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Austin Wolf arrested on child porn charges

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4 hours ago, Manhattan said:

I won't try to make a joke because I'm not good at it, but it saddens me that so many gay men waste their time scolding each other for using the dark humor that helped us deal with so many horrible events in history. 
Jokes in poor taste shouldn't be met with finger wagging on a gay gossip site! 

I get what you're saying and would agree that humor can diffuse an ugly situation, but with this one, it's still developing and way too soon to be glib about it. 

Look, I'm a MASSIVE smartass here, but also an emotionally intelligent guy.  That means reading the room and taking a cue from the mods, who have already posted that we need to tread lightly on the comedy.

I don't see a ton of finger wagging here.  Some back-and-forth, but nothing out of touch.

I think we're still playing nice.

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21 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

I hope the children involved were not hurt, and if they were I hope they recovered and are living happy lives. 

I very much doubt they weren’t hurt and as for recovering and leading happy lives, one more often hears of the trauma inflicted on them at an early age ruining their lives. When they reach adulthood they fall prey to alcohol and drug abuse and have a hard time leading a normal life. They are truly victims and most times there is no one held to account for their suffering. 

Those who traffic in the porn produced with these defenceless children may not have participated in its production but they are feeding the demand for more porn and thus more victims to be recruited.  The cycle needs to be broken and it is only by going after the consumers and distributors that this traffic can be curbed.

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1 hour ago, DanM said:

Like this OF artist who makes vids with boys or children-looking collaborators. 🤮 🤮 🤮 


That guy does not look like a child. He has hair over his entire body and facial hair. He also has his own OnlyFans. Honestly, you’ve posted about this provider- whom I’ve met and I am most certainly not a twink - a couple of times and it feels personal. 

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I was in a Twitter Spaces last night with a bunch of porn stars where this news was the main discussion. One thing I never thought of that someone mentioned on the live stream....all those Puerto Vallarta filming trips Austin and others do...to avoid certain legalities when it comes to co-stars.

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11 minutes ago, DMICS said:

I was in a Twitter Spaces last night with a bunch of porn stars where this news was the main discussion. One thing I never thought of that someone mentioned on the live stream....all those Puerto Vallarta filming trips Austin and others do...to avoid certain legalities when it comes to co-stars.

In Mexico, criminal legislation is shared between the federal and state governments. The federal law establishes the age of 15 as the minimum age of consent, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities is 18 (sex with someone 15–18 is not illegal per se, but can still be open to prosecution under certain circumstances). Local state laws may override the federal law. In practice, the decision as to whether or not to prosecute is left to state authorities regardless of the younger person's age. At state level, the minimum ages of consent vary between 12 (and puberty in a few states) and 15, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities vary from 16 to 18 (most commonly 18).

I had no idea the age of consent was that young in Mexico. If he filmed himself having sex with minors in Mexico he would still get charged for possession of child porn for having it in the US then. Also even if he didn't film it it's a crime to travel across the border to engage in sex with a person who would be classified here as not of age to consent so he could face charges if there was evidence that he was going to Mexico for that purpose. I'm sure they are still going through all his electronic devices.

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This news is both horrible and tragic, further perpetuating the harmful stereotype that we are groomers and pedophiles. Additionally, it underscores a deeper tragedy: the likelihood that he is suffering from a mental illness exacerbated by the influences of the porn industry and social media. While he will face the consequences of his actions in prison (most likely die in it), the broader ramifications for the gay community could be significant and enduring, especially in the current political climate.  I pray for the victims and I pray this disease does not spread further.

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Oh my God! Such over-reactions.  Go back and reread the original news article at the beginning of this thread.  The charge is "one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography, and one count of possession of child pornography"  Nowhere does it say he participated in the videos or knew anything about the creation of them.  If that were the case, there would be additional charges, especially if each video is considered a crime scene like the FBI says.

I can easily see a scenario where he was set up..... think about it.  He's probably made a few enemies over the years.  Let's say he pisses off the wrong guy by posting a video without consent.  This guy decides to get even by flooding his Telegram account with all these disgusting videos... then calls the FBI.  The FBI is only too eager to have a splashy headline about an unsympathetic character and boy did they ever get it with this case!  Is this scenario really too far fetched?

Don't get me wrong... I'm not defending him.  But I do think there's more to the story that hasn't come out.  If I'm ever accused of a crime, I hope no one from this forum is on my jury.

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On 6/28/2024 at 7:06 PM, KensingtonHomo said:

The vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

I get your point and mean no offense, but “the vast majority” is just a math fact, not a meaningful metric. Larger proportion of the population = generally larger absolute number in population segments. Research shows the rate of pedophilia in heterosexuals and homosexuals is equal, not that it is higher in heterosexuals.

All groups should probably avoid combating bad stereotypes by repeating the same bad stereotype incorrectly about the other group (even if by implication). The statement is factually accurate, but skewed and, to me, unhelpful in discussing objective truth.

Terrible, TERRIBLE situation for all humanity, all of us. Infants. Not a single joke is appropriate or excusable, even to cope. My god, infants. Whether he is found guilty or not, they found sexual videos of infants. We should all be dumbfounded and appalled every time we hear something like this, and until we all are in a way that draws us together, I don’t see how we can conquer it.

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It’s probably down now but I recall a clip of Austin in bed with a twink post sex and he asks the kid why did u reach out me, kid says I wanted to meet you and have fun


austin says tell everyone how old you are and he turns 5he kids face to the camera and he says 19 


19, I swear 

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On 6/29/2024 at 6:48 PM, KensingtonHomo said:

JFC, doing it for money is actually worse. If he couldn’t help himself, that’s horrific and no excuse but making a decision to exploit abused children for profit, is categorically wrong evil. 

Perhaps true.

Just saying, in my opinion, (and my observation) he and his husband are always focused on monetizing sex. I don't know that he, himself was into child molesting. His husband is a bit younger and a muscle boy. So life doesn't always imitate art. "Austin" did videos of him fucking dwarfs, twinks and average Joe's. They seemed to be searching for every kinky niche for an extra percentage point of audience. "Sexual Exploitation" of various kinds will always  have an audience whether we like it or not. You can pontificate and wave your finger all day but it won't go way.


Edited by pubic_assistance
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, top_guy_atl said:

Oh my God! Such over-reactions.  Go back and reread the original news article at the beginning of this thread.  The charge is "one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography, and one count of possession of child pornography"  Nowhere does it say he participated in the videos or knew anything about the creation of them.  If that were the case, there would be additional charges, especially if each video is considered a crime scene like the FBI says.

I can easily see a scenario where he was set up..... think about it.  He's probably made a few enemies over the years.  Let's say he pisses off the wrong guy by posting a video without consent.  This guy decides to get even by flooding his Telegram account with all these disgusting videos... then calls the FBI.  The FBI is only too eager to have a splashy headline about an unsympathetic character and boy did they ever get it with this case!  Is this scenario really too far fetched?

Don't get me wrong... I'm not defending him.  But I do think there's more to the story that hasn't come out.  If I'm ever accused of a crime, I hope no one from this forum is on my jury.

Boy are you naive. This is often how they start and additional counts are added as the FBI and US Attorney build their case. It's called a superceding indictment. You have no idea what you're talking about. 

Edited by LookingAround
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Perhaps true.

Just saying, in my opinion, (and my observation) he and his husband are always focused on monetizing sex. I don't know that he, himself was into child molesting. His husband is a bit younger and a muscle boy. So life doesn't always imitate art. "Austin" did videos of him fucking dwarfs, thinks and average Joe's. They seemed to be searching for every kinky niche for an extra percentage point of audience. "Sexual Exploitation" of various kinds will always  have an audience whether we like it or not. You can pontificate and wave your finger all day but it won't go way.


I can't believe you're continuing to make excuses for this guy.
You've said some offensive things I've disagreed with but this really crosses the line. You think he simply did this for monetizing sex? That's like justifying murder for hire by saying "he was monetizing his passion for guns." You've  reached a new low in my book. 

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1 hour ago, LookingAround said:

This is often how they start and additional counts are added as the FBI and US Attorney build their case. It's called a superceding indictment

and these type crimes involve other people - there were the people who produced the content and bought the content. and he sent the content across state-lines and internationally.  according to the United States Attorney’s Press Release, he’s charged with “distributing & receiving” over a 4-day period in March 2024 only.  the single charge may be an inducement to get him to flip & cooperate - that’s how it usually works if they’re trying to shut down an organized group. the SDNY isn’t after a single person in this context

and then there are the separate crimes of his tendency to record people without their knowledge or consent & distributing/monetizing those videos 

all of this is against a backdrop where people are saying this was all an open secret in the industry 

there is more to the story for sure - and it won’t get better for Wolf and his associates/accomplices 

Edited by SouthOfTheBorder
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10 hours ago, DanM said:

I’m sure Austin Wolf’s defense about his videos is precisely what you just said: Austin’s twink doesn’t look like a child and Austin has had sex with non-twinks. Nobody said something because it would be “personal.” It’s sad that there people out there who defend these vids and their makers, even now. 

AFAIK, Wolf is not being charged with anything related to his own videos. He is being charged with possessing and transferring child porn. 

I don't know why you're trying to smear this other provider. A quick look at his Twitter shows that he films with a wide variety of partners: muscle guys, bears, twinks, femmes, etc. Wolf's videos not only exclusively featured twinks for many years, but the scene partners got younger and younger. He also released videos in which he seemed to abuse these young partners.

That is what made people suspicious of him. It seems many of us observed Wolf's shift over the years and found it creepy. I don't see the same pattern in DrtymnNYC. 

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9 hours ago, TooSchoolForCool said:

he is suffering from a mental illness exacerbated by the influences of the porn industry and social media

There is no evidence that Wolf is suffering from mental illness, let alone that it was exacerbated by porn and social media. Let's not speculate about things for which there is no evidence. 

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4 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Perhaps true.

Just saying, in my opinion, (and my observation) he and his husband are always focused on monetizing sex. I don't know that he, himself was into child molesting. His husband is a bit younger and a muscle boy. So life doesn't always imitate art. "Austin" did videos of him fucking dwarfs, thinks and average Joe's. They seemed to be searching for every kinky niche for an extra percentage point of audience. "Sexual Exploitation" of various kinds will always  have an audience whether we like it or not. You can pontificate and wave your finger all day but it won't go way.


Girl, he's not accused of molesting children. He's accused of possessing and transferring child porn, which may not go away, but I will never excuse it away as you seem to be doing. 

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This thread is off the rails.  

NO ONE here is defending AW, or being an apologist, please stop accusing others.
(Btw Pubicassistance has consistently called out questionable porn & interest in young guys in the past even when it’s clearly legal.)

Meanwhile we have people here targeting providers with innuendo, saying that someone “might be next” or “look at this; reminds me of Austin.” How in the world can anyone conflate an interest in LEGAL, young looking guys with evil, criminal behavior/possession of child pornography? It borders on libel and defamation. 

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1 minute ago, Bokomaru said:

NO ONE here is defending AW, or being an apologist, please stop accusing others.
(Btw Pubicassistance has consistently called out questionable porn & interest in young guys in the past even when it’s clearly legal.)

I'm not going to post the screen grabs, but PA is engaging in apologia for Wolf. That you cannot see that is troubling. 

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15 minutes ago, Bokomaru said:

This thread is off the rails.  

NO ONE here is defending AW, or being an apologist, please stop accusing others.
(Btw Pubicassistance has consistently called out questionable porn & interest in young guys in the past even when it’s clearly legal.)

Meanwhile we have people here targeting providers with innuendo, saying that someone “might be next” or “look at this; reminds me of Austin.” How in the world can anyone conflate an interest in LEGAL, young looking guys with evil, criminal behavior/possession of child pornography? It borders on libel and defamation. 

Someone is defending AW. (Not you Bokomaru)

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All the threads about this are off the rails. The one in LPSG was deleted.

Let's try to keep the things to the facts we know. He is being accused of trading on children porn, and considering federal involvement and procedures, we can assume the case is proved. We do not know whether or not he was fucking minors, the fact that we have seen him fucking twinks is not a proof. We may suspect he did, but we do not know.

Children abusers and exploitators would have a much more challenging job without the merchants who make profit from harming children. Based on what we know so far, he deserves to be convicted and cancelled. However, it is also true that we and the prosecutors may be wrong. I bet we are not, but it is just a bet.

  • This is one criminal case.
  • The porn industry is not under trial.
  • Gays are not under trial.
  • Fucking twinks is not pedophilia.
  • Websites promoting sex between older and younger partners are not covered pedophilia. They may be the best option for pedophiles, but most men who fantasize with and/or feel attraction for twinks are not pedophiles.
Edited by José Soplanucas
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