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Charging for escorts

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Check with them that they’re ok to work together. You’ll end up paying them both whatever their rate is for a duo session. Either directly to each of them if you book them separately or through the main guy if you ask him to arrange it. Their rate will be different for a duo session than if you just book one of them on his own. 

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9 hours ago, hardgrinder said:

I wanted to hire an escort for a 3 way with another escort. Is it customary for an escort to charge for another escort?

I have hired several guys together, i usually ask my regular provider to reach out to the other escort or masseur to see if they are interested in the type of appointment I’m looking for. But if i hired them before I’ll ask them both separately to see if they’d have interest in working me together. 

I find that when I have my regular provider ask, the other escort they don’t ask for a double fee for both me and the other escort/masseur…but sometimes when I message them on my own and I don’t know them already a few times they have given a higher rate because it’s two guys. Or is the escort identifies as  straight they have asked for double fee for two guys.  

so maybe try having your regular ask the other escort you’re interested in, if the new guy is attracted to your regular usually they won’t charge a higher price. 

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I am not a fan of 3-ways per se, but if I know I wanted to watch 2 guys doing something specific, I would go thru a provider I know to find someone he enjoys - at least for a name to contact. If they don’t have chemistry between each other I wouldn’t bother. 

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6 hours ago, wanderlust307 said:

Is this so complicated that deserves a thread? Seriously?

I am new here, but I see so many simple questions. Guys stop overanalysing.


Well, if you don’t care for a thread, feel free to skip it. As far as I know, there’s no rule saying you have to read every thread.

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This is an excellent question. I’ve been dabbling in hiring more than one escort at once recently. 

I have three regulars that I’ve been hiring for the past 6 months or so. A couple of months back, I decided it would be a good idea to have the 3 of them over at once for a two hour session. I reached out to each individually and they all agreed to join at their normal two hour rate. None of them had met one another before. 

The session exceeded my expectations and was great fun. However, I have since determined that hiring two escorts instead of three is the better route. There just seemed to be much more going on with four people total instead of just three for some reason. Lol. 

Also, the chemistry between the three guys seemed to be pretty good too. In fact, I think two of the three have worked together since then with clients. I’m not sure I’d worry too much about the chemistry though. These are (supposedly) professionals and they should be able to roll with it. 

I was traveling with one of my regulars recently and I reached out to a local escort about joining us. This is when I learned about the double rate. Instead of $350 for an hour, he wanted $700 for an hour since it was two people. I politely declined. We reached out to another guy and he expected the same double rate (though it was $300 up to $600). This surprised and frustrated me. I’m also not sure I understand the logic behind that rate. 🤷🏽‍♂️

So I think there is something to be said for already knowing the escorts you want to hire for a multiple session. So maybe my advice would be to reach out and meet up with them individually first before trying to arrange a group meeting.  And I actually liked that the three guys did not know each other going into it. I think I’d almost feel like an extra wheel if they already knew one another and I was the odd person out. Also, it is interesting for me to watch how two people are going to interact with one another for the first time. 


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I had never done this before but one overnight with my regular guy I mentioned having a 3rd could be hot. He immediately said let me handle this and went on rent.men and was like "I can wade through the bullshit and find someone who is good"  and no, he didn't know the other guy. He was just really experienced and could tell based on reviews, description, pictures, who would be a good fit and who wouldn't. 

We had the other guy over for two hours of the overnight and it was PERFECT. 

Let the professionals handle it. That's how I operate. :) 

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A young twinkish escort in San Diego I saw a couple times, amended his RM ad to say “ask about my partner”. I did, and met them both.

I’ve had mixed luck with 3-way as many others have commented on as well. I laid out my expectations…the most basic one being “don’t ignore me”. They did a spectacular job of taking care of me. 

So, this was an example of a provider I was familiar with, bringing in a 3rd, and it working well for me.

No DM’s requesting specifics please.

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Organizing a threesome/group for a client can be more of a hassle than one might think, at least in my experience. Sometimes it works out. But several times, I've done the work of wrangling another escort for a duo, or several for a group session, only to have the guy bail a few minutes after his scheduled arrival. That happened once without a deposit, I learned my lesson I thought.. not too long after, another guy ghosted three of us, even *after* paying the deposit I'd askled(which, after splitting it, wasn't quite enough to make up for the wasted time and energy).

Another time, a guy I'd never worked with before but who seemed legit was an hour late, causing me to basically waste an hour uncompensated. The client tipped a bit but a fraction of my rate.

It has always worked much more smoothly for me when the client himself arranges with whoever he wants to have there.

However, recently I did such an arrangement in a new city, smallish place. The other guy was younger, very new to the work and, in my assessment, more vulnerable than me in a number of ways. I gave him a ride home and during our conversation, I discovered that the rate he'd asked and been paid was quite low -  less than half my rate. I gave him some of the cash I'd gotten to even things out with him (at a loss to me) and told him that he really ought to be charging more. We ended up having a really good conversation and have stayed in touch. But that aside, I then had a few firm words with the client, who certainly could have spared the difference. I mean, I understand that as providers we each negotiate our rates independently in this set-up, leaving no incentive for the client to pay us both the same. But such a vast discrepancy made me really uneasy...

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As mentioned in another thread, I have a long-time regular who sometimes brings young men who aren't escorts.

He does sort of act like a "madam" in that he insisted on handling the money (taking a larger share since he drives) and doesn't give me the other guy's number.

However, while he's been willing to do that, he would obviously prefer that I spend more money on him.

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5 hours ago, mds1 said:


This is an excellent question. I’ve been dabbling in hiring more than one escort at once recently. 

I have three regulars that I’ve been hiring for the past 6 months or so. A couple of months back, I decided it would be a good idea to have the 3 of them over at once for a two hour session. I reached out to each individually and they all agreed to join at their normal two hour rate. None of them had met one another before. 

The session exceeded my expectations and was great fun. However, I have since determined that hiring two escorts instead of three is the better route. There just seemed to be much more going on with four people total instead of just three for some reason. Lol. 

Also, the chemistry between the three guys seemed to be pretty good too. In fact, I think two of the three have worked together since then with clients. I’m not sure I’d worry too much about the chemistry though. These are (supposedly) professionals and they should be able to roll with it. 

I was traveling with one of my regulars recently and I reached out to a local escort about joining us. This is when I learned about the double rate. Instead of $350 for an hour, he wanted $700 for an hour since it was two people. I politely declined. We reached out to another guy and he expected the same double rate (though it was $300 up to $600). This surprised and frustrated me. I’m also not sure I understand the logic behind that rate. 🤷🏽‍♂️

So I think there is something to be said for already knowing the escorts you want to hire for a multiple session. So maybe my advice would be to reach out and meet up with them individually first before trying to arrange a group meeting.  And I actually liked that the three guys did not know each other going into it. I think I’d almost feel like an extra wheel if they already knew one another and I was the odd person out. Also, it is interesting for me to watch how two people are going to interact with one another for the first time. 


The double rate mindset is when they think they will be hired to entertain both you and the other guy(escort) , so it’s good to let them know that you want to hire two escorts for an evening of fun so they are aware two guys will be hired essentially to please you, rather than the one escort hired to please both you and the other guy(escort).

so the double rate makes sense for example if the escort is hired to entertain a couple for example. But usually if the escorts knows it’s another escort hired for your pleasure they won’t ask for double rate. And naturally they will play with eachother also. 


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46 minutes ago, Thelatin said:

I have a provider I vacation with, he also brings his boyfriend.  It works out well :) 

The one paid 3-way I had was also with a provider and his boyfriend.  The provider and I had already agreed upon a session and a price, when he asked if his boyfriend could join.  I stated that I wouldn't mind but didn't have the budget for a 3-way, so he said no additional cost.  It was an amazing experience.

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Had my fair share of 3s. There are numerous ways to go about this but in principle both providers will be compensated. How tht go about, all depends on the arrangement. I havent personally seen provider charging each other for 3s though. Its more of whether they are a good fit or not. 

Beware, IMO, 3s is often better in your imagination. 

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I only work with guys I know. If a client asks me to arrange another guy I ask the client if he has a preference as to type and then I sort it all out with the other guy. There’s about 6 or 7 guys I’ve worked with who I know are good and who are professional, respectful and will stick to the brief. If the client wants us to interact together that’s fine, I then select the right guy. Usually though it’s 99% focus on the client. I get the other guys rate, add it to mine and quote the client the combined rate and afterwards the client pays me and I settle with the other guy. It’s simple and easy for the client. That’s what most people want: 2 guys who work well together, will do what the client wants, without drama and with a straightforward way to pay. 

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7 hours ago, Jason Dutch said:

Organizing a threesome/group for a client can be more of a hassle than one might think, at least in my experience. Sometimes it works out. But several times, I've done the work of wrangling another escort for a duo, or several for a group session, only to have the guy bail a few minutes after his scheduled arrival. That happened once without a deposit, I learned my lesson I thought.. not too long after, another guy ghosted three of us, even *after* paying the deposit I'd askled(which, after splitting it, wasn't quite enough to make up for the wasted time and energy).

Another time, a guy I'd never worked with before but who seemed legit was an hour late, causing me to basically waste an hour uncompensated. The client tipped a bit but a fraction of my rate.

Therein lies the risk of acting as a contractor. You need to choose quality subcontractors.

7 hours ago, Jason Dutch said:

However, recently I did such an arrangement in a new city, smallish place. The other guy was younger, very new to the work and, in my assessment, more vulnerable than me in a number of ways. I gave him a ride home and during our conversation, I discovered that the rate he'd asked and been paid was quite low -  less than half my rate. I gave him some of the cash I'd gotten to even things out with him (at a loss to me) and told him that he really ought to be charging more. We ended up having a really good conversation and have stayed in touch. But that aside, I then had a few firm words with the client, who certainly could have spared the difference. I mean, I understand that as providers we each negotiate our rates independently in this set-up, leaving no incentive for the client to pay us both the same. But such a vast discrepancy made me really uneasy...

I pay, pay extra, and tip based on experience, attributes, skill, travel/host, and familiarity. Regular, or not, a provider who admonished me for what I paid another would recieve stern words back, and likely find himself no longer a repeat hire.

As a cautionary tale: I did have a threesome once with a regular who was acquainted with the other provider. On a subsequent visit my regular commented that "X said he only got $Y." I didn't ask more about their conversation, relationship, or if money was exchanged between them. But my regular did seem pretty dejected when I told him I paid them each a total that was within $50 of one another.

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4 hours ago, blck37 said:

Had my fair share of 3s. There are numerous ways to go about this but in principle both providers will be compensated. How tht go about, all depends on the arrangement. I havent personally seen provider charging each other for 3s though. Its more of whether they are a good fit or not. 

Beware, IMO, 3s is often better in your imagination. 

I’ve always had great times in 3 ways with 2 providers I have selected. I always make sure the two agree in advance and give them the RM profiles of each other. so they can decide. 
If one has a higher rate I pay the two the higher rate but place the money in separate envelopes so one thinks he is getting a tip. lol I otherwise never tip but then usually hire for multiple hours so they are making good coin for an evenings work. 

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8 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

The one paid 3-way I had was also with a provider and his boyfriend.  The provider and I had already agreed upon a session and a price, when he asked if his boyfriend could join.  I stated that I wouldn't mind but didn't have the budget for a 3-way, so he said no additional cost.  It was an amazing experience.

I once had a regular provider suggest his "friend" join our session for our standard fee. It was a bad experience/dynamic.

The provider obviously knew, it wasn't great for me. When the friend went to clean up, the regular started to whisper an apology. I simply said, "we can have a brief discussion on the next visit." I wanted to make it clear that he was still going to be a regular of mine.

At the next visit he insisted the session was "on him," and even protested, but finally accepted, a tip. It was the catalyst for me to never just accept a providers' recommendation alone on who a 3rd should be.

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I have done several threesomes. Most times I have hired the two escorts separately but they do know there is another escort coming and I guess I have made it clear that they are both there for me since I have never encountered a double fee situation.  On a couple occasions the escort has supplied a partner and I have paid the one provider for both though I have tipped separately. It has usually worked out well but in the future I will make certain to note that it is two providers and one client.

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