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10 minutes ago, Monarchy79 said:

Also, 99.99999 percent of the time, that subject provider looks far better than the person carefully critiquing their looks. 

Oh, so only people who look better, behave better, act better, write better, paint better, sing better, etc. can critique things that are inferior to what they are or can do? I think if someone is an astute observer they can potentially be a good and accurate critic, no matter what they look like or can do,

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11 minutes ago, Walt said:

 I think if someone is an astute observer they can potentially be a good and accurate critic, no matter what they look like or can do,

In the cases of these forums, no one’s being an “astute critic”. Picking apart some escort’s body fat count, number of crow’s feet creases or the number of grey hairs on his nuts, isn’t a required “analysis”or high standard of research & review. 

It’s  just simply being catty. 

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33 minutes ago, Walt said:

Oh, so only people who look better, behave better, act better, write better, paint better, sing better, etc. can critique things that are inferior to what they are or can do? 

In most cases, yes. 
“Peanut Gallery” critics usually have minimal talents or capabilities, which is why they enjoy sitting as a spectator picking others apart. 



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36 minutes ago, Monarchy79 said:

You’re correct. We shouldn’t argue. 
what annoys me is when people on these forums use the advantage of their anonymity to ridiculously critique the looks of performers & providers who are literally paid because of their looks. 

Also, 99.99999 percent of the time, that subject provider looks far better than the person carefully critiquing their looks. 

It’s the hypocrisy that triggers the arguments, not anyone’s individual freedom of opinion to comment. 



It's not hypocrisy. The poster isn't asked to be paid for his looks. 

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28 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

 It's the people who niggle over their "correctness" and inability to allow opposing viewpoints that I personally find annoying. 

Then  I certainly annoy the hell out of you. 

The reason why I do this is simple. I just personally don’t like how many trolls on such sites use their anonymity as a springboard to highlight the ultimate worst aspects of human nature. I think it’s cowardly and lame. 

The way I address matters online I is the same way I’d address an individual in-person. I know from much of the nonsense I’ve read in these comments over the years, that many of these guys would not operate in the same manner. 

it’s convenient to be rude, shallow, misogynistic, racist, exploitative, disrespectful, catty, and nasty online, when hiding behind a computer screen. Many people take advantage of that convenience. 

I don’t profess myself to be the arbiter of social standards of behavior at all. But we ALL know when people are crossing the line of what’s socially appropriate (yes, there is a line). And you know it too. 😎



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11 minutes ago, Monarchy79 said:

In most cases, yes. 
“Peanut Gallery” critics usually have minimal talents of capabilities, which is why they enjoy sitting as a spectator picking others apart. 



you mean the few billion people on social media 😅

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27 minutes ago, wanderlust307 said:

Escorts (performers and providers as you ridiculsly named them 🤣) are putting themselves on public display asking for our money, so they should be subjected to criticism. 

As for your 99.99999 percent estimate, this time you are wrong. I am better looking - In this case not difficult per se.

Then put yourself up on an ad on RM and see how you’ll stack up against this guy and let’s see the proof. 

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7 minutes ago, LookingAround said:

It's not hypocrisy. The poster isn't asked to be paid for his looks. 

Then the poster should stay in his lane. 

Imagine what would happen if some random dude on the street would confront Mike Tyson (to his face), and critique his boxing abilities? The said “critic” could easily say “well he’s not being paid to box”, but he doesn’t have the talent, training or experience to address a professional athlete in that manner. 

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4 minutes ago, wanderlust307 said:

you make ridiculous statements a habit 🤣

Please identity the other statements I’ve made that you claim to be “ridiculous”, since you’ve defined this as a “habit”? 

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I think most if not all of the posters here have a good idea of who works for them and who doesn't.  I would never be influenced one way or the other by someone else's opinion regarding looks, and so a post which states that a certain escort does nothing or something for you, amounts to a wasted post, at least wasted on me and most of us here who know what we like when we see it.  Stating that the pictures are old or in some way not an accurate representation of the escort in question is helpful.  So are comments as to other qualities the escort may have which are not apparent in the photos.

So bottom line for me is, who cares what you think about someone's looks.  I do appreciate information you may have that is not already as obvious as the picture on the page.  However, should you want to post a negative opinion, do not be surprised to get some push back from others who do not share that opinion.  An thus, a totally useless bit of bickering.  

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2 minutes ago, wanderlust307 said:

You call escorts "performers" and "providers".  😂

Many escorts have dual careers in porn, stripping and exotic dancing , which makes them a “performer”.

Further, the escorting business is a business of services. They provide these services, which makes them service “providers”. 

These are common, regularly used terms, which doesn’t make them “ridiculous” at all.

I’ll wait with bated breath for your next weak attempt at calling my statements “ridiculous”. 




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2 minutes ago, Monarchy79 said:

Many escorts have dual careers in porn, stripping and exotic dancing , which makes them a “performer”.

Further, the escorting business is a business of services. They provide these services, which makes them service “providers”. 

These are common, regularly used terms, which doesn’t make them “ridiculous” at all.

I’ll wait with bated breath for your next weak attempt at calling my statements “ridiculous”. 




I have a different understanding of what performers and providers are and found it funny. Thinking of it, I should use the word funny not ridiculous. My mistake - English is not my first language. Now that I know how important this is for you, I will be more careful with my choice of words. 😅

Anyway time for my gin and tonic.

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5 minutes ago, wanderlust307 said:

I have a different understanding of what performers and providers are and found it funny. Thinking of it, I should use the word funny not ridiculous. My mistake - English is not my first language. Now that I know how important this is for you, I will be more careful with my choice of words. 😅

Anyway time for my gin and tonic.

None of this is important to me. And attempting to assert that I’m “taking such a matter too seriously”, is just a weak attempt of you retreating, because you were proven to be incorrect. 

English may not be your “first language”, but you understand and write it very well. So well, that you’ve mastered sophomoric attempts at sarcasm. 

In closing, I don’t want you to be “more careful”. Speak your mind. That’s what these forums are for. 

Enjoy your gin & tonic. 😘



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5 minutes ago, Monarchy79 said:

None of this is important to me. And attempting to assert that I’m “taking such a matter too seriously”, is just a weak attempt of you retreating, because you were proven to be incorrect.



I am so glad this is not important to you 🤣

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1 minute ago, wanderlust307 said:

I am so glad this is not important to you 🤣

And I’m so glad that you’ve further confirmed your command of the English language by demonstrating your “sophomoric sarcasm” skills, once again.

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4 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

Then the poster should stay in his lane. 

Imagine what would happen if some random dude on the street would confront Mike Tyson (to his face), and critique his boxing abilities? The said “critic” could easily say “well he’s not being paid to box”, but he doesn’t have the talent, training or experience to address a professional athlete in that manner. 

I actually once met Mike Tyson to his face on a street in South Beach over 20 years ago. I kept a respectful 6 feet away from him as we walked along in the same direction. Of course there was a body guard between him and me. But I would not have dared to critique him in any fashion. I value my life too much. 😂 

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Armchair critics’ opinions (regardless of field) are invalid to anyone other than themselves because they are not based on any actual knowledge or experience.  For example, when people use the word “pitchy” to describe a vocal performance they don’t like, 95% of them don’t even know what it means nor that it’s not even a real musical term.  One poster’s opinion on an escort’s appearance is just that- that one person’s opinion, and has no bearing on anyone else’s experience with that escort.

ETA: to be clear, I am not conflating facts with opinions.  Someone getting older or gaining weight is a fact.  It’s the perception that is the opinion.

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