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3er ENCUENTRO BISEXUAL -Argentina (Buenos Aires)

José Soplanucas

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My apologies for the headline in Spanish, but I think translation is not necessary with these obvious cognates. Is there anything like this in the US?

If not, perhaps this is an event for our bisexual friends here to set in their annual traveling calendars. 

My translation: Organized by a self-convened collective, the Third Bisexual Gathering will take place on September 14 and 15, aiming to create a space and develop an agenda that addresses the struggles and demands of the community within the context of neoliberal austerity. The gathering seeks to reflect on and debate bisexuality as a political identity, challenge monosexism as a mandate, and explore its potential to disrupt binary ways of thinking.


🫂 Organizado por un colectivo de autoconvocades, se llevará a cabo el 14 y 15 de septiembre con el fin de construir un espacio y armar una agenda que...


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I remember in the 90s and early 2000s there were a few groups of bisexual people who wanted to organize for something. I'm basing this on second-hand information, as I am not bisexual but have bisexual friends who tried to join some of those groups. They were not very happy. I was told that the groups were very clickish, some were swingers-type of groups, and some were discrimiatory on the bases of race and ethnicity. Again, that's what I was told.

As far as I know, I haven't heard of any groups, especially now when people have social media, and also with the mess of made-up sexual orientations that they have today.

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