las Vegas. But there’s already 500 other guys out there trying to get the same bag.

When I plan cities now, I want to go to places where I can get a reasonable hotel, and the drive for me and clients isn’t much more than 20-30 minutes, and then it’s the last exit lol. But I’m not about to go to Chicago or Los Angeles, spend $200 a night on a hotel and compete with 500 other guys. That’s not something I’m interested in anymore unless, I have other reasons to be there.

I’ve also been open to gay entertainment to move away from the downtowns, and into the more affordable suburbs. For example in St. Louis: the gay bar scene all centers around 1 or 2 inner city neighborhoods. But outside of that, there’s nowhere “gay” to be social. However, a large population of the young “hip” gays live outside of the city in the suburbs. Having gay nightlife centered only in the city, means either living in the city or, taking risks driving intoxicated to get to/from.

Even the nearest bigger city I stay by: I’ve stopped going out much anymore, because all the gay social stuff centers in an area just outside of downtown. But for me to get there, I have to drive an hour, and then go thru a sketchy area of the city, and take rickety roads that are full of potholes and construction. Fuck that. Especially when the likelihood of finding business is not high, in the big city social scenes. Most are looking for free sex, the ones who pay generally aren’t seen or are real low key about it. I only do so when I’m in the vicinity, and met a client online.


I absolutely won’t be having a chat about this. Don’t give me that fake shit like you’re trying to help out, and then have the audacity to criticize me for me “conceited”. Matter of fact, let me go down the list because you’re one of “those” escorts who think they can boss up on me, and I’m going to back down and let you run me. Sit down:

#1: My business model has nothing to do with ego. 

#2: Where’s your top of the line, self created website that’s better than mine?

#3: You’re new here, and you think you have me figured out? Have a seat 🪑 

#4: You are in Canada. You can’t convince me that you’re more aware of how it works in the United States, than me

#5: My website has been up for over 2 years. Most of my REAL clients have no problem booking me after seeing it.

#6: You don’t know my journey. You have no idea what I been thru. I have gone thru everything from being technically robbed/ripped off by clients, to booking whole 2-3 day trips on MY DIME, OUT OF MY FUCKING POCKET: only to arrive and not a single person shows up despite having lots of requests (had experienced this in Houston, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Florida, etc)

#7: But guess what? Over times I’ve been able to make a come back and some of those same cities that failed me, I’ve been able to redeem myself: WITH PROPER PLANNING AND DEPOSITS

#8: Don’t you, @Trick, @APPLE1 or any other gossiping, holier than thou MoFos ever come for me or my biz model again. If you think you can be the better person, and make a better website: Go do that. If not, that’s your prerogative. I can care less whether you do or don’t. What you’re not going to do, is gaslight and intimidate me into backing down and being “acceptable” to all clients.

#9: And as I’ve said before; my website is relatively new thing I’ve been doing due to the POST PANDEMIC/POST SESTA-FOSTA State of the business. Prior to the pandemic in 2019 and prior to SESTA/FOSTA in 2016 (Google it, since you’re smart) I had my hurdles, but the behavior I was encountering since then has compelled me to do things a different way now. 

Half of these clients out here, like @Trick and @APPLE1 are not people I want anywhere near my dick or ass to begin with, with that type of mentality. That’s why I choose to screen and ask for deposits. A person who feels an escort should have no boundaries, and is only “good” when they do everything the client thinks they should: is not the type of energy I want in a client. Many of my clients are happy to abide by my rules, and I don’t have to fucking explain tirelessly about why I have to do so because, it’s already in my websites.

It’s “my body, my choice”. I don’t have to be acceptable to all to be worthy.

Some clients out here are disrespectful towards escorts, and don’t even respect themselves because they can’t even figure out their lives enough to book one, and probably have drama and baggage of their own. Maybe it’s their looks, maybe their family, or they can’t bag who they want for free, so they call escorts: but it’s all BAGGAGE. Everybody has baggage. And I know they have baggage, because they don’t even have the courage or balls to show their face. But they want to sit and talk shit about another escort, and what that person “should and could” have done. Miss me with that 100%  

But what you’re not going to do: Is try to criticize me…behind me back, especially when I’m not online and out here doing what I need to support and sustain myself. You got a lot of nerve. 

I refuse to tolerate the disrespect on this forum. Y’all are being put on notice. If you don’t like what I have to say, LEAVE. Don’t respond. There’s plenty of other stuff to read. If you don’t like me, but still reply to my posts: it says more about YOU, than it says about me. 

Next please, if anyone wishes to contribute something more useful about cities. I’m fine to keep the discussion going, unnecessary distractions don’t need to detract from the message.


I’m not sure when I referred to you as conceited. Haven’t used that word in a long time. I’ve also never talked about you behind you back, or made reference to you other than here. Maybe you were referring to some of the others your tagged?

I’m sorry you took everything I wrote as an attack or an attempt to diminish you. I might have gotten caught up in my own desire to want to prove my point and defend myself.

I don’t have a website. My goal wasn’t to try and come off better than you. I’m not. I’m still starting out and learning as I go along. I was just trying to point out some of my observations (and I mean this sincerely) in a truly helpful way. 

When I succeed, I want it to be because I deserved it, and not because I pushed others down. My comments were not meant to hurt or criticize in an u constructive way. Maybe my delivery wasn’t the best though, so again, I can take ownership of that.

Maybe it’s because this is all happening on a public forum where everybody can chime in, that it’s not really going to lead to any meaningful discussion. It removes our ability to be vulnerable and let down our défenses (myself included). 

I’ll refrain from interacting with your posts in the future. 

I really do wish you all the best. If you do ever want to chat, feel free to reach out. 


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5 hours ago, Enzo Falcone said:

I’m not sure when I referred to you as conceited. Haven’t used that word in a long time. I’ve also never talked about you behind you back, or made reference to you other than here. Maybe you were referring to some of the others your tagged?

I’m sorry you took everything I wrote as an attack or an attempt to diminish you. I might have gotten caught up in my own desire to want to prove my point and defend myself.

I don’t have a website. My goal wasn’t to try and come off better than you. I’m not. I’m still starting out and learning as I go along. I was just trying to point out some of my observations (and I mean this sincerely) in a truly helpful way. 

When I succeed, I want it to be because I deserved it, and not because I pushed others down. My comments were not meant to hurt or criticize in an u constructive way. Maybe my delivery wasn’t the best though, so again, I can take ownership of that.

Maybe it’s because this is all happening on a public forum where everybody can chime in, that it’s not really going to lead to any meaningful discussion. It removes our ability to be vulnerable and let down our défenses (myself included). 

I’ll refrain from interacting with your posts in the future. 

I really do wish you all the best. If you do ever want to chat, feel free to reach out. 


I receive the clarification 100%. Thanks for being willing to admit that. That said, when you threw the word “ego” in there, that’s the part where you came sideways and made like I’m conceited. Which I’m not. But let’s not pretend though, many gays and 20s-40s people in general nowadays, thrive on narcissistic and validating traits like how many likes/followers to their Instagram they have, and perpetually posting selfies for click bait. All that is seen as normal, and desirable: but yet someone seeking to  preserve their time and energy by only dealing with serious clients: is often touted on this board as being “self absorbed” and egotistical 🤔 

All I wanted to do here, is talk about cities. I understand some people may prefer big cities. I myself was always a big city guy for the longest. I disliked small towns. However. Many cities in the country have changed over time and seems like EVERY city is booming, which means higher rents and more providers. So cities that used to be hot, are not.

However, places like Miami for example, have seen population declines because it’s just gotten TOO expensive to live there, and in my experience they don’t really pay shit to keep up with the costs:


Home prices in the Miami area are up by 53% in the past three years. Now, the population is declining for the...

And LA:


Los Angeles County can lose about 1.4 million residents from 2023 until 2060, newly released data from California’s...

That said, excuse me if I popped off on you as hard as I did. I don’t normally like to do that to another working guy. We should be supportive and kind to each other, especially in front of clients. I think there’s enough of that behavior coming from their end as it is…

However, I’ve also been going thru a difficult period myself: just in terms of the business in my area. I still have plenty other clients who are happy to see me in other cities. But sometimes that’s just how the biz goes. After being in a city for a couple/few years: it ends up being the same clients to work with, for a period of time. I know in bigger cities, there’s more traffic to prevent that: but I used to live in a metro area of 6 million, and there was still weeks that nobody booked. Population numbers doesn’t even matter to me anymore.

That’s why in situations like this, I normally would leave and only come back to visit: after a significant amount of time has passed.

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On 6/22/2024 at 6:36 PM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Let’s be clear: this is used to be called “ask an escort”. Why it was changed, I don’t know, however I would hope it did not mean, clients ask other clients about hiring escorts. That’s what I would hope it isn’t about, maybe I’m wrong.


I do think the intention to change it to "Questions about Hiring" from "Ask an Escort" is to make it broader than simply asking escorts questions. I do think that it is (and should be) be clients asking other clients/escorts about the hobby itself. I personally like the change as previously people would sometimes get upset if a non-escort gave their perspective on a question even when that perspective was valuable to the conversation. Less shooting the messanger and more abou the message, which I appreciate.

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1 hour ago, keroscenefire said:

I do think the intention to change it to "Questions about Hiring" from "Ask an Escort" is to make it broader than simply asking escorts questions. I do think that it is (and should be) be clients asking other clients/escorts about the hobby itself. I personally like the change as previously people would sometimes get upset if a non-escort gave their perspective on a question even when that perspective was valuable to the conversation. Less shooting the messanger and more abou the message, which I appreciate.

Why didn’t we keep the “Ask an Escort”  section?

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4 hours ago, Trick said:

Why didn’t we keep the “Ask an Escort”  section?

More of a question for the admins, but honestly I think part of it was that really there were only a few escorts that consistently answered any questions or participated much. I think this thread is better as it gives more pespectives on the hobby. 

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Beyond just how many providers responded, it aligns with the general concept about asking "those who have hired" about their experiences.

Much like if I want a house cleaner, I am not going to call some cleaners up and simply accept their answers. I'm certainly also going to ask friends and neighbors about their experiences  hiring a cleaner.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, APPLE1 said:

Beyond just how many providers responded, it aligns with the general concept about asking "those who have hired" about their experiences.

Much like if I want a house cleaner, I am not going to call some cleaners up and simply accept their answers. I'm certainly also going to ask friends and neighbors about their experiences  hiring a cleaner.

You’re comparing apples to oranges. It’s funny how people love to compare us to other businesses when it’s convenient. But when it comes down to comparing things like allowing the provider (escort) to schedule a time, not taking same day appointments, and doing stuff like requiring a credit card and ID to reserve a booking, suddenly it’s: “omg can’t believe you want all that information, etc etc”.

I’m not really concerned what this section is called. But I won’t tolerate disparaging remarks or disrespect from anybody. Agree/Disagree: just don’t paint me out to be someone who doesn’t accurately portray me. Especially when people try to inaccurately figure me out, like yourself who had the audacity to say, “I should have  educated myself on how to change a tire, and I wouldn’t have missed my appointment that night”. Which is the most ridiculous bullshit I’ve ever heard IN MY LIFE.

Anybody who knows me enough knows, there is hardly a part on a car that I can’t name or change myself. But escorting and car hobbies don’t go hand in hand. Can’t be changing spark plugs, and then get a client wanting to meet in 30 minutes. All those porn movies at mechanic shops, are pure fantasy at best: 



People have to let go the idea of the perfect escort. Who never has anything come up, who should always be able to be there waiting hand and foot for the next client. Fuck my life, the client is all that matters. If you can’t be there, you’re a loser and failure who isn’t cut out for the business. Since when 🤔 

Maybe things have operated that way at times, but: things are different now. It’s already a fact that many “sex workers” out there don’t even do client interactions. A lot of stuff out there, is pay per view only. I think guys who are doing in person sex work, aren’t getting the full credit we deserve.

It’s a lot about how many fans and subscribers, but what about how many clients you can comfortably see in a day, in a week: and still be able to perform AND finish for them all? Without anybody getting short changed. That’s why I do, what I have to do. 

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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On 6/26/2024 at 6:49 PM, soloyo215 said:

Now after reading all this I want to see Enzo Falcone and Jarrod_Uncut making out.

Now that just gave me a good giggle 🙊 😹

I wonder how biz in Atlanta turned out in the area this week. I’d imagine the locals fleeing for obvious reasons. But if it’s anything like D.C., political stuff can make or break a venture. 

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