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Do twink escorts exist?


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Are there actually any hot twink escorts out there?  It seems like the few that are on RM either do not answer your messages when you write to them, or they grunt a couple of words back, or at best you might get one decent response and then when you ask if they interested in meeting, or you ask there rates, etc that’s it….no more responses.  Why even bother to put an ad up.  It’s so frustrating.

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1 hour ago, twinkielover said:

Are there actually any hot twink escorts out there?  It seems like the few that are on RM either do not answer your messages when you write to them, or they grunt a couple of words back, or at best you might get one decent response and then when you ask if they interested in meeting, or you ask there rates, etc that’s it….no more responses.  Why even bother to put an ad up.  It’s so frustrating.

Maybe those who don't reply to you don't have the work ethic or the attention span, some might even "weed out" undesirable clients.

Not everyone is cut off to do it. 

Tell us where you live and we might recommend someone in your city or nearby. In the meantime can you do a search base on age? 


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The twink window, that brief period when a guy embodies the youthful, slim, often slightly without depth or substance, passes by remarkably quickly. While the twink phase can be part of many guys’ story, it is short-lived, a delicate moment in time that is inevitably overshadowed by an healthy aging process and evolving self-expression. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a chapter that feels like it barely begins before it’s already ending, unless a guy gets into a lot of cosmetic procedures. Some older twinks act like forever children though : ) Peter Pan 

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5 hours ago, twinkielover said:

Are there actually any hot twink escorts out there?  It seems like the few that are on RM either do not answer your messages when you write to them, or they grunt a couple of words back, or at best you might get one decent response and then when you ask if they interested in meeting, or you ask there rates, etc that’s it….no more responses.  Why even bother to put an ad up.  It’s so frustrating.

Yes they do exist. I had one visit for the weekend a couple of weeks ago and I have another one coming next weekend.   The first one was terrible at communicating and seemed to triage responses to when they were absolutely necessary (driving me crazy because I'm a proactive planner).   The one that's coming next week has been awesome.   I have two regulars in my home town that I get along marvelously well with.

At the core, true twinks are young, so they are Gen Z and Gen Z is terrible at communication and accepting regimented routines, so it's kinda what you sign up for to get young men.   

BUT, Gen Z is hyper focused on perceptions of disrespect and rudeness (and their standard are different than my boomer standards)   So, my advice would be to evaluate if there's a different way that you can reach out to them.    I've always gotten a response in my first communication politely starting with name, where I am, what I'm looking for, when I'm looking for it, and inviting them to ask any questions of me that they may have.

FWIW, I'm noting that American guys are much more frustrating, but - just like trade workers from south of the border seem to be hard working and honest - I'm sensing the same with young escorts from south of the border;  especially countries that have good education systems.


Edited by PhileasFogg
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4 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

Maybe those who don't reply to you don't have the work ethic or the attention span, some might even "weed out" undesirable clients.

Not everyone is cut off to do it. 

Tell us where you live and we might recommend someone in your city or nearby. In the meantime can you do a search base on age? 


I have done “search based on age” many many times over the years.  I bet on average there were 10-20 very cute twinks available around the eastern USA at any given moment in the past 15 years or so, and many of them were more than pleasant to deal with and I had many awesome meet ups.  In the last couple of years…not so much.  But I will keep trying.  Thank you.

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Years ago, the writer and escort, John Preston noted that twinkish escorts didn’t know how to run a business. I suspect what gets attributed to the generation of the moment is just that. They’re not organized, the don’t have a vocabulary or attitude for effectively communicating with guys much older than hey are, esp. if hey don’t have “daddy” interests.

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15 minutes ago, Walt said:

No. Just like Jocks, Muscle guys, Guys next door, Punks, Daddies, Leather guys, Bears, and Otters, they do not exist. None of them ever measure up to the image we have of them in our minds.

You see, that is where I disagree.  A number of years ago I had some simply outstanding twink escort experiences and a few jocks too.  Communication was better and the overall experiences were great.  Hoping to find a few new ones soon.

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8 hours ago, Muscleaddict333 said:

I’m sorry, I don’t understand the fascination… it’s rather creepy! I feel the same way about older straight men that have a ‘barely legal’ fetish…the whole thing is disappointing honestly. When did this whole twink thing become a thing?

it’s been a thing since humanity existed. 

Edited by BonVivant
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18-22 is prime twink phase. Sometime between 22 and 28 metamorphosis ages him out, most often by 24-25. A lot of men look their best in their early years before they gain muscle, fat, and adult life experience. It takes so little effort to look good at this age range and they take it for granted. That’s part of the appeal, I suppose. Personally, I prefer the look and moreso the maturity of a man past his twink phase.

Clients often complain here about twinks citing:

1) lack of communication skills

2) lack of communication period

3) fragile gen z sensibilities

4) lack of business skills

5) lack of social skills, tact

6) general cluelessness

7) flakiness

😎 lack of attention span

9) immaturity

10) lack of patience, respect

etc, etc.

These are all qualities that, for most guys, tend to improve over their adult lives. Especially so with more years of experience in the business. You will have a much easier and more pleasant time with an experienced (older) provider, but he likely won’t look like a twink or have the innocent charm of a twink.

The Venn diagram overlap of an experienced professional and a guy who looks like he’s 18-22yo is very slim. You rarely will find the two qualities together in the same provider. When you do, it only lasts a short time as his looks transition rapidly out of twink phase. Personality and character continue on, but looks don’t.

…So don’t be shocked when you reach out to a twink expecting him to respond right away (or at all). You’re trading one thing for another. You can’t have both. You have to decide if it’s ultimately more important to you that your provider look like he’s very young, or be a better provider in general. Not all twinks are bad providers per se, but most are because they lack the life experience and the business experience necessary to do a good job. It’s not his fault.

Everything comes with time. You may have to put up with doing a lot of handholding, his entitlement, his immaturity, finding alternate means of contacting or finding these guys, and using different communication styles. It’s more work on your part, but that’s what you need to do to engage twinks, whether you’re hiring or simply hooking up.

The seasoned professional knows how to handle himself. He’s easy to work with, easy to communicate with, and does a stellar job because he knows what he’s doing. BUT he’s almost certainly over 28 years old, and probably well into his 30s by the time he hits his stride. Consider your options carefully, boys. You can’t have it all.

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3 hours ago, PileDriver said:

twinks exist..have played with more than a few as a top and bottom....these days the 18, 19, 20 year olds are so much better about sex...the internet has given them the information, especially the bottoms, they need to know to perform...maybe more wordly is the right phrase...in the best way. love twinks.

This is extremely cringe and creepy! You’re into 18 year olds that look like children?? Aren’t you middle aged? Some of you need stronger meds and lots of therapy… and I’m being super nice here! 

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dear lord...63 here...if a dude is 18 and available that is legal and not creepy...and no that is not my fetish nor my entire life...maybe you need therapy, or maybe just grow up and be mature...no? weird commentary on your part at best...i play with 18 year olds...although i prefer 40 and above...and have afew guys in the 60'ds aqnd 70's i love to play with...is that creeping you out? ugh...

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3 minutes ago, PileDriver said:

dear lord babe...who said anything about children...you need help..where are the moderators right now? just stop it...you are creating a problem where one does not exist

You don’t see a problem with a 63 year old being attracted to 18 year olds that look teens or younger? ? Isn’t that what a twink is? Is my understanding of what a twink is incorrect? 

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3 hours ago, Muscleaddict333 said:

You don’t see a problem with a 63 year old being attracted to 18 year olds that look teens or younger? ? Isn’t that what a twink is? Is my understanding of what a twink is incorrect? 

I like young men not young boys.  I think you are entirely wrong in your characterization.  

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