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CA bars required to provide date rape drug testing kits

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OP note: considering the rape culture in our colleges, the military, etc. I'm not surprise there's a need for this. Unfortunately rape is by far less likely to happen in public spaces. 


Bars in California are now required to offer kits to test drinks. (Source: KMAX/KOVR via CNN Newsource)


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According to the report, the test kit detects GHB and ketamine, which are commonly used in assaults.

I remember the campaigns about GHB awareness when I first came out and went out to the bars more.  The normal advice was to never take a drink from someone you didn't know and never leave your own drink unattended. A rapid test kit would have been a nice addition to campaign.

A friend of mine told me he was likely drugged at Burkharts several years ago, and the bartender stopped him from leaving with someone.  He had apparently went from being normal and alert to suddenly appearing very intoxicated, and the guy was trying to get him out to his car.  The bartender intervened and said they'd help him get home, and the guy disappeared.  My friend told me he had almost no memories of that night, including how he got home (but he did wake up in his own bed).


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