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Women at gay men's strip clubs

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10 minutes ago, misterhumphries said:

But the P.C. police ban all forms of even the whiff of gender discrimination these days.

Not true.  There can be women only sections of gyms, women only colleges, and women only sports (for now).

Uber even allows women customers to select women-only drivers.  But no such feature is offered for men.

P.C. only cares if there is men-only spaces.

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7 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

So you guys think all women are the same as your mom ? She's going to shame you for letting loose with some sexy men ? 🤔


Nope, the women nowadays will cry #MeToo because you squeezed through her party to get another drink at the bar she was blocking and accuse you of fondling her, even though it's a gay bar.  Back in my mom's day, my mother appreciated the occasional accidental (or purposeful) grope by a strange man in a bar.

Edited by Vegas_Millennial
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23 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

Women need to go back to Chippendales. 

And Blacks to Africa? What a nice thread devoted to misoginy. I am not picking on you.

On 8/14/2024 at 2:45 PM, DynamicUno said:

which annoyed the gay clientele immensely.  The women would be noisy and end up monopolizing the dancers' attention.

Well, when you are into worshipping straight men, that will probably happen. But this statement pretty much summarizes the core issue here: some gays do not feel comfortable around women, and thinking that all the gay clientele feel the same is reaffirming of their phobia.

25 minutes ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

Nope, the women nowadays will cry #MeToo because you squeezed through her party to get another drink at the bar she was blocking and accuse you of fondling her, even though it's a gay bar.  Back in my mom's day, my mother appreciated the occasional accidental (or purposeful) grope by a strange man in a bar.

Oh wow. Here is when I step out.


Edited by José Soplanucas
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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

Oh...c'mon. That's just ridiculous. Clearly these gay guys aren't worried about being accused of sexual assault.

It happened to me by a female Uber driver in Dallas in 2020. I was in the backseat.  When I asked her to pull over and let me out because she was driving unsafely, she reported me to Uber that I tried to have sex with her.  Luckily Uber investigated and it worked out in my favor, but it's just not worth the trouble to be in a situation where I'm one on one with a woman or with women who are drinking.

On the topic of women at gay men's strip clubs...I definitely prioritize my patronage to the gay businesses that are less hospitable to 😺.

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7 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Why not ?
This whole thread is baffling to me.

Are a lot of you guys in the closet ?

I thought the goal of the gay (LGBT..xyz...) movement was INCLUSION 🤔

It sounds like a lot of you want it both ways. YOU want to be "included" but you don't want straight people to be included the same.

Actually you have it backwards. The gay movement was for male gays to have a space where the they could be and express themselves. They fought the fights and gradually won their rights.

Then other groups with different identities weren’t happy with their situation and rode on the coattails of the gays to be included. I remember when lesbians were hostile to gays invading their spaces. But they expected to be welcomed in gay spaces. 

Today there is not one lesbian bar left in Montreal. They have migrated to the gay spaces. For myself, I would rather not have to put up with them when I am trying to have an all male experience in a place like Campus. 

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12 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

It happened to me by a female Uber driver in Dallas in 2020. I was in the backseat.  When I asked her to pull over and let me out because she was driving unsafely, she reported me to Uber that I tried to have sex with her.  Luckily Uber investigated and it worked out in my favor, but it's just not worth the trouble to be in a situation where I'm one on one with a woman or with women who are drinking.

On the topic of women at gay men's strip clubs...I definitely prioritize my patronage to the gay businesses that are less hospitable to 😺.


First of all, I'm sorry you have to deal with that troublemaker and we're proud that you reported her. I'm sure it wasn't the first time she accused a passenger of misbehavior to save her own ass, she's certainly a bad apple but her behavior shouldn't be projected to other women. 

Sometimes in life you have to deal with folks you dislike.

We don't always get to pick who is playing in the sandbox with us.

If we exclude women from entering gay bars with go-go dancers who's next?

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I have nothing against women in gay strip clubs. But I do object to any group of people, regardless of sex, age or sexual orientation, coming in and changing the tenor of the place.  When a group of women come to a gay strip club and take over prime space near the dance floor, or dominate the atmosphere with hooting and hollering, it's not the fact that they're women that bothers me. It's how they they change the spirit of the place and turn the focus away from the more traditional patrons. It's also their insensitivity to the other patron.

If a group of frat boys came in, insisted on tuning the TVs to ESPN, then hooted and hollered every time their favorite team scored a point, I'd object to that as well (not a perfect example but hopefully you get my point). 

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1 minute ago, Buff Daddy said:

Wait Wait. You said Frat Boys 👦.  And knowing that they know its a Gay Bar 🍸.  They could watch anything that they want on the TV. Take off their shirts 👕  as well!. Lol 😆 

Ha ha!  I was going to say Frat Boys would be marginally better than women if the frat boys also gave lap dances, but I didn't want to give anyone ammunition to shoot down my point.  

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Hay you never know.  Money talks and 💩 walks. I did a Gay night in a Bowling Alley. A couple of hot guys came in, one with his girl. I had one of my high spender Long Island guy in that night. He talked to the guy with the girl  at the bar. The guy with the girl finished  bowling, told us on the side he is coming back alone!. He did lap dances with us and got him one Sunday night at Showworld. I will  never forget Anthony  he bartending a few times naked at Showworld!. Let the Frat Boys in !! 

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On 8/15/2024 at 7:37 PM, Vegas_Millennial said:

Not true.  There can be women only sections of gyms, women only colleges, and women only sports (for now).

Uber even allows women customers to select women-only drivers.  But no such feature is offered for men.

P.C. only cares if there is men-only spaces.

I’m glad you made this point, as I’m all for women-only gyms. women can be quite problematic in co-ed gyms, especially when falsely accusing men of looking at them inappropriately. 

I can’t count the number of times some random woman is in her came-toe enhancing, super tight and revealing gym ensemble, and literally sets up directly in front of me, all to do nothing but deadlifts, squats and hip thrusts. 

Ironically, there used to be a women’s only gym chain,  called “Spa Lady”. It eventually went out of business. 



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I doubt the people in this thread chastising posters who prefer an all male environment for strip clubs ever have supported the dancers who work in these clubs.  I’m happy I was able to enjoy times when gay strip clubs (in Montreal in particular) were exclusively male on most nights.  

Those days were special.  In today’s world we will never see shows like the one captured in these images below…. Which will probably be removed by the moderator.  Straight guys don’t “play gay” on stage when women are present 




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8 hours ago, Atlanta_Guy said:

I doubt the people in this thread chastising posters who prefer an all male environment for strip clubs ever have supported the dancers who work in these clubs.  I’m happy I was able to enjoy times when gay strip clubs (in Montreal in particular) were exclusively male on most nights.  

Those days were special.  In today’s world we will never see shows like the one captured in these images below…. Which will probably be removed by the moderator.  Straight guys don’t “play gay” on stage when women are present 




Theirry the top....... thats something you don't see often :) :) :)


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I have always loved male strip clubs, and I’m well aware that they have nothing to do with the real world; they are a place of sexualized fantasy. Therefore I don’t  care if the strippers are gay or straight. It’s the unique turned-on atmosphere I’m after.  I’m a guy with 100% same sex orientation, so the presence of cis-straight women ruins this vibe. Sorry. 

I wish Campus would open a separate all-male room upstairs, which was rumored when the new owner took over a while back. The boisterous groups of women in there nowadays can dominate the space in a way that is so disappointing that it’s tragic compared to the past. Don’t forget: they had their own Ladies’ Night which was fine. 

And yes, at Swinging Richard’s I would go straight to the all-male lounge in the back, and stay there. 

I know I’m swimming against the tide but it would be fun to be able to reclaim an all-male space just once in a while.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm at Silverado in Portland, Oregon, right now.  There are about 50 men and 3 women customers (not bad for a Thursday night).  Sure enough, one women kept screaming and screeching, and not even at the dancers!  She would just shreek whenever she laughed with her friend (a man).  After the entire bar of patrons migrated to the other side of the bar to get away from her, the disc jockey finally got on the microphone and reminded her screeching wasn't allowed (there were signs saying "no screeching").  She continued to screech whenever she laughed, and finally had to be asked to leave.  The energy in the room picked up after she left.

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4 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

I'm at Silverado in Portland, Oregon, right now.  There are about 50 men and 3 women customers (not bad for a Thursday night).  Sure enough, one women kept screaming and screeching, and not even at the dancers!  She would just shreek whenever she laughed with her friend (a man).  After the entire bar of patrons migrated to the other side of the bar to get away from her, the disc jockey finally got on the microphone and reminded her screeching wasn't allowed (there were signs saying "no screeching").  She continued to screech whenever she laughed, and finally had to be asked to leave.  The energy in the room picked up after she left.

We're at the office one day a week and I think that woman sits a few cubes away from me.

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4 minutes ago, José Soplanucas said:

By any chance, do you work for Wells Fargo in Tempe, Arizona? Did you go to work last Friday?


No, sorry.  But now that you mention it I remember a librarian at our local library who definitely did not embrace the concept of "Library Voice".  "These are due on September 15th" could be heard throughout the whole building. 

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On 8/30/2024 at 11:50 AM, José Soplanucas said:

By any chance, do you work for Wells Fargo in Tempe, Arizona? Did you go to work last Friday?



for those wondering........



Police in Tempe, Arizona are investigating after a Wells Fargo employee was found dead in her cubicle four days after she last scanned into the building.


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