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Escorts who advertise that they practice racism

Guest paulnyc
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Guest paulnyc

I just read a review on this site for the New York escort, Alejandro Vega. Upon checking his website, he writes that he doesn't "do" black men. I find this discriminatory statement offensive and totally out of place on our Male for Male Escort Review site. He is certainly free to do whomever he wants in private, but when you start advertising publicly, it seems to me that it is a completely different story. I would think that we gay men, often victims of discrimination ourselves, would be more sensitive to discrimination against other groups.

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I have to admit that I find my own thoughts on this somewhat divided. I also am troubled by escorts who set age limits - 'no one over 50' please (I'm not referring to Alejandro here, by the way.) Certainly I believe that we should treat everyone equally, and if you view escorting as a 'service' profession, everyone should be treated the same.

In reality, however, I think that for all except the most professional escorts (or best actors), I think there has to be some (however small) element of attraction involved for adequate service. And how many of us are truly attracted to all races, boy-types & ages? While it may trouble me a bit, I'd rather an escort be up front about his limitations than accept clients for whom he cannot provide good service. As a middle-aged man, I always pay attention to the reviewers' descriptions of themselves - a good review from a middle-aged, somewhat-out-of shape client like myself carries more weight than that of a 'twenty-something, well-endowed, work out 5x/week'.

I think the truth is that only a handful of the very top-notch escorts can truly enjoy sex with almost *anyone* (or successfully present that illusion to the client.) [i've always felt that a 'good escort' can give the appearance of enjoying sex with anyone - but the mark of a truly *great" escort is being able to actually *enjoy* an experience with anyone.

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Guest bluboy

I think it is completely offensive! And I am a blond hair blue eyed dude myself! How would we react if an escort says: I will not do Jews b/c of the smell. I think if you are not willing to serve everyone get a new profession. This is not the same as falling in love where it is perfectly legit to say: no blacks, no jews, no fat people, no old people, no presbytarians need apply etc. but once I decide to go into escorting then I have to take what goes with the territory AND I think the onus is on all of us to NOT see escorts who will not see certain people as a matter of principal. I would not go into a restaurant that would not serve black people even though I would be welcome. I will not go with an escort who so offensively excludes certain people and I think as a community who have had to and continue to suffer the descrimination of lots of people who will not do one thing or another b/c we are gay..we should have some qualms. There is enough big dick and cute male ass out there for the taking, why do we have to have Alex Vega? I say we all band together and drive his racist ass out of business. Remember it is when STRAIGHT people start saying gay is ok that we are in fact ok...it is not credible coming from other gays. It is when white johns start saying what Alex is doing is not ok that it will make a difference. Remember this is what we are condoning: "you mr. black man are so low that you could not pay me any amount of money to suck my dick" Come on! blu

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I know this is a very touchy subject but an escort should have a right to choose especially when he can't guarantee good service.


Sure anyone can hop in the sack with anyone but could you really put on the illusion if you were not interested? I think we are going to far in saying this makes a bad escort since he is setting the stage for a great time.


Escorts already get a wide variety of men some pleasant some really creepy. It is not like all escorts out there are like that either. Would you rather hire an escort than have him not perform well at $200 and up and hour?


There are certain types of men I will not sleep with which may not be race or age exclusive but rather for qualities. I do not think an escort who is honest is a racist. I am a young heavy set male and I have been turned down by escorts because they were not sure they would be able to perform. I respect this in front rather than experiencing the embarrassment of him not being able to perform because he is turned off.


Everyone has an element that is not for them or they could not get pass. Take for example fruits and vegetables not everyone like all of them. It just means we are individuals with preferences it this leads to better service than more power to you.


Happy Hiring!

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

It's time for a little perspective here.


It's very easy to start screaming RACIST when someone says "no black men" because that's the PC response. But guess what ladies? There ARE people in this world who aren't "into" having sex with black men. Just like there are men who aren't "into" having sex with Asians. Or, can it possibly be true(!?!), there are guys who aren't attracted to white guys! GASP!!


It's ironic that as gays we are obsessed with people who are supposedly "judgmental" yet here we have Paul immediately assuming that this guy is a racist just because he doesn't want to have sex with black men. Sexual attraction is a very discriminating thing that no one can figure out.


I have plenty of friends who are the most liberal, ACLU attending guys on the face of the earth but they just aren't attracted to black men - and they would be the first ones out there fighting for civil rights for blacks.


Personally, I'm not into Indian men (not the native American variety). Does that make me a racist? No. For whatever reason, they just do nothing for me SEXUALLY.


Could Alejandro be a racist? Sure. Or maybe he's just not into black men sexually and he doesn't want to be embarrassed telling a black guy "no".


I don't know though and frankly, I don't really give a damn. That's his business. I think some of you need to keep in mind that we're talking about whores here - these are not politicians. They are hired to have sex and if they don't want to have sex with a certain type of men, that's their business and none of ours.

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Guest Nocturnal

Personally, I am attractetd to a wide variety of men. Color is not important to me. However, I have never had sex with someone that is substantially older than me or someone that is substantially bigger than me. Does that mean that I discriminate against those groups of people? I don't think so. My best friend is twice my age and twice my size. I love him dearly. Some people have preferences sexually and they are entitled to that. Lets face it though, escorts try to find something in each client they find attractive enough so they can have a good sexual experience with them. If an escort says that they do not have sex with any black men, I can't say that they are racist. I can say that they are telling us that black people are not attractive to them based on skin color. And, yes, I do have a problem with this. I can say that as a white man, I would not hire such an individual.

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Wouldn't it be better for the escort to emphasize his LIKES so that he is a little subtler and just infers his dislikes? The subject of Alejandro and black men came up previously, and his review was marked as a result. Then he was a coverboy.....

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Oh, one more thing. Nobody here seems to be bothered when an escort specifically refuses HIV Positive men. Why is that?

Isn't that practicing discrimination too?

(For those who think that people with HIV should just go away and not have sex, at least try to be polite about it.)

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Escorts are human beings, not public accommodations. If we accept that they can say WHAT they will not do, we also have to grant them the right to say WHO they will not do it with. That being said, I still personally find the statement in the ad offensive, and I would not hire somehow who feels that way about a potential client based solely on race.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

I'll address what I understand Paul's concern to be, the statement as opposed to the practice...


>...he writes that he doesn't "do"

>black men. I find this

>discriminatory statement offensive and totally

>out of place on our

> Male for Male Escort

>Review site. He is certainly

>free to do whomever he

>wants in private, but when

>you start advertising publicly, ...



Sorry to disagree Paul,


Whatever you think if his practice, his being upfront about it is better than allowing some unsuspecting client to be offended face-to-face or through direct communication. I wouldn't want to engage unknowingly someone in this kind of circumstance. Providing this sort of information on this site or on other sites is a service, I think, to those considering hiring him.

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Guest Gentle Dude

If you check Florida escort Bryan Score's website, he states in his escorting services:


"My schedule gets very full, so I now limit my escort clients to Caucasian men in good physical shape between the ages of 18 and 65. Due to the extremely personal nature of some escort encounters, I encourage others to find a different escort who may be better able to serve their needs. Search here." This then takes you to Escorts4You.


Being a minority, I can easily absorb the financial loss; however, I'd have a harder time dealing with the rejection.


Do I think he's a racist? I don't have an opinion one way or the or the other. For all I know he may have friends of different races...he just doesn't want to have sex with them.


I do however appreciate his honesty...I don't waste his time and vice versa. Besides there's a lot more escorts out there who appreciate exotic men like me. :)



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I think Alejandro has as much right to be reviewed here as any other escort. I think it's a shame that he discriminates against black men. I have had the pleasure of several black men and found them to be excellent lovers. He doesn't know what he is missing, but that is his loss.


As a consumer, I can choose where and who to take my business to. Alejandro is a very attractive boi, but I would not choose him because I find racism distateful. I would NOT however advocate any sort of campaign or active boycott against him. If he chooses not to take black clients, at least he is upfront and honest about it. He is not engaging in decpetive practices and ripping clients off like Anthony Holloway.


Do people have a right to be upset about his racism? Yes, of course, but Alejandro also has a right to conduct his business as he pleases whether we like it or not. Our power comes from not conducting business with him and thereby denying him potential income. In the real world we would have legal recourse against Alejandro, but forcing him to take a black client would undoubtedly result in a substandard experience for both. Let's hope the kid matures enough one day to appreciate the beauty of all men.


While we're on the subject, what about escorts who advertise no fat, femme or old? Not only do I think this is offensive as well, but it is incredibly stupid. Yet again, the escort is denying himself potential income from a large (excuse the pun) client base. Then again, what kind of experience would it be if the escort could simply not perform or had an attitude? Isn't it better to be honest upfront?

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Maybe a personal story will lighten this discussion up a little bit.


In my younger days there was a very hot muscular Italian man who lived in my neighborhood. Both my best friend and I had the major hots for this guy. I'm a top. My best friend is a bottom. And between the two of us our sexual repertoire is fairly impressive. We are both over 6 feet tall, butch, and white. Needless to say as two horny well built boys in their 20's, we were not used to rejection. We prided ourselves on the fact that if one of us couldn't bag a boy the other one was sure to succeed.


We drove ourselves crazy over this Italian muscle boy for years. He never gave either one of us the time of day. Not even once. We couldn't believe it, but he had absolutely no interest in either one of us (ahhh…the innocence of youth!). Eventually, we found out that our Italian muscle boy was into ONLY short, effeminate, black men.


As I said to my friend, "We have been and will be many things to many men. And while we may be able to fake the effeminate part, no matter how hard we try we're never going to be short and black".


As usual whenever I post in highly emotional charged thread... please note that I did not mean to offend anyone who is short, effeminate, black, Italian, muscular, top, bottom, butch, tall, and/or white.

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Guest Tony1953

To those who condemn Mr. Vega/Molina (or others) for his "racism", how about the blatant sexism of preferring that our escorts be exclusively gay? Isn't systematically excluding an entire sex also discriminatory? There must be a law against it, for heaven's sake!


The reality is that sexual attractiveness is a most personal thing, shaped by forces beyond the understanding and control of most of us. Escorts are no less subject to this than the rest of us. If he feels he is unable to offer value for the money in certain circumstances, and is willing to disclose this upfront, then I applaud his honesty and am thankful I will be spared a potentially very expensive bad experience.


I am a CPA who practices in a one-man operation. I limit my practice to certain kinds of businesses and individuals which I feel my experience and temprament best suit me to serve. Is that discriminatory? Sure. But I believe I would be doing a service neither to myself, nor for the prospective clients I decline, by trying to be something I am not.


None of us can be all things to all people, whether we are CPA's, lawyers. doctors, plumbers, or escorts. That doesn't make us good or bad, it just makes us human.

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Guest bluboy

You guys. This is not the same as a private relationship. If I do not want black people in my house for dinner, that is fine (not fine but you know what I mean I certainly have the right to have whoever I want in my house for dinner.) The moment I open a restaurant or put up a sign and start selling food, the game changes I cannot then still claim that I do not want black people in my house for dinner b/c now it is commerce. But that is not the real issue since there is no right to escorting in this country anyway so there are no rights to choose or not choose black men or white men etc. But this is about how we as a community responds to someone who acts in a way that is offensive even if they had the right to do so. And it is not the same with women as hooboy is trying to imply since these goods these guys are selling are not heterosexual goods. That is not what the shingle on the door says- it says gay goods- and then says only some gays allowed. Yes, they have the right to sell to whom they want and yes you all have the right to buy from whom you want the only question is should we? If there was a severe shortage of escorts, even then one could argue, I will not be getting any if I do not go with guys who advertise as such but there is no such shortage. So for the slight inconvenience on our part- i.e. to go with someone else- is it not worth showing our objection by purhcasing elsewhere? I think Clinton should not play golf at the club he plays at in Connecticut b/c of their policies. Yes the club has the right to their policies and yes Mr. clinton has the right to play golf where he pleases but there are sooo many golf clubs in connecticut and you mean it was not worth the inconvenience of him playing somewhere else. By our silence, we condone the behavior and thereby become complicit in the act. When as a community did we become so apolitical? And no I am not a member of ACT UP nor have I ever marched down any street screaming "we here, we're queer..etc" But when a straight friend cancelled her honeymoon at Sandals when she found out they do not allow gay couples there I really appreciated that. There are thousands of resorts for honeymooning and she had a great time anyway somewhere else. Sandals will not change its anti-gay policy ever if straight people (who have the right to go there) do not morally object and not shed out their dollars. Friends of gays should drive Sandals out of business just as we should drive escorts who have race requirements out of business. If you cannot serve all the customers, then get out of this business. blu

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>If you

>cannot serve all the customers,

>then get out of this

>business. blu


Unfortunately, blu, you're argument falls apart with your last sentence. You would have escorts "serve all the customers" - what if an escort is a top and his client wants him to be a bottom - should he get out of the business because he won't "serve the customer" by taking it up the ass? How about if the client is into scat? Or what about water sports and he wants the escort to take his piss in his mouth? Or how about barebacking? The list goes on and on.


Let me remind everyone of the dirty little fact that most clients don't like to acknowledge: if you weren't PAYING these guys they would NEVER have sex with you. That's what makes them whores. I'm not using the term "whore" to denigrate them but rather to state a fact. We hide behind the word "escort" but the fact is these guys are whores - plain and simple - no different than the girls who stand out on the street corner and pick up johns in their cars. So, I find it a little ironic that some of you are all bent out of shape that there are whores who choose to impose their personal sexual tastes on their potential client base.


Everyone one of us has sexual likes and dislikes. So does this guy. If he doesn't "do" black men, big fucking deal. He's a whore.

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Guest bluboy

There is a lot of conceptual sloppiness in your arguments. What is sold is not the same as Who it is being sold to. Again, if I open a chinese food restaurant, then I am serving chinese food so people who want italian food should not come to my restaurant. So too a top is selling "take my dick up your ass" and not the other way around. But in both these cases, WHO will be served is the question at hand. And by the way I even see a difference between the "johns" and the "whores" or the "purchaser" and the "seller". The relationship is not symmetric in that it is fine for the "john" to not buy black men or fat men or quite frankly I do not buy asian but that is not the same as someone who has offered a service for sale but refuses to sell that service to some group. blu

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

I finally decided to go look at the offending website:




He has a list of what he does and doesn't do (always helpful) and the first thing on his "don't" list is: "Please no black guys".


It appears the lad isn't into black men and he's stated it in as unoffending a manner as anyone could. Let's cut the kid some slack and stop referring to it as "racism". Throwing that word around willy nilly diminishes its impact in instances where it SHOULD be used.

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Mr. Foom, it is a holiday, sleep in! Your post is timed at 8:09 am. You need your sleep so you don't get bitchy!! :)

My dog is black, a bitch, and a whore. And she gets in my bed whenever I want. Should I discriminate?

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Guest Gentle Dude

>I am a CPA who practices

>in a one-man operation.

>I limit my practice to

>certain kinds of businesses and

>individuals which I feel my

>experience and temprament best suit

>me to serve. Is

>that discriminatory? Sure.


>None of us can be all

>things to all people, whether

>we are CPA's, lawyers. doctors,

>plumbers, or escorts.


If your exclusion of your services is based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion or disability, then you are exposing yourself to a big time lawsuit. Please check the lawbooks, my friend. Sure you can discriminate against other people because they're ugly, short, dumb, etc., but if your reasons for discrimination fall under one of the purviews I just mentioned, then you are setting yourself up for bankrupcy. I know, because I'm awaiting a multi-million dollar court judgment against a company and their lawyers are currently in negotiations with my lawyers for a settlement offer before this thing hits the media.


Your analogy of professions are displaced. All the services you mentioned in your post provide services that are legal under the law; therefore, consumers have legal recourses if they feel they were discriminated; whereas, the services provided by escorts are not. The only thing a consumer/customer can do in this case is to take his business elsewhere. Can you imagine a doctor denying you medical treatment because your black or Jewish?

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Guest DazedBoy

On this morning's listing from "Simon" (Simon and Randy, LA) they practice "age discrimination" (no one over 40) and their page is a hoot because they seem to have quite a maze you have to run through to get to the cheese. Hey, guys, don't you know the wealthiest in LA driving the Benz's are over 40? Tom Cruise can't hire everyone, you know!

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Guest Zach DC

An escort advertises that he doesn't "do black men". You'll get no argument from me (or anyone on this board). Yes, racism sucks. But this escort isn't running for governor or waiting your table at some restaurant. He's selling intimacy. And that's personal.


I'm an escort that caters to nice, bottom men of all shapes, sizes, colors, and ages. But the two imporatant criteria for me are "nice" and "bottom".


As a strict Top, I'm amazed by how many requests I get from other Tops. I decline all requests from those wanting to top me. So some could say I discriminate against those I'm sexually incompatible with.


Without question, I am discriminating when it comes to personality. I enjoy the company of pleasant people. If someone seems less than nice, I always decline the job.


I'm upfront with potential clients. If I'm not into or can't provide what they're looking for I tell them. Simple honesty.


We've all read the stories where escorts have exaggerated, made false promises or blatantly lied. Clients are mislead, misused, or completely ripped off. Many posts discuss fake reviews, fake pics, he said/he said arguements. The bad element in these stories is dishonesty. Clients want honest escorts. Eliminating the bullshit saves them time, hassles and money.


Alejandro is being quite honest. He says he's not into black men. In a perfect world racism wouldn't exist. This site isn't about making the world perfect. More about finding the perfect escort.


Everyone want escorts to be honest. But some can't handle unpleasant truths. (Don't tell us you have flaws, you're subjective.) That leads right back to clients being misled--wasted time, wasted money, hard feelings from an appointment with a lousy connection.


If you don't like an escort's convictions, don't hire him. If an escort refuses you as a client then accept that he's not all-inclusive and move on. Find one that can provide you a good time.

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