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Escorts and PNP

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If I understand claims here correctly, PNP typically involves a downer (depressant), time for it to take effect, and then an upper (stimulant).

Depressant would include all opiates and opiods.

I find it unbelievable that there is a strict moral code compelling EVERYONE to NEVER substitute a downer like Dilaudid, heroin, Fentanyl, etc because it's cheaper, or they couldn't get GHB.

Maybe I am just jaded when it comes to the concept of 'honor among drug abusers.'


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23 hours ago, JTtorretto said:

The fact that he gave you a drink 🥃 (liquid form), feeling “strange” , “bizarre” , “disoriented” and then you went to sleep it off; is evidence that this escort gave you a dose of a drug called gHb. [also refereed to more recently as “b”, “gbl”, and the least desirable form “bdo”].  

The effects you describe is opposite from you feel when on tina” [aka crystal methamphetimine] which is a stimulant / not an hallucinogenic.  If you had been given meth [extremely odd in a drink btw], your senses wouldve been heightened, more alert, and super horny. Most importantly you wouldnt have been able to sleep.

A novice escort whos starting out (especially in a city such as SF where the majority of clients and 99% of the escorts partake ), easily couldve been mistaken that you understood what you were being offered as the ritual of a “party & play”  begins with the drinking of g (as the affects can take up to 20 mins).   Then usually meth is smoked or snorted in lines and the combination of the “downer” [gHb] with the “upper” [crystal meth] creates a horny, relaxed, uninhibited feeling of sublime.    

To do just gHb on its own makes most people feel sleepy. And to do crystal on its own, too edgy. Thats why a properly measured dosage combination is most ideal and the majority of your experienced providers will know how best to administer. 

This is so educational. 

I should stop chastising myself for my pre-sex gin & tonic.

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On 7/20/2024 at 4:16 AM, JTtorretto said:

sorry for the lost of your friends who were heroin addicts.


HOWEVER, You do realize that the horrific synthetic Heroin (fentanyl) has ZERO to do with the topic of this thread?   

Fentanyl is cheap synthetic HEROIN

it’s EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, isn’t sexual and I do not know any person who does heroin / fentanyl as its a completely different type of person who may enjoy sex with pnp.


Agree your input is off topic and I don't doubt something happened but the story as you tell it doesn't add up. Two people sharing one pill wouldn't overdose. 

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2 hours ago, LookingAround said:

Agree your input is off topic and I don't doubt something happened but the story as you tell it doesn't add up. Two people sharing one pill wouldn't overdose. 

Do you know how much fentanyl can kill a person. The size of one piece of rice. I can attest both of my friends overdosed and almost died if it wasn't for my narcan and paramedics arriving. If I partake in any type of PNP I test everything. I also always carry narcan in case something happens so I can take care of my clients. 

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On 7/19/2024 at 6:28 PM, desertguy1954 said:

Today, I was on RM and was checking a profile.  His pictures and profile were perfect.  Right age hairy, versatile, then when checking on what he was into, he had listed PNP.  That is where he lost me.  I am finding this in several profiles that I look at.  Is now listing PNP in your profile a necessary item?  For me, it is an immediate click and on to the next profile.  How d you guys feel about that in an escorts profile?

I basically agree with you. For me it's one of those characteristics that go in the Bad or Negative column when considering to hire someone new. Especially if the provider is young. PNP with a young twenty year old is not a turn on at all. Guess I AM getting old and cranky.

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On 7/20/2024 at 5:16 AM, JTtorretto said:

sorry for the lost of your friends who were heroin addicts.


HOWEVER, You do realize that the horrific synthetic Heroin (fentanyl) has ZERO to do with the topic of this thread?   

Fentanyl is cheap synthetic HEROIN

it’s EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, isn’t sexual and I do not know any person who does heroin / fentanyl as its a completely different type of person who may enjoy sex with pnp.


You must not realize that many people who have died of Fentanyl overdoses did not knowingly use Fentanyl. In many cases, they were “partying” with other drugs (Tina, Coke, etc.) not realizing it was cut with Fentanyl. 

There’s no “levels” to drug use, and no junkie is “better” than the other. So whether you’re “partying” with Tina, Heroin, Coke, or straight up Fentanyl, you’re all on the same sinking boat together, and need help. 

Edited by Monarchy79
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On 7/20/2024 at 5:16 AM, JTtorretto said:

 I do not know any person who does heroin / fentanyl as it’s a completely different type of person who may enjoy sex with pnp.


Please explain the “difference” between these two types of people…..

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5 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

Please explain the “difference” between these two types of people…..

Individuals who pnp enjoy enhancing, prolonging their sexual encounters and with lower inhibitions. Pnp is also social, stimulant enhanced and thus why its a popular activity with male escorts/clients in certain markets.

Whereas an opiate user is not caring to be social, or have sex or do anything but to get their high. Historically for hundreds of years opiates have been used for pain relief.  Heroin, Oxy’s, Fentanyl [opiates] are not drugs people take to have sex on.

Personally, I’ve never known of an escort who was a heroin addict however 85-90% of the escorts Ive known pnp

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Illicit drug use can be rationalized in many ways, including why one form is superior to another. Common rationalizations often include things like: it relaxes me, it takes the edge off, it makes me lose my inhibitions, it gives me a push, it let's me escape. Often "and then I can be more social" is tacked on the end of those phrases.

To say that opiods and opiates are never used to calm or relax someone and thereby make social interactions easier, is akin to saying other depressants, like alcohol or THC, can't be used that same way.

Any addict I've ever known was willing to sell both body and possessions, and often the bodies and possessions of others, to feed their addiction. "Addiction" is the common denominator, not "what" they are addicted to. 



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21 hours ago, Daniel84 said:

Do you know how much fentanyl can kill a person. The size of one piece of rice. I can attest both of my friends overdosed and almost died if it wasn't for my narcan and paramedics arriving. If I partake in any type of PNP I test everything. I also always carry narcan in case something happens so I can take care of my clients. 

You test everything? Just doing your due diligence I suppose. 
And you consider viagra pnp?

ok carry on. 

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14 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

Definitely, youngins do not usually use Viagra if they are not PNPing.

Kids may find it harder to get in prescription and it may not be existential to have sex, but from what I’ve seen and heard I’d say use is pretty common. Many see it as enhancing stamina even if they don’t need it to get hard. 

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6 hours ago, DWnyc said:

Kids may find it harder to get in prescription and it may not be existential to have sex, but from what I’ve seen and heard I’d say use is pretty common. Many see it as enhancing stamina even if they don’t need it to get hard. 

I am not saying that young guys do not use Viagra. They do. Let's keep the thread on topic. The discussion was whether or not Viagra was a PNP drug.

My point is that even when the use of Viagra per se does not turn an experience into PNP, it is a drug that PNP players always include in their menu. The same could be said about weed. In the few PNP events I have been part of (I am not an assiduous PNP player) there was weed and Viagra available for the participants. There was no alcohol. But indeed what makes a sex party a PNP event is not the presence of Viagra or weed, but the chem sex drugs that have been listed in the thread.

Edited by José Soplanucas
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7 hours ago, DWnyc said:

Kids may find it harder to get in prescription and it may not be existential to have sex, but from what I’ve seen and heard I’d say use is pretty common. Many see it as enhancing stamina even if they don’t need it to get hard. 

Oh for the kids the Viagra turns them into steel rod fuck machines. They love that; and so do I !!

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