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How much conversation can I expect before we meet?

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21 hours ago, friendofsheila said:

The guys who were willing to spend the 5 minutes I needed to ask questions on the phone and feell relaxed about hiring him, got my buseiness.  

The guy who cut me off and said "CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE READY" then hung up the phone, didn't.


Yeah. Once had a travelling provider cut me off with "see ya" when I tried to explain where in Chicago I lived. EDIT Did it 3 times.

Of course, when he gets here, he complains and demands an Uber.

I told him if he would have taken a second to listen, I would, but because of his rudeness, I'd hold him to the original contract. As expected, he didn't show, and I didn't care by then.

Edited by DrownedBoy
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