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Fewer posts here?

Boston Guy
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Hi guys -


I hope you all had a nice weekend... I had a great one. When I got back, I decided to log in to see what was happening here and found a surprisingly small number of new posts.


Recently, it's felt to me like the number of posts and the number of posters here are both down quite a bit. Having so few posts this weekend seemed to support that.


Do you feel the same thing or am I imagining it? And if the number of posts is down, is it because:


1. It's summer and everyone is playing outside?

2. We're in a downward spiral that will end up with two people posting here and it's just becoming visible?

3. Theron's relentless and never-ending attacks on Regulation are driving everyone to drink?

4. Most of the escorts have decided to take their marbles and play elsewhere?

5. It's driving people crazy that every time Zack Evans creates a new thread, it gets hijacked in eight different directions and ends up being 100 posts long?

6. HB is paying people not to post here so he can sleep at night?

7. The CIA is secretly kidnapping posters one by one... and you will be next?

8. AT&T and AOL have pooled their efforts and are using HB-filters on their lines to eliminate most activity at gay and escorting sites?

9. Regulation has really created every other personality here (except mine) over the years, including Theron, and his hands are finally getting really, really, really tired?

10. I'm really nuts and it's 1920 and all of this is a fantasy conjured up as I gaze out the window of the institution and there is no such thing as computers or email or the World Wide Web?

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Guest pickwick

>If it's 9 then you are

>really Regulation......wait, then so am

>I. Great! I

>get along with myself best.




No, no, no! You guys are stealing my thunder! I am the one who is behind it all (including both of you) and I wish you would make an effort to keep that straight! :-)


I will tell you a true story about Braxton Bragg, the famous Civil War general. He had a reputation as one of the most argumentative and litigious officers in the U.S. Army before the war. There was one occasion when he was serving as a company commander and because his company was short-staffed he was also the company supply officer. In his capacity as company commander he issued a requisition for new rifles for his troops. He passed the requisition to the supply officer, who was himself, for the required endorsement. But as supply officer, he denied the requisition! So the next day in his capacity as company commander he took the requisition to the division commander and asked him to overrule the supply officer's denial! I leave you gentlemen to imagine that scene. This is a true story and was told to me personally by one of the people involved. :-)

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Very clever and entertaining , BG... but I think you are right, that traffic is down a bit. I have an observation that may be contributory. I am not as much of a veteran of this board as some of the others, but even I have noticed a dramatic difference in the subject material posted here in the short time I have been a regular. When I started, most of the topics actually had to do with escorts and escorting. It was fun and exciting to read... and really that is why I came here, to read about cute boys! Nowadays the board is much more politically oriented... and I grant you important issues are discussed, but I am not sure that is what the bulk of visitors to this site really want to spend their recreational time doing. And I am sure that in response to my observation, someone will tell me that it is a Constitutional guarantee that people can post whatever topic they want on these boards, or that the future of America depends on resolution of key issues discussed on this board, or that they can't understand how I can prefer to discuss the "illicit" activities of escorting over the social ramifications gay politics....


And that is my spin as to why traffic is down.

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Yes, I think you have hit the nail on the head. And I'd add an observation that where two years ago a discussion (argument) might go on for 15 or 20 posts, now it seems like they go on for 60 or 70 posts, often becoming just incredibly tedious.

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Wrong all. The consumption of chips and dip dramatically increases during the summertime. Terrible Tuesday lasts until Thursday and the next intake. This particularly explains the general nastiness of the posts in the middle of the week. I have one word for you people, Xanax.



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Guest Theron

Hiya :-)


So then let's create some fun and interesting posts. I'm game. I really did not come here to argue with people. I was hoping to be able to participate in some fun discussions, but when I came here I saw something much different, and felt there was a force that was trying to tear others down -- especially escorts. And by the way B.G., and did see the humor in your initial post --BIG SMILE.





Based Out of Chicago


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Guest Tampa Yankee

Oh Boston Guy,


You offer up so many targets of opportunity... and my tongue has already drilled a hole in my cheek before I even begin to type. But I bite my lip and let the urge subside... for the moment anyway. So I’ll take a shot at the issue posed in the title.


Having been an observer for almost 18 months and a partcipant for a good 15 months, I see cycles that come and go... the current times seem not too different from those in the past... well maybe a little different. IMHO the current ebb, yes there is an ebb, of posts, I believe, is primarily tied to the summer and more so to the July 4th holiday. I noticed a similar downturn at this time last year and at Thanksgiving and particularly at Christmas. There will be another around Labor Day weekend. That is not to say that there aren’t those that might have had their fill at this time and headed for higher ground, at least for now... but I think that was true several weeks ago when we had another season of turmoil and then several weeks before that another, and before that yet another. If there is a difference this year from last, it seems to me to be the frequency of events, each inspired by different individuals with different agendas -- so this is no conspiracy theory.


I indicated there might be some small difference this time... one, I think, is the apparently larger number of people visiting the message center over those a year ago -- if so, then this would seem to indicate the site has not become less popular over the last year. This increased attendance may account for the increasd number of postings in a thread. Then again, some post less than they used to... so how this nets out -- who knows. I also think there are more posters willing to step up and particpate -- a mixed blessing -- much as a heavy turnout in an election, depending on who your candidate is :-) (damn, there is that tongue in the cheek!)).


In response to another post... I personally think the most active and widely particpated threads (and best threads) are those of a political nature (with a small p) where we discuss ideas, philosphies, opinions, and feelings about prostitution, being gay or alientation from the larger community, or the problems of an aging gay community, or the new resurgence if HIV... the list goes on. Gossiping about escorts is fun for a while but limited at least in my view and we have the Deli for that where any and all can post to their heart is content. More often than not the red meat of discussion is in the Lounge -- though not always. And some threads in either conference manage to become tedious and tiresome. Fortunately, just like with TV, we are all the masters of what and how much we consume.


I cannot help myself any longer... the real answer is No. 10, we are all on the inside and HooBoy is the Orderly comissioned to keep us medicated and content. We come back daily and line up for our day's dose...


God bless HooBoy



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I agree TY...a cycle with a new twist.


But I'm confused (again). Tampa, you're not Regulation? And if you're not, maybe I'm not. And if I'm not, maybe #9 isn't the reason. And if it's #10, why hasn't Hoo given me my medication?


Has anyone seen Jack Nicholson around the ward anywhere?

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All joking aside, there is a negative tone on this site. People have made honest postings and been shredded for it. Members attack individuals and not the issue (read HB's heading) and drive people away.


I know of two members who read but refuse to post any more. What a shame.


We need to improve the tone of this site.



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Guest cp8036

I don't know why things should be so negative. Debate can be interesting, but I think some have gone too far. Thus creating an us and them feeling.


While clients and escorts may be on opposites sides of the transaction, both are interdependant.


Ideally, we all can share ideas and make for a more worthwhile industry for all, instead of breeding contempt.


I know that I would have little interest to read this message center if there was no input from escorts.

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Guest pickwick

>Then you must be at least

>100 years old or so...

>which would provide at least

>one possible reason why you

>might be looking for an



Well, let's just say I'm very well preserved. :-)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

IT IS DEFINITELY SUMMER aournd here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess we should be thankful for the respite... seems to me like a good beach day, so....

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  • 3 years later...

The tone of this site has definitely changed! Do we need regulation, or is woodlawn up to it?:)


I think this old thread shows how some things never change...

Hopefully, we will survive the current period of tensions as well.

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>The tone of this site has definitely changed! Do we need

>regulation, or is woodlawn up to it?:)


>I think this old thread shows how some things never change...

>Hopefully, we will survive the current period of tensions as



SO INTERESTING. Not only have the same laments and the same warnings and the same "concerns" - about "negativity," thread hijackings, overly political discussions and the like - been decreed for years and years and years here, but they've also been issued by pretty much the same exact people - in the same exact solemn, ominous, righteous, oh-so-serious tone - since at least 2001.


That would almost lead one to conclude that these "warnings" about such things never have anything to do with anything actually taking place on the site - which has always, according to HB and management, grown and grown and grown while these Chicken Littles proclaim apocalypse - and, instead, have everything to do with the psychological needs of these individuals to posture as the wise old denizens who, with their great wisdom and elevated decorum, worry about, and seek to put a stop to, the distateful decline of gentlemanly discourse and civility, which they always observe but never contribute to.


My guess is you could almost randomly search ever since this forum started and find threads exactly like this. The next time one of you goes to write a post lamenting the state of "negativity" around here or condemn thread hijackings or warn of the imminent decline of membership here, why not just search the archives instead and cut and paste one of the other 100 posts you've written over the years saying exactly the same thing?

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Great pull, I read all the way through was going to reply before I noticed the date. I guess it shows how we filter not only what we hear but what read, as well. I guess that is why several topics this week have become very heated. It has been proven time and time again history repeats itself.


The main reason I come here is I enjoy the interaction between escort and client and the observers, the new and the old, the gay the bi and the straight. All with a different perspective of how issues should be presented and responsed to. It would be nice if people could express their opinion and move on. Some like to be provacative because when people get angry they do react in. Where many of these topics get bogged done is when we try interpet what somewhat else says, summarize rather than ask question like "Did you mean this or did you mean something else."


I might suggest that rather than respond immediately to a critisism, you may wish to wait until the next day to respond. The fact that this is a message board and not a chat line. You might find support and good arguments both ways which could give you a snappy response or god forbid you have the right to change your opinion and "I guess I was wrong".


I might also say a bit a sacasm is okay as long as we remember that we need to have the ability to laugh at ourselves once in awhile. Vincent Michael became one of the best at this and ultimately his trademark. Since this was in 2001, how topical it applys, er... applies.

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