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Who has the Biggest Cock on this forum??


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most guys have small dicks - and most guys lie about their dick size

almost all guys are insecure about their dicks - thus, acquiring certain typical things to compensate 

when you have a big dick, you can pretty much do whatever you want, whenever you want - like a superpower 

it’s called BDE for a reason 


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3 hours ago, CuriousByNature said:

Yeah he was a pretty funny guy - miss his posts.  Hopefully he's doing well.

Big Dale was cool to have around the forum.....profile says he hasn't been here since 2022.......he seemed proud of his dick, talked about it, and even offered to send private pictures of it to forum members.....I applied and received a picture of a decent, seemingly semi-erect dick.......

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I’m very average when it comes to my dick size. I always wished it was bigger, especially considering my overall body size. My average dick size, is probably why I’m so fascinated by guys with big dicks.😝 But I can boast about my ass. I have received a lot of compliments about my butt. A provider I hooked up with once even told me I’d be a star if I went into porn because of my butt. 😉

Edited by caramelsub
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those into vintage nude photography will note that most or all guys who posed fully naked pre-1980 or so are seemingly average and unremarkable......I have no idea why they hadn't discovered "fluffing" by then, but those older pictures show no effort to look more impressive.....

today, however, fluffing one's self up for the photo shoot seems mandatory.......internet and all.......some feel it's led to self-conscious crises in the locker room and the success of penis-enlarging schemes..... 

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17 minutes ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

Bozo is not one to brag, but..........
there is truth to the old adage that the size and shape of one's penis is in direct proportion to the size of one's nose.

Best known Bozo the Clown dies at 83 ...



and don't even mention the size of your clown feet!......as they say, pictures or it didn't happen!!......my COM messaging system is fully operable.......

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1 hour ago, José Soplanucas said:

I have a big dick and I do not feel like I have a superpower

when I say big dick - I mean a real 9.5”+

that’s super power territory 

nothing wrong w big dick adjacent 

re; Big Dick Energy - you either have it or you don’t. A telltale sign someone has it is they never have to boast about anything - because they walk around every day with that big heavy dick that opens almost every door.  You won’t hear them name-dropping, vying for status or fantasizing about buying Bentleys.  It’s not necessary - they own what money can’t buy.  Truth 

and then there’s Small Dick Behavior or SDB - which means overcompensating usually by way of cars, guns or constant need to mention expensive brand names or what they paid for something - usually talking about paying way more for something than necessary bc it’s an essential part of their status-seeking 


Edited by SouthOfTheBorder
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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

Then...no way, are many of these guys claiming to be 8 inches telling the truth.

if you mean provider profiles - well, exaggerating comes with the territory & is expected. its smoke & mirrors on a good day 

notice many of the provider profiles that claim a big dick, dont show any dick at all.  odd given it’s often the main selling point. it’s an automatic no for me - not even worth asking for pics.  they either don’t have it or not smart enough to post it 

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3 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

notice many of the provider profiles that claim a big dick, dont show any dick at all.  odd given it’s often the main selling point.

Actually I see a lot of the opposite. I see men posting 10 photos of their dick and little to nothing of the rest. I remember one particularly sexy young black man who posted three public dick pix and his whole profile revolved around dick size. I found it sad becasue he was a very handsome and fit lad...so it seemed rather unfortunate he focused so much on a single body part...but I guess that's what the guys want.

(I'm generally a top...so it's not really a turn on for me.)

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6 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

Actually I see a lot of the opposite.

we’re looking for different things & then your comment makes sense.  I don’t hire guys less than 9”, so that’s the baseline low end when I filter.  Several in that category showing no actual dick.  And most of the providers are less than advertised.

one guy who is 100% legit at 10” is MegaXXL who isn’t in NY very often anymore.  He’s also super handsome & a very nice human.  He’s by far my favorite of all time 

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I've been trying to recall the name of a humorous/satiric sex info book from the 1970s that had a Q&A format. The section dealing with penis length included the anecdote where someone teases Abe Lincoln about his height, asking him how long a man's legs should be. Abe's reply: "Long enough to reach the ground." Here's what followed:

Q: How long should a penis be?

A: Long enough to reach the ground.

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Who gives a rat's ass?  If I am correct, the majority of us are here for youngish, relatively hot men!!  

                                                                                 😛😛😛 + 8 = 11

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11 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

I think the answer is that gay men don't HAVE bigger disks, they just brag more than others.

agreed - only bc straight guys don’t talk about their dicks nearly as much as gay guys.  

among gay men, the dick is often the most important thing so of course that’s going to be a main topic.  just read the the various threads here 

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