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sports contests on streaming avenues

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Roku, Apple, Prime, Peacock - For the everyday sports fan, games that aren't available easily are flustering when on these services. What I essentially hear is "Tough shit, dude, this is the future, and your little TV will be obsolete before you know it".

Why has sports reached a point that a multi-billionaire can essentially purchase an entire day of the week to show a football game on his platform (playoffs now, too), everyone else be damned?

When I split my time between living in two cities, it was such a simple time. The Chicago Cubs were on WGN, period. The California Angels were on KTLA, period. The score was only shown before commercials, and the umpires were taken at their word (and much more accurate). Also, I never would see these teams play one another in a regular season game because they are in different leagues with different rules. 

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It has gotten pretty wild. There was one NFL playoff game shown on Prime (I think) last season it was a problem for a lot of bars that pay lot of money to show football games every week and then had to pay more for one game!  

On the plus side, having moved out of my hometown area I can still catch a few games a year with the local college thanks to streaming.

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