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too forward escorts

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How do you deal with escorts who are too forward in conversations and come up with BS in the midst? I recall getting up and leaving one time when one of them started talking about religion and faith. Not the time and place, and I don't believe in any religion. I find it's cringe. I even left a bad review on a site, as a warning. 

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I'm not sure I'd consider that being "too forward." Rather its bringing up a controversial topic. 

I was seeing a masseur who I really enjoyed, but he ended up sharing that he believed in a lot of whacky spiritual stuff, and some personal views on sex that were oddly conservative. It was just a turn off for me. 

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Posted (edited)

I'm not sure why someone would start bringing up controversial/triggering topics with someone they just met, but it seems inappropriate.  I don't mind discussing religion and politics, but only after getting to know someone.  Otherwise it can be offensive, even if it was not meant to be that way.  If that were to happen again, maybe it would be sufficient to just say that you would rather not discuss those sorts of things?  Hopefully that would bring an end to it without you having to leave.

Edited by CuriousByNature
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6 hours ago, carolus said:

How do you deal with escorts who are too forward in conversations and come up with BS in the midst? I recall getting up and leaving one time when one of them started talking about religion and faith. Not the time and place, and I don't believe in any religion. I find it's cringe. I even left a bad review on a site, as a warning. 

I think what you need to do is learn to accept that many people have different viewpoints than yourself.

Just because religion is "cringe" to you...plenty of others value it greatly.

The fact that you left a "bad review" because of YOUR narrow mindedness speaks to a need to re-evaluate your relationships with others.

There are plenty of ways to re-direct a conversation away from things you don't want to discuss.


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54 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

I think what you need to do is learn to accept that many people have different viewpoints than yourself.

Just because religion is "cringe" to you...plenty of others value it greatly.

The fact that you left a "bad review" because of YOUR narrow mindedness speaks to a need to re-evaluate your relationships with others.

There are plenty of ways to re-direct a conversation away from things you don't want to discuss.


There is a time and a place for everything.  

When someone is paying $300 - $400 per hour for sex with an excort, religion is out of line if brought up by the person charging the money. 

Discussing religion in a general conversation when a meter is not running is okay, in my opinion.  

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, coriolis888 said:

There is a time and a place for everything.  

When someone is paying $300 - $400 per hour for sex with an excort, religion is out of line if brought up by the person charging the money. 

Discussing religion in a general conversation when a meter is not running is okay, in my opinion.  

Although I agree, a massage session isn't necessarily an ideal place for a conversation about religion with a stranger, I still think the behavior was more of a problem than the provider's misplaced conversation.

There were FAR more tactful ways to handle the situation and the fact he was so triggered by the event they felt the need to slam him with a bad review speaks more to his issues than the provider's.

Lots of people are religious. I'm not. But I have no problem with other people being religious and/or discussing their faith. I often find it strange how so many gay men spend the month of June talking about Gay pride and "tolerance" but can't seem to muster any tolerance for others.

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Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

Although I agree, a massage session isn't necessarily an ideal place for a conversation about religion with a stranger, I still think your behavior was more of a problem than the provider's misplaced conversation.

There were FAR more tactful ways to handle the situation and the fact you were so triggered by the event you felt the need to slam him with a bad review speaks more to YOUR issues than his.

Lots of people are religious. I'm not. But I have no problem with other people being religious and/or discussing their faith. I often find it strange how so many gay men spend the month of June talking about Gay pride and "tolerance" but can't seem to have any tolerance for others.

I think that you might want to read the opening post to this thread.  Based on your response, you wrote as though it were I who had the experience with the escort.  I am merely one forum member who responded to the original poster. 

As to your comment about giving a bad review to an escort who charges a client to listen to a conversation about religion to a point the client ends the session, I do not fault the client that left the meeting.  Paying to hear a religious issue is and was not the purpose of the two people getting together.  Criticism of the paying client is not appropriate, in my opinion.  

Reviews are often helpful in deciding to hire an escort.  If a review reports that a paying client left an encounter early because of the escort lecturing the client about religion, I think such a review would be helpful in knowing that the escort behaved as he did. 


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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, coriolis888 said:

you wrote as though it were I who had the experience with the escort


Screen names were so similar I failed to notice..

Fixed the mis-direct on the response.

I also don't think the provider was described as "lecturing" the client. As I stated, if a grown-up doesn't like the direction of a conversation then he changes the subject. The client's behavior was childish in my opinion. No need to make such a fuss.

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Posted (edited)

I absolutely love when they bring up controversial topics.  I was recently with a guy that’s been talked about quite a bit on here as being “difficult” - I found him entertaining and fun.  He was trying to hit me up just to grab lunch the next day, but I had left the city. 

What’s more interesting than a right wing, Christian, gay, escort?  Fuck - wrap him in a bow, slap my ass and call me Sally.

Keep in mind I always tell them I’ll be in the hotel bar at 5 having a drink and some food, they are welcome to come early and join me if they want.  It’s not included in the “time”.   Typically they need to eat anyways, so why not.  I’ve met some really nice people I remain in contact with. 

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a professional provider initiating any sort of controversial subject conversation isn’t the sharpest tack.  they don’t know how the client will react, so why do it ?  there’s really no upside and lots of potential downside.  a smart providers objective is to build a book of dependable clients that will hire & pay on a regular basis.  why risk alienating someone with those type conversations?

this has never happened to me in many years hiring.  My experience is vast majority of successful providers are skilled at reading the client and acting accordingly.  

if that happened to me, I’d tell the person immediately that I didn’t hire them for a political or religion conversation.  And if it persisted, that would end the appointment without the full fee or tip.  If it happened at the end, I’d just not contact that person again and show them the door asap.

if the client brings up those topics - well, then they asked for it. 

my general feeling is it’s my paid time & my rules. not complicated 


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14 hours ago, CuriousByNature said:

I'm not sure why someone would start bringing up controversial/triggering topics with someone they just met, but it seems inappropriate.

this happens all the time in the US.  and for whatever reason - Americans think others are interested in their opinions and typically don’t hesitate to go there with complete strangers.  It’s an obsession with many these days.  watching way too much television and/or consuming political content online to the point of being brainwashed. 

and btw - they’re rarely interested in a discussion with anyone with different opinions. They just want to express their opinion & whatever talking points they absorbed in the last 24 hours. It’s both sides - doesn’t matter party affiliation or viewpoint. Thus, the extreme partisanship destroying family relationships and long-term friendships. 

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Agree only for short session with provider who i hd no prior rapport with. Certain topics are not suitable.

But with my regulars (especially in long hours hire), conversation topics vary from mundane/personal life/politic/religion/trauma. Tho perhaps its just me, thats how i connect with ppl. Cant do long hours hire with provider who cant sustain good interesting conversation. Its always a delight to listen to other's perspective on life or anything, and i enjoy it more when its turn into a 'naked chill debate' preluding next round fun session.


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On 7/8/2024 at 7:04 AM, carolus said:

How do you deal with escorts who are too forward in conversations and come up with BS in the midst? I recall getting up and leaving one time when one of them started talking about religion and faith. Not the time and place, and I don't believe in any religion. I find it's cringe. I even left a bad review on a site, as a warning. 

I just don't hire men again that I don't get along with.  This happens occasionally with younger men who haven't experienced enough of life to bring enough experience to the table.  The one exception is sexy hunky Midwestern Men!  Give me a young jock from the Midwest anytime, and I'll listen to him talk while I gaze at his cornfed body 😍

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More context is needed to know what I think about the initial post.  Some providers are into (and clearly advertise) a sort of sexual-spiritual experience, so I wouldn't be surprised if a provider like that brought up spirituality.  I know the OP says "religion," but I also know that some people just use that word to describe anything related to spirituality. 

I would find it very weird to be with an escort or masseur and suddenly have them proselytizing.  If it's December and they casually bring up Christmas plans, I'm not going to freak out just because I'm not Christian.  I'd feel the same with respect to any other faith.  I did have a massage with someone once who clearly was into "eastern spirituality" based on the music he played, the incense burning, some of the rituals he performed, and some of what he said.  Even though I found it all a bit hokey, I just let him do his thing and in the end I did enjoy the massage.  Life doesn't always need to involve challenging someone whose beliefs are different, though I agree that the best way of handling a situation like the one described in the first post is simply to say, "I'd rather not discuss religion at this time," and then only leave if the provider continued talking about it.  I think the only situation in which I would just leave without an attempt to redirect would involve someone bringing up religion in a denigrating way.  (I'm thinking of the possibility of a gay-for-pay guy unloading his shame on his clients, for example.)

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

I just don't hire men again that I don't get along with.  This happens occasionally with younger men who haven't experienced enough of life to bring enough experience to the table.  The one exception is sexy hunky Midwestern Men!  Give me a young jock from the Midwest anytime, and I'll listen to him talk while I gaze at his cornfed body 😍

I didn't know you were into gruff sex...

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12 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

this happens all the time in the US.  and for whatever reason - Americans think others are interested in their opinions and typically don’t hesitate to go there with complete strangers.  It’s an obsession with many these days.  watching way too much television and/or consuming political content online to the point of being brainwashed. 

and btw - they’re rarely interested in a discussion with anyone with different opinions. They just want to express their opinion & whatever talking points they absorbed in the last 24 hours. It’s both sides - doesn’t matter party affiliation or viewpoint. Thus, the extreme partisanship destroying family relationships and long-term friendships. 

Taking this slightly of subject.... Will you ever say something nice about the United States? 



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On 7/8/2024 at 7:04 AM, carolus said:

How do you deal with escorts who are too forward in conversations and come up with BS in the midst? I recall getting up and leaving one time when one of them started talking about religion and faith. Not the time and place, and I don't believe in any religion. I find it's cringe. I even left a bad review on a site, as a warning. 

He was supposedly in the need to out Christian, out family values and out American others to feel good about himself.

Maybe he needed help or changing his  professional choice.

I've had great conversations on those subjects with providers of different backgrounds and points of view. 


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On 7/8/2024 at 10:04 AM, carolus said:

How do you deal with escorts who are too forward in conversations and come up with BS in the midst? I recall getting up and leaving one time when one of them started talking about religion and faith. Not the time and place, and I don't believe in any religion. I find it's cringe. I even left a bad review on a site, as a warning. 

I'd say, get on your knees and ask for forgiveness, now!

Ok, seriously now, Many conservative Christians love, love, love, providers. Religion speaks to them. Additionally, sometimes there's chemistry, sometimes there isn't. That's just how it is.  When I know that I the provider gives a lot of BS, depending on my mood, sometimes I play dumb just for the fun of seeing how far he will go with the nonsense, sometimes I have let him know that there's no need to come up with stories or BS and that changes the topic/dynamic between us, and sometimes I just end the interaction. I don't think that there is one single way of dealing with that, but at least me, I know that my mood at the time influences how I respond.

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One guy was fascinated by my line of work, and after a bit I had to remind him that work was something he was hired to take my mind off…

I’m inclined to hire the genitally gifted. An easy subject-changer, right there…

So, who was the first to tell you about your size? Dad? Mom? Brother?
Girlfriend? Best friend? Mom next door? Scout Master? 

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Some folks are gifted conversationalists who can change topics and steer conversations with ease and grace. Some people not so much. Some folks are comfortable being frank about topics to avoid. Some people not so much. Some people love controversial conversation and debate. Some people not so much.

Truly skilled providers will be able to read those subtle differences in a client and change topic or even end conversation.

In terms of the review, as long as you were honest and upfront with ALL aspects of experience, it's a helpful review for potential clients and the provider. Obviously, leaving 1 or 2 stars and saying "clean, on time, good pressure, Midwestern corn fed boy with a great body and a huge dick, BUT,  he couldn't stop talking about religion, and it ruined the experience," is truly a helpful review.

It gives some clients insight to say "he's probably not for me." And at the same time, it might make @Vegas_Millennial @Thelatin and @jeezifonly beat a path to your door for his contact info!

One man's trash...

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On 7/8/2024 at 2:13 PM, pubic_assistance said:

I think what you need to do is learn to accept that many people have different viewpoints than yourself.

Just because religion is "cringe" to you...plenty of others value it greatly.

The fact that you left a "bad review" because of YOUR narrow mindedness speaks to a need to re-evaluate your relationships with others.

There are plenty of ways to re-direct a conversation away from things you don't want to discuss.


Yeah I saw a person once who brought up religion and politics and I even told him I didn't feel like discussing that at the moment. 

He started talking about something else than went back to bordering on politics and religion. 

Sometimes there is no way out except to get up and leave or grin and bear it. 

Also if I am paying you cash I shouldn't have to hear about your belief system or anything that is not a neutral topic. 

I also left a review listing pros and cons so other people were made aware. 

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