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Blood in urine after deep bottoming

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29 minutes ago, Paulgeorge said:

I bottomed for an alpha male with a 10in cock. It felt great during but an hour later I peed fresh blood for two hours then clear.  Thoughts?

If it continues clear then you are ok.  If you continue to see blood in your urine, then see a urologist asap.  Hopefully it will be clear going forward so you don't have to explain the situation.   Oh, and drink water.  Sounds like some damage to your prostrate or bladder from the exertion.  Athletes that work out intensely can get this.  

Edited by augustus
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On 7/14/2024 at 4:46 PM, Paulgeorge said:

I bottomed for an alpha male with a 10in cock. It felt great during but an hour later I peed fresh blood for two hours then clear.  Thoughts? 

Happened to me a few months ago, for the first time. Scared me, but I read a couple of medical articles that said hard anal sex can cause it. It was gone after two pees, and no reoccurrence.

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If it goes away and stays away, without any other symptoms, I wouldn’t worry about it. Your prostate got hammered. Nothing more nothing less. If it keeps happening or if you develop any other symptoms, you need to get it checked out. I used to volunteer for the AIDS bicycle rides, and dudes would come in to the medical tent all night worried about blood in their semen. It was always from getting their prostate hammered by their bike seat for over a 100 miles every day. I’ve said it before, but we instantly knew two things: 1) you hadn’t really been training or you would’ve already seen this before and 2) you were fucking your tent mate.

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On 7/14/2024 at 5:09 PM, augustus said:

If it continues clear then you are ok.  If you continue to see blood in your urine, then see a urologist asap.  Hopefully it will be clear going forward so you don't have to explain the situation.   Oh, and drink water.  Sounds like some damage to your prostrate or bladder from the exertion.  Athletes that work out intensely can get this.  

Clear urine doesn't mean that no blood is present.  I've had a few kidney stones in my day and the urine samples contained blood even when the sample looked clear.

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I agree that the most likely explanation is hemorrhagic prostatitis but one can never be too careful.   The fact that it stopped soon afterward is a good sign but as mentioned by another, microscopic hematuria is not evident to the naked eye and so there may be an underlying problem that flared and is now relatively quiet but not gone.  You did not mention your age, whether you have taken blood thinners, if you have any underlying bleeding issues and as a result it would be presumptive to assume this is nothing.  If you are over 50, a urologic examination and likely a cystoscopy would be prudent.  Even if this turns up nothing, you have the piece of mind to know that it has been checked.  

I had an episode of hematuria that was fairly severe about one year ago.  It was very painful and I sought out medical care.  A cystoscopy revealed a soft urethral valve that had torn.  Since that examination, no further recurrence.  I had episodes of blood in the past and now I know that at least at this time, things are good with no serious pathology.  

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