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I Shower Once a Week. Here's Why You Should Too.


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I know some might think this is very gross, and some might think it's very hot. I only shower once a week, and I never use deodorants or colognes. Of course, I always wash my hands and brush my teeth.

I was raised on my grandparents farms in an Old Mennonite community where weekly bathing was the norm. (I won't delve into the religion, but as a community Old Mennonite is similar to Amish.) My paternal grandparents owned a dairy farm, and my maternal grandparents raised poultry and grew corn and grains. When I was in High School I'd shower twice a week after Phys Ed, as was required, and not shower at home at all until the Summer. Sometimes, skinny-dipping on Saturday in the lake or river counted as good enough of a bath.  So, this has been a life-long lifestyle for me and not a passing fetish. I was a long-haul Trucker for 20 years and a Saturday night shower was always my routine. Now, on hot Summer days, like today, as soon as I got home from work I got naked outside and used the garden hose to rinse myself off with plain cold water. Fortunately, I don't have any close neighbors. I can lounge outside naked all I want and air-dry off while I drink a beer.

I live alone and work alone, so infrequent bathing is never an issue. Would you consider bathing less frequently? Here's an article that explains why you should.

"I Shower Once a Week.Here's Why You Should Too." - The Guardian

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As with most things The Guardian prints, the headline here is misleading.

You can shower daily, but not necessarily use soap/shampoo on every square inch of your body.

I fully support this, as I have very softened/filtered house water, so I'll often times just get in a quick, cold-water rinse. 

I don't always feel the need to lather up, stripping my skin and scalp of moisture.  


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5 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

As with most things The Guardian prints, the headline here is misleading.

You can shower daily, but not necessarily use soap/shampoo on every square inch of your body.

I fully support this, as I have very softened/filtered house water, so I'll often times just get in a quick, cold-water rinse. 

I don't always feel the need to lather up, stripping my skin and scalp of moisture.  


In the Summertime throughout the week I just use the garden hose to rinse the sweat and grit off outside. And, in the Winter I do a wipe-down with plain water at the bathroom sink midweek if I feel I need refreshed a bit.

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3 hours ago, KeepItReal said:

Sounds like an ad for Lumi. Sorry, not buying into the idea.  The writer of the opinion piece is quite a character. He actually suggested we get rid of flushing toilets...sorry friends, the out house just doesn't do it for me. 


My maternal grandparents farmhouse had no bathroom. They had an outhouse, and we washed out of a pan of water in the kitchen. When you grow up like that it all seems normal. but I do like having the modern amenities.

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Since the OP isn’t around others, I personally see nothing wrong with his hygiene options. 

For me, I love showers and baths. At least twice a day, I’m showering. 

1.) Shower in the morning

2.) Shower after the gym-or right before bed. 
3.) and an extra shower if there’s an extra event in my life (if I’m going out to dinner or on a date or something socially. I’m scrubbing up before that too)
I have no skin conditions, dryness, or allergic reactions either. 

I rarely get sick, and never catch infections or rashes that stem from being around others. 

The modern narrative that cleanliness is bad for your skin, is “unhealthy”, and “bad” for you, needs to cease. There’s nothing wrong with being clean and fresh, and no one should be shamed for that either. 

Edited by Monarchy79
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I shower twice a day. In the morning to wake up and in the evening because I like it. I try to keep it short. In the evening, sometimes when I stay in, I take a long bath listening to music and having my drink. Scent is very important for me. I use Black Amber in shower, shampoo, candles... 



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2 hours ago, wanderlust307 said:

I shower twice a day. In the morning to wake up and in the evening because I like it. I try to keep it short. In the evening, sometimes when I stay in, I take a long bath listening to music and having my drink. Scent is very important for me. I use Black Amber in shower, shampoo, candles... 



Is the only way to purchase the black amber is by ordering it thru this website?  I think I would like it.  I'm with you as I'm a clean freak.  I like to look as best as I could and smell good as well.  People do take notice.  I know that i do.  

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8 hours ago, RuralDaddyBear said:

I know some might think this is very gross, and some might think it's very hot. I only shower once a week, and I never use deodorants or colognes. Of course, I always wash my hands and brush my teeth.

I was raised on my grandparents farms in an Old Mennonite community where weekly bathing was the norm. (I won't delve into the religion, but as a community Old Mennonite is similar to Amish.) My paternal grandparents owned a dairy farm, and my maternal grandparents raised poultry and grew corn and grains. When I was in High School I'd shower twice a week after Phys Ed, as was required, and not shower at home at all until the Summer. Sometimes, skinny-dipping on Saturday in the lake or river counted as good enough of a bath.  So, this has been a life-long lifestyle for me and not a passing fetish. I was a long-haul Trucker for 20 years and a Saturday night shower was always my routine. Now, on hot Summer days, like today, as soon as I got home from work I got naked outside and used the garden hose to rinse myself off with plain cold water. Fortunately, I don't have any close neighbors. I can lounge outside naked all I want and air-dry off while I drink a beer.

I live alone and work alone, so infrequent bathing is never an issue. Would you consider bathing less frequently? Here's an article that explains why you should.

"I Shower Once a Week.Here's Why You Should Too." - The Guardian

Not to get too personal but dare I ask what is the protocol for changing underwear and socks?  Is that done weekly as well?  

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24 minutes ago, Redwine56 said:

Is the only way to purchase the black amber is by ordering it thru this website?  I think I would like it.  I'm with you as I'm a clean freak.  I like to look as best as I could and smell good as well.  People do take notice.  I know that i do.  

I now buy it from a shop because I like the assistant 😄, but until a year or so ago, I used to buy from ex-voto website.

Alas when I have office meetings I stick to the shower gel only...

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1 minute ago, wanderlust307 said:

I now buy it from a shop because I like the assistant 😄, but until a year or so ago, I used to buy from ex-voto website.

I don't know where you are located but I am in NYC. Can you recommend which stores may have it?  Thank you.

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4 minutes ago, Redwine56 said:

I don't know where you are located but I am in NYC. Can you recommend which stores may have it?  Thank you.

I am terribly sorry. I am in Europe and I have no idea where it is sold in New York. Ask Nathalie, the owner, she is super helpful.

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3 hours ago, wanderlust307 said:

So here we have a trucker from the US, who reads the Guardian... 🤣

I never heard of "The Guardian" before, until a like-minded Buddy tagged me about this article on Facebook. That's the great thing about the Internet; I can read articles from anywhere in the World.

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9 hours ago, wanderlust307 said:

It's good that you live and work alone.

I've always preferred being a loner. I was a long haul Trucker for 20 years, then I got an offer from who I work for now. Better working hours for more money, and home every night. 

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6 hours ago, Redwine56 said:

Not to get too personal but dare I ask what is the protocol for changing underwear and socks?  Is that done weekly as well?  

I never wear underwear, I haven't even owned any for over 30 years. I change socks as needed depending on the temperature and season, but usually not every day.

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36 minutes ago, EZEtoGRU said:

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis don't bathe very often either.  


It looks like the Kutcher-Kunis family is saving money on soap.


Johnny Depp and some other well known celebrities, too. According to various articles I've seen pop up on various forums.

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15 hours ago, RuralDaddyBear said:

Would you consider bathing less frequently?


Honestly, I’d live in the shower if I could. Every boyfriend has quickly learned not to speak to me in the morning until after I’ve showered. Then I’m human. Before? Not so much. I’d say I shower a minimum of 3 times a day. Yes, I’m the weirdo who showers before and after a work out. I also shower before bed, if I have the energy. It’s not really a clean/dirty thing. I just enjoy taking a shower. And if you don’t like having sex in the shower, I’m probably not the guy for you.

Dexters Laboratory Loop GIF

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16 hours ago, RuralDaddyBear said:

I was raised on my grandparents farms in an Old Mennonite community where weekly bathing was the norm.

My family are Pennsylvania Deitch...and my relatives live amongst the Mennonite farming community. (I grew up in a small city nearby). Saturday night was bath night. I guess when there's no drinking or gambling allowed a hot bath was your highlight of the week. 🤣.

That said...my parents only used this model for us when we were children. You of course washed thoroughly (pits and package) with soap and water before bed every night. As we got older ..by my teens I bathed every other day.

I follow this model to this day unless I'm engaged in some outdoor activity (hiking, gardening or sport) and I'm all sweaty. I agree Americans use too much soap and wayyy too much shampoo. I shampoo my hair once a week. In-between I just rinse. I use a charcoal deodorant for underarms that works very well to prevent any body odor.

Your natural body oils are an important part of keeping your skin healthy. Washing it away constantly is going to dry it out which . But beauty product companies WANT you to have this problem so they can sell you a bunch of moisturizer that you would otherwise not need, on top of all the extra body wash and shampoo you're buying.

Edited by pubic_assistance
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49 minutes ago, nycman said:


Honestly, I’d live in the shower if I could. Every boyfriend has quickly learned not to speak to me in the morning until after I’ve showered. Then I’m human. Before? Not so much. I’d say I shower a minimum of 3 times a day. Yes, I’m the weirdo who showers before and after a work out. I also shower before bed, if I have the energy. It’s not really a clean/dirty thing. I just enjoy taking a shower. And if you don’t like having sex in the shower, I’m probably not the guy for you.

Just like you I shower before and after exercise. A quick shower before, specially when I do pilates with my trainer, and a proper after to get ready for office meetings etc.

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1 hour ago, RuralDaddyBear said:

I never wear underwear, I haven't even owned any for over 30 years. I change socks as needed depending on the temperature and season, but usually not every day.

I'm thinking how much you must save on laundry as well.  No underwear, no bath towels.  Although going commando as a truck driver does sound hot, the pants must have an odor.  

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1 hour ago, RuralDaddyBear said:

I never wear underwear, I haven't even owned any for over 30 years. I change socks as needed depending on the temperature and season, but usually not every day.

I salute your eco conscience. No underwear, less water waste for growing and producing cotton. And you turned the burdensome change of socks to a seasonal thing. Kudos! Do you observe four seasons or two?

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