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Companionship only?

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I'm guessing I'm thinking about something that doesn't exist.  Or, no longer exists.  Old movies would have us believe that there was a time a woman could hire an escort who was simply that... an escort because it was inappropriate for a lady to go out alone. 

I've hired guys.  I have no issue with that.  I can afford it.  I've simply become too old, skeptical, and burnt-out to be interested. When you look through hundreds of Rentmen profiles, and have a reason to judge every single one with some reason to be uninterested... the issue is you, not the available supply.

I travel solo.  I've become a frequent Vegas visitor.  My experiences were mostly solo for several years., I'm comfortable dining alone, seeing a show solo, etc.  However, more recently, I've been seeing and meeting other solo travelers; we coordinate our trips, dine together, etc.  Unfortunately, none of those people are available, and for the first time in a year, I'll be alone for an entire trip in a few weeks. And I find the prospect of not having a companion at even one meal a bit depressing. 

I know we pay for time, but it doesn't match my values to pay someone $300-$500 to buy them dinner.  I've thought of Seeking, I have a free profile, get some matches, but never one I'd be willing to pay $90/month to explore further .

Are there platonic escorts?  Someone who'd enjoy conversation and a nice dinner, reasonable compensation for their time?  An early dinner wouldn’t prohibit earning potential during peak hours.  Would that just trigger suspicions that the client undoubtedly wants more?

Or is this all just wishful thinking? 

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I do that kind of session for a few guys. They’re not interested in sex as such although it sometimes happens but it isn’t the purpose of the session.

The purpose is companionship, for a short time such as a few hours (I don’t do overnight or days). Has been to meals, a walk, accompany to a sauna (some guys are scared to go alone), a theatre trip. You need to check the person is compatible, even more so than in a sex focused session. 

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