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Edgardo from Tampa Bay


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Haha. I didn't even notice that, I guess because I couldn't get past his pictures. I'll let him know Tarzan is my favorite character 😏

Either way, I have him booked for tonight so I'll let you all know how it goes

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Oh wait. Massage is gonna be on the bed 🙃 Kinda torn here. He looks fantastic, but I've just had so many disappointing massages on hotel beds, and none of them at $200+. Maybe will have to wait and see him down in Tampa at his studio.

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I contacted him a couple of months ago, but he wouldn't discuss any sensual aspects before the actual meeting.

I didn't pursue it further, his "baseline rates" seemed way too high to be non-committal wrt what they included.

I'd be curious to hear more, though, maybe I got a wrong vibe?

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31 minutes ago, Capitano said:

I contacted him a couple of months ago, but he wouldn't discuss any sensual aspects before the actual meeting.

I didn't pursue it further, his "baseline rates" seemed way too high to be non-committal wrt what they included.

I'd be curious to hear more, though, maybe I got a wrong vibe?

He was trying to be accomodating for not having a table, but funny enough, when I asked about mutual touch and sensual aspects, his "we can discuss that when you get here" what was made me take a pass. His English wasn't exactly great over texts, and I didn't want to deal with possible breakdowns in communication and eventual disappointment once there.

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I think you made a good decision. With these rates, there should be nothing left to discuss, it should be an automatic yes.

I suspect his business model is based on aggressive upcharges, which is a major turnoff for me.

And what's up with $10 for 30 additional minutes beyond 60, is he math challenged or something?

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Sigh, what to say about Edgardo.  He’s a nice guy, looks like his pics so he’s pretty hot in person.  Has this idea that he’s going to revolutionize massages by offering some uniquely luxurious experience…but none hit the mark. 
Massage was good, not great, he was dressed in shorts and no MT/HE and absolutely not worth his inflated prices.  I told him as such as I was dressing and he asked me to come back a few days later (he was visiting), which I curiously did as I’m a sucker for a nice body and a pretty face.  
Massage was better, still not great but this time I got some MT & HE and he showed me some of the things he had in mind to make a client feel special and pampered…bless his heart. 

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11 hours ago, FLJock said:

Sigh, what to say about Edgardo.  He’s a nice guy, looks like his pics so he’s pretty hot in person.  Has this idea that he’s going to revolutionize massages by offering some uniquely luxurious experience…but none hit the mark. 
Massage was good, not great, he was dressed in shorts and no MT/HE and absolutely not worth his inflated prices.  I told him as such as I was dressing and he asked me to come back a few days later (he was visiting), which I curiously did as I’m a sucker for a nice body and a pretty face.  
Massage was better, still not great but this time I got some MT & HE and he showed me some of the things he had in mind to make a client feel special and pampered…bless his heart. 

How sad. Another pretty face that cannot deliver. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

O had the same experience as FLJock.  He worked with me in a table, but very bland. He had just started so I hoped he might be more adventurous as he experienced more clients.  Sad that did happen.  He did provide a very good therapeutic massage.

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