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What's everyone's experiences with "Available Now" masseurs?

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I never knew that there's so much to talk about regarding this "available now" tihng. Life is so simple to me. I know that:

1. Providers do whatever they want as they see their actions fit their purpose (that's actually one of the reasons some have given for being in that line of work)

2. Just like inches, age, position, what they are into, available now can also be stretched, misrepresented, misued and abused.

3.Most importantly, the fact that there is a public announcement about the provider being available means that others, just like me, can see it and reach out to the provider at the same time or right before me, making him no longer available. That's kind of basic.

I also agree that it might mean available to take calls and and scheduling. Without putting down those who feel an urge to see a provider now, now, NOW, I think it's reasonable to wait a few hours. They have to prepare, travel and make arrangements.

Edited by soloyo215
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What someone said, it's on a 6 hour timer.

If you want to discuss etiquette, you should start with providers who are marked "Available Now" and then get annoyed with you for waking them up, etc. That gets me to block them immediately.

ETA notwithstanding, if a provider flags themselves as available, they should be nominally available.They should EXPECT to be contacted no matter what the time, if they've flagged themselves.

Edited by DrownedBoy
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When I meet a new provider, I prefer to arrange a same-day appointment.  Otherwise, I tend to find myself caught up in tension between anticipating pleasure on the one hand, and possible disappointment on the other.

I think it's helpful to follow potential new hires for some days or weeks, seeing when they tend to log on, whether and when they tend to be "Available Now" - and, importantly, whether "Available Now" lingers for hours after they were last online. 'Available Now' at 7am when they were last online at 2am doesn't inspire me with confidence!

I haven't hired much at all since Covid, but I've been keeping an eye on a handful of potential hires reasonably local to me (I live a few miles outside Central London).

Quite early yesterday morning, I saw that one such potential new hire was "Available Now" and had been online 20 minutes ago.  I was tempted to make contact, but decided to leave it - busy day ahead.

Half an hour later, checked again, still "Available Now"- and online!  So I did my usual - texted to ask if OK to ring, Had reply within minutes.  Quick chat to confirm rates and to outline my expectations.  Then, when can we meet?  Answer: when can you be here?

Appointment made for an hour ahead.

All went well ... it's such a pleasure to meet a new hire where there's rapport, and perceived potential for the good first-time "activity" to get even better as you relax that bit more together in future sessions.  And he looked even better in the flesh that his lightly-photoshopped photos ;-)

As Humpty Dumpty said,"'when I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean".  I do commend the approach in my second paragraph above, to get a better feel for what any particular provider means by "Available Now".


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56 minutes ago, Occasional said:

When I meet a new provider, I prefer to arrange a same-day appointment.  Otherwise, I tend to find myself caught up in tension between anticipating pleasure on the one hand, and possible disappointment on the other.

That’s interesting. I don’t hire, I provide… but I’d have thought that the uncertainty was all part of the anticipation especially if you’re meeting someone new. Will it be good or will it be not so good? Having that period of time last a day or more would build the anticipation and excitement. Probably raise expectations too. 

Of course you want the balance to be on the side of ‘it will probably be awesome’ so if his offering sounds enticing then you’re 75% hoping for awesome but as with anything new there’s a possibility it’s meh or 💩. Those meh experiences serve to contrast the 😍 experiences. And the 💩 are stories to tell your friends in the pub. 

I have some clients who book months ahead…(usually visitors to London) and they say “I’ve been looking forward to this for ages”. All that build up of anticipation is sweet. I like to make it worth the wait for them..so they book again. Other clients book at short notice (usually an hour or so) and that’s cool too but I can’t help thinking they miss out on the build up and treat it like a quick take away meal rather than a special dinner. There’s a time and place for both but my preference is usually for the special dinner. 

Deferred gratification is something to be valued in my experience. I think Amazon Prime has a lot to answer for! 


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