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Austin Wolf arrested on child porn charges

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, BaronArtz said:

Is that where Jeffrey Epstein was held?  We all know what happened to him ...

I think so. Listen something bad could happen to Wolf there. Just saying compared to state and city facilities it's better. Better then Rikers for instance. 

Edited by LookingAround
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1 hour ago, soloyo215 said:

Still, adults are ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. That's the point of the law, to hold adults accountable for their actions, not excuse it by some psychobabble.

That was my point, and the point of the person to whose post I replied. 

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13 hours ago, LookingAround said:

Brooklyn MDC is a federal facility and it's far better than state and county facilities. I've been there many times in my work. Totally fine. That said as a pedophile he's at risk in any facility. 

The articles to which Bozo linked suggests that is it not totally fine, including in the view of a federal judge who sends people there.

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8 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

The video you are probably watching (I won’t take the risk of looking  at that link)

isn’t an actual child, nor is it the Porn that the feds have found in Austin Wolf’s files. 

What the feds probably found were personal files from his computers )that aren’t on general porn of fan sites, and have been streamed from the dark web. 

You’d probably never be able to see what’s being described here unless you were an actual child porn pervert too. 



The image I was responding to was not Wolf. It was another content creator that someone on this forum was trying to conflate with Wolf. 

A lot of people are commenting here without having read the news accounts of what Wolf is charged with. AFAIK, it has nothing to do (yet) with the content he created. 

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1 minute ago, dutchal said:

The articles to which Bozo linked suggests that is it not totally fine, including in the view of a federal judge who sends people there.

Do you think Wolf deserves to be held in some better facility than others charged with federal crimes? Personally, I'm for the abolition of most prisons, but Wolf doesn't deserve any preferential treatment in the current system. 

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Posted (edited)

I think Wolf deserves to be held in the same degree of safety as others who are only at the accused stage, and, if his circumstances put him in more danger from fellow prisoners than the typical prisoner, he deserves more safety measures, whether within the facility or at another.

5 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

Do you think Wolf deserves to be held in some better facility than others charged with federal crimes? Personally, I'm for the abolition of most prisons, but Wolf doesn't deserve any preferential treatment in the current system. 


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51 minutes ago, dutchal said:

I think Wolf deserves to be held in the same degree of safety as others who are only at the accused stage, and, if his circumstances put him in more danger from fellow prisoners than the typical prisoner, he deserves more safety measures, whether within the facility or at another.


I don't know if this is the case with Wolf, but jails can put people at risk from other prisoners in solitary or protective custody. But I'm not particularly concerned about the well being of someone who shared videos of a 10-year-old being raped. 

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29 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I don't know if this is the case with Wolf, but jails can put people at risk from other prisoners in solitary or protective custody. But I'm not particularly concerned about the well being of someone who shared videos of a 10-year-old being raped. 

Yes, that's the difficulty here.  Unless one wants to believe some sort of conspiracy (the evidence was planted, someone else was using his account to trade the videos), then regardless of the fact that he hasn't faced trial yet he's guilty in my eyes.  It's like if someone gets caught in the act of some other crime: They are still entitled to their day in court, and maybe through some legal wrangling they will end up being convicted of a charge that's less severe than the crime they actually did.  In the case of Wolf, it's just hard to conjure up any sympathy for someone trading videos of prepubescent kids getting raped, especially when some of his previous behaviors made him out to be a not very likeable guy already.

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I assume I am the poster who is being accused of conflating two different cases.  My point in bringing up the other man's case wasn't to equate it to Wolf's.  It was in response to others claiming that they knew what the disposition of Wolf's case would be.  Sometimes the eventual conviction and punishment is far less than one might assume based on the initial charges and evidence.

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Posted (edited)

Reality TV star Josh Duggar got a 12.5-year sentence in federal prison and a $50,000 fine for his conviction on exactly the same charges - possession and distribution of child porn. The judge in that case followed federal sentencing guidelines. 
Assuming a guilty verdict and no plea bargain, Austin Wolf should expect the same.


Duggar was sentenced to 151 months in federal prison after a federal investigation found he downloaded the images on his work computer in 2019.


Edited by BOZO T CLOWN
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1 hour ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I don't know if this is the case with Wolf, but jails can put people at risk from other prisoners in solitary or protective custody. But I'm not particularly concerned about the well being of someone who shared videos of a 10-year-old being raped. 

I empathize with your opinion, but legal procedures should not follow our opinions. We should treat him as if he were innocent until proven guilty.

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interesting to note that after the FBI raid on his apartment - he continued to create/post & publicize sexual content w “young” performers (his words), do public events and didn’t take down any of his accounts.  very odd behavior given he knew what was coming.  not changing his behavior post-raid may have had something to do with pre-trial detention now.  

and it’s worth mentioning that he was very public re: his interest in young performers - frequently filming with them & posting the videos online; the assumption being that while the performers looked young, they were of legal age.  that’s very different from how he concealed his identify to exchange actual child porn using an encrypted app.  

it will be interesting to see where this case goes.  sure looks like the prosecutors have a bigger target in mind.


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2 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

I empathize with your opinion, but legal procedures should not follow our opinions. We should treat him as if he were innocent until proven guilty.

Again, this is the role of the legal system. I agree his case should be heard without prejudice and the full assumption of innocence. But there is no right to a presumption of innocence in the court of public opinion. 


* Please keep politics out of this discussion. 

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Posted (edited)

He won't do well in prison. Guards hate guys like this and inmates do as well. Everyone will be against him and he will be tortured and beaten and everyone will turn a blind eye. He will likely be found dead at some point in prison.

Oh well. You suck fuck 


PS. It's funny because he's a big dude -- 6'3, 240#. which in general people would stay away from a guy like that. But I would bet my entire retirement on the fact he can't fight himself out of a wet paper bag. 

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1 hour ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

interesting to note that after the FBI raid on his apartment - he continued to create/post & publicize sexual content w “young” performers (his words), do public events and didn’t take down any of his accounts.  very odd behavior given he knew what was coming.  not changing his behavior post-raid may have had something to do with pre-trial detention now.  

and it’s worth mentioning that he was very public re: his interest in young performers - frequently filming with them & posting the videos online; the assumption being that while the performers looked young, they were of legal age.  that’s very different from how he concealed his identify to exchange actual child porn using an encrypted app.  

it will be interesting to see where this case goes.  sure looks like the prosecutors have a bigger target in mind.


The evidence is overwhelming. And as you point out, even after the feds raided his apartment, he continued to distribute child pornography.
Despite his "celebrity" status, he needs to be treated no differently than any other child predator. Remand him to prison without bail. Period.


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15 minutes ago, ThroatCummer said:

He won't do well in prison. Guards hate guys like this and inmates do as well. Everyone will be against him and he will be tortured and beaten and everyone will turn a blind eye. He will likely be found dead at some point in prison.


I wouldn't assume he's going to get shanked. Yes, it happens but plenty of people charged with these crimes survive for long times in jails and prisons. 

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20 minutes ago, maninsoma said:

Just to be clear: You don't believe anyone should be held pretrial? 

Why not? I am just pointing out that we should not wish for him a harder treatment than the due treatment for anyone else in similar situations. Some posters think he should be punished now by holding him in a dangerous prison where his life could be endangered.

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I wouldn't assume he's going to get shanked. Yes, it happens but plenty of people charged with these crimes survive for long times in jails and prisons. 

Fair. But he will definitely get his ass kicked on the regular and won't do well in prison and no guard is going to give a rats ass about him when he complains. He will wish he's in the hole alone -- and not the hole he likes. 

The one thing everyone in prison knows is what others are in for and there's no hiding that. Everyone will know and it won't be pretty. 

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8 minutes ago, José Soplanucas said:

Why not? I am just pointing out that we should not wish for him a harder treatment than the due treatment for anyone else in similar situations. Some posters think he should be punished now by holding him in a dangerous prison where his life could be endangered.

He is being treated the same as any other person charged. In fact, there are people being held in BHD for muggings and other non-violent offenses.  And given that he's a danger to children, he does not deserve bail. He also has money and is likely a flight risk. 

I cannot fathom any you or anyone else is caping for this monster. 

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Administrator’s Message

The moderators have received several reports on this thread. Please keep politics out of the discussion and stay on topic. 

Ignoring a moderator’s warning is a violation of our Guidelines. 

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On 7/1/2024 at 9:29 AM, BOZO T CLOWN said:

Here are the actual charges. Note the following ([Wolf] telegram owner = Austin Wolf):

Page 2, paragraph 6.c:

The review of Phone-1 further revealed that Target Telegram User-1 and the user of the [Wolf] Telegram Account exchanged approximately 200 videos and images containing child pornography on Telegram between March 24, 2024 and March 28, 2024. These videos depicted children as young as infants. 

Page 2, paragraph 6.d

"..on or about March 24, 2024, the user of the [Wolf] Telegram Account sent Target Telegram User-1 dozens of videos containing child pornography, including a video with the file name “sdpa_gay_niño_de_10_años_atado_y_violado_por_adulto2_1.mp4” which translates, in substance and part, to“sdpa_gay_10-year-old_boy_tied_and_raped_ by_adult2_1.mp4.” The video shows a child of approximately 10 years old bound, beaten, and raped by an adult man."

These charges, if true, are not fascinating. They are disgusting and abhorrent.




Good riddance. Lock him up. I’m so sick of gay men using appearance privilege to move up in the world and gain advantages that “regular” gays don’t have. 

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