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Picking up Day Labor

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>While I'm asking questions... as I said, really would like to

>know what to look for in a bar, but also, are there any signs

>I should know about? Heard some nonsense about colored

>handkerchiefs and which rear pocket they're in, etc...

>Anything to it?


LOL! The colored hankies are so passe. Anyway, they were mostly for the leather/levi bars and did mean something years ago. If they still have them, just go to the local leather bar and pick up the little card that decodes all the colors. The right pocket always means the passive/receive and the left pocket means the top/giver. I haven't been to the leather bars in at least 7 years, so I don't know if they mean anything anymore. Along with the hankies, keys/earrings on the right means passive and on the left mean top.


Off the top of my head:

Dark blue - fucker/fuckee

Light blue - sucker/suckee

Dark red - fist fucker/fuckee

Yellow - golden shower giver/receiver

Brown - scat giver/receiver

Black - sadist/masochist

White - anything anytime/nothing now


Of course there are many others, including purple, lavender, mustard yellow, etc. but I would have to dig to find the translation card.


If you can find and/or find yourself in a hustle boy bar, then all you have to do is make eye contact, and believe me they will make a move on you, if you don't make a move first. Once the move is made, offer to buy a cocktail, talk and take it from there.


>He was sitting on his bike on the

>corner, waiting for the light, seemed to notice me looking.

>Seemed to do something sensual with his lips, took his hat off

>twice and put it back on... I kept looking, tried to do

>something with my lips too... he seemed to nod and set off on

>his bike when the light changed...


Man, you really are new to street cruising? I didn't know much of that went on anymore, and it is a lot more dangerous than it used to be because of just that. But this definitely came across as an acknowledgement of your cruise/interest.


>but I took off too soon. Saw him

>again as I was driving, but he'd probably had it with my

>ineptness by then, didn't acknowledge me or cross the street

>towards me again.


Yep, your ineptness definitely shone thru, and had all the earmarks of either a cop or a psycho. You probably freaked him out someway and he decided that it was to iffy to risk anything further. If you had just kept your cool and stayed parked where you were, he probably would have approached if interested or biked away if not.


>So, I know now to be more patient, but was I reliably supposed

>to get something from the hat thing (he wanted to top?)?


I've never experienced the "hat thing", but as I stated above I believe it was an acknowledgement of your interest in him, which doesn't mean he was hustling, just interested, as not all guys who catch your eye on the street and acknowledge you are hustling. He could have just been cruising and interested in meeting you without any kind of monetary compensation. But please don't give up or stop trying as like anything else, the more experience you have the wiser you will be. Good luck in the future and keep on trying but be real careful, as the street scene these days is a much more dangerous learning experience than it was a few years ago.

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Guest ThePuppy

Yo What up??

You might not have to wait to come to Las Vegas, I am in the LA area now.

A real weiner, oops I mean Winner thats sweet thankyou!



702 612 0511

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Guest Merlin

I don't agree that it is molestation. They still have the choice to make the deal with you or not. It is not as though you were doing them some harm, and I assume you are paying them more than they could get by either means. But it should not be hard to approach the subject and let their reaction determine whether you are taking some advantage of them. If he says "sure' and seems eager or quite willing and with a "no big deal attitude" your conscience can be clear. If he seems repulsed and reluctant then you can drop the subject and look elsewhere. I personally would not have the courage to approach such people and would be concerned about their personal cleanliness and my own safety.

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Day Labor


I keep driving around my local area, to kill time and see if there is a way to have fun without driving to Hollywood. So far a complete bust, maybe because I'm too chickenshit to be open and initiate anything beyond driving by with my windows down, making eye contact, and pulling over somewhere. A guy did offer to sell me a microwave though... ;o)


Came the closest today I think. Was trying to set up a repeat with someone I've mentioned elsewhere, but figured I'd go for a little drive to kill time since he wasn't answering. Usual whole lot of nothing, then notice some guys in the shade beside one of the nicer gas stations in the area, eventually cruise by, there are more guys on the street behind, some are pretty hot.


Typical assortment of latino day-laborers (they come out on Saturdays, but you don't usually see any on Sundays). A nice looking young one of them seems to look at me and kind of casually gesture rubbing himself. I pull into the gas station, am looking towards him but he's still standing is his group.


As I'm filling up the car and trying to figure out how to separate what I want from the pack my phone rings, it's who I was trying to set something up with. Murphy's law. So I head out, still, seemed to have potential...


Also, is there anything to them showing their midsection? Actually, now that I think about it, I've seen an obvious street hustler do this as well. I'm just wondering if there is some other reason some are doing it, or have I missed signed invitations?

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Well, alot happened here while I was in Russia! I thought this particular post was dead and buried...but obviously it has come back from the dead to haunt me. VaHawk, thank you for defending my honor while I was away, you are certainly a gentleman.

But Big guy in Pasadena (i wonder how the Beach boys' career as a supergroup would've fared had they written a song about you instead of the Little Old Lady?), you seem to have the wrong idea entirely about what i was asking in this post. I asked if anyone had ever picked up a guy (or guys) from day labor sites, but I certainly didn't exhort the good people of this message center to run down ASAP and try it themselves.

It's a fantasy, a "daydream" (giggle) I've long harbored, so I was curious to hear firsthand from anyone who'd had such an experience.

You seem to think i live life on the edge, and perhaps I am drawn to, shall we say, the less glamorous elements of our society. But I don't think that a person that is not legally entitled to work in our country is going to be more prone to violence. Certainly not more so than some of the drug-addicted teens one is likely to encounter in more traditional cruising areas. And, I wouldn't traipse down to "la esquina" (not "skina" as I'd written before... it means "street corner." Silly me!) with a poster-board advertising what I was looking for any more than I'd go around propostioning guys loudly at a Raiders game. Discretion is a hallmark of successful street contacts. Always. No matter where you are.

The title of this forum is Street Hustlers, after all, not "Very Convenient, Safe, Easy-to-Find Men" The very nature of the name implies that we'll be discussing here the edgier aspects of cruising for sex. And with the right combination of luck and wits, I think one can occasionally find an interesting trick almost anywhere. (Please remind me one day to tell y'all about the hitchiker I picked up at 3:00 AM in the middle of nowhere, Missouri, when I was 22.)

Regarding my post about 16 & Mission... yes, it's a seedy neighborhood. Not for the delicate of demeanor. But on the other hand, people keep posting about the dangers of "drug dealers" hanging out there. Do you really think that a guy selling drugs on the street is going to go out of his way to bash a gay man? Don't you think he's otherwise occupied, and would rather not draw attention to himself? Dealers, to my mind, don't represent a big threat to me. Their clients might be scary, but chances are those are the very guys you're picking up on Polk St., Santa Monica, or wherever.

I adore out-of-the ordinary sexual escapades. They frequently involve some sort of risk. And I like to hear other gentlemen's tales. That, I think is part of what this forum is for. Those who cannot even fantasize about such things are free to remain in the Deli.

La Trix

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I'd love to hear your hitchhiker story. I've picked up two in my life, neither went anywhere sexual. Hmph!


I wrote (much) further down about cruising my local area, I tried it again today. As I'd mentioned, you don't find many out on Sunday, and it was mid-day, so not much chance, and I was more killing time then actively looking. But as I was driving about I noticed a fairly hot looking guy sitting on an electrical box by the same gas station. Not the typical little young twink build, more broad, I also took it for an interesting sign that he had a bag with him. I made a note to check back, sure enough he was still there later, so I swung by. Made eye contact as I slowly went by, I turned the corner, did an awkward job deciding where to stop and getting back there, but he came over, I'd already rolled down the window.


He lifts his sunglasses up so I can see his beautiful eyes, asks if I'm looking for somebody to work. I say I'm more looking for somebody to play... He smiles, gets what I'm saying but smiles again and says no (gently, can't remember his exact words). I drive over to the gas station (damn SMB, used up half a tank since yesterday!) and fill up, thinking about how cute he was. Good teeth, nice smile, nice face, kind of scruffy (nothing joining him in a nice long shower, followed by supplying him with a disposable razor and shaving cream wouldn't fix), can't see how defined he is, but a nice build. Doesn't look Mexican to me, maybe Puerto Rican or something, I dunno, but really cute, with a deep tan.


As I'm filling up I think I should have made it clear I was willing to pay. Don't know what it is, not all that horny today, am in my hometown (don't foul the nest... hell, my car may already have a rep...), but I decide I'll be hard, wondering about it for the rest of the day, if I don't try again. So I drive back over, he's sitting having a cigarette facing the back road I'm on, I motion for him to come over, he does, I tell him I meant I'd get him a room for the night and give him some cash. He smiles again, tells me no thanks, he's OK. And we part smiling.


It really helped that he was alone, but even with a guy not interested it didn't seem all that dangerous. And language wasn't nearly as big a problem as I thought it'd be. Too bad I struck out. He did too... I went and had a quick lunch, on my way back home saw him walking home.


I don't want to get involved in the other stuff, but I don't feel all that threatened doing this (unless I'm stuck near a Sheriff's car in traffic...), I'm a big guy, probably somewhat scary (and unfortunately cop) looking to those that don't know me, so I'm not that worried. More worried about catching something, but am always safe and wouldn't even start if there were any signs of anything (I do know that doesn't make me 100% safe and that it's a risky behavior).


Worst that's happened to me (granted, not in an especially vast experience) was some pimp or dealer yelled 'get your fat ass back over there you faggot' at me as I slowly drove by looking at the somewhat jock-ish white guy walking near him. First time I've been called a faggot, pissed me off, but I was in no danger. This was down past Highland on SMB late around midnight-1AM.

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James, you really do write interesting stories. I can always imagine myself quite easily in your place, the excitement and nervousness of a clandestine pick up. And it sounds like we have similar tastes in men. Please, keep sharing your intriguing stories... near misses are often as interesting as successes.

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RE: Day Labor


good questions and hints as to what might work


i wish someone could figure out how to consistently work this crowd

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Flashing midsection?


Yeah, I'm still baffled by the showing the midsection thing, is it a latino thing somehow not sexual at all?


Was cruising through the little main-street a couple nights ago, at one stop light, which I'd probably passed going the same way once already, a young-ish middle-aged guy was talking in Spanish to a companion on the bench (not really a bus bench though), looking towards me, and worked his shirt up in front to above his chest while kind of casually rubbing his belly and chest. No other sign, (wasn't that interested anyway, if he was showing off his build he needn't have bothered) and he was gone the next time I passed the spot.

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Flashing midsection?


Yeah, I'm still baffled by the showing the midsection thing, is it a latino thing somehow not sexual at all?


Was cruising through the little main-street a couple nights ago, at one stop light, which I'd probably passed going the same way once already, a young-ish middle-aged guy was talking in Spanish to a companion on the bench (not really a bus bench though), looking towards me, and worked his shirt up in front to above his chest while kind of casually rubbing his belly and chest. No other sign, (wasn't that interested anyway, if he was showing off his build he needn't have bothered) and he was gone the next time I passed the spot.

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RE: Flashing midsection?


I see this all the time amoung the (ostensibly) straight guys at my gym when they're working out together. I've also been occasionally been flashed by one of them when they notice that I'm checking them out. :)


I wonder if it's some sort of male-male dominance thing?

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RE: Flashing midsection?


I see this all the time amoung the (ostensibly) straight guys at my gym when they're working out together. I've also been occasionally been flashed by one of them when they notice that I'm checking them out. :)


I wonder if it's some sort of male-male dominance thing?

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RE: Flashing midsection?


Ah, the hetero belly rub. Yes, even J.D. Salinger made reference to it in "Catcher in the Rye" (Or was it "A Separate Peace?" All those ridiculous coming of age stories I had to read in high school have blurred together...)

Where I work, there is a particular very hot latino truck-driver I see every week. And every week, after unloading, he squats down on the lift, so that his crotch and midriff are level with my eyes, and we chat a few minutes. The whole time he'll slightly lift his shirt and finger his happy trail.

He knows I'm gay, and certainly he must notice my eyes forever darting "down there". I really don't think it's any sort of invitation, nor is it even a conscious act. But, I haven't a clue as to how to explain it. It's just one of those things straight guys do, like spitting on the sidewalk.

I have a dumb theory that it is a subconcious acknowledgement of sexual desire. We all know, on some level or another, when someone is actively interested in us, because that kind of focused attention is like a little laser beam. A high concentration of energy. Thus, even if a man is not overtly aware of what's going on, he still feels it, and exposes/strokes his midriff, because that's where, traditionally, the ego center lies. And to the ego, attention always feels good! But probably it wouldn't successfully go any farther than that.


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RE: Flashing midsection?


Ah, the hetero belly rub. Yes, even J.D. Salinger made reference to it in "Catcher in the Rye" (Or was it "A Separate Peace?" All those ridiculous coming of age stories I had to read in high school have blurred together...)

Where I work, there is a particular very hot latino truck-driver I see every week. And every week, after unloading, he squats down on the lift, so that his crotch and midriff are level with my eyes, and we chat a few minutes. The whole time he'll slightly lift his shirt and finger his happy trail.

He knows I'm gay, and certainly he must notice my eyes forever darting "down there". I really don't think it's any sort of invitation, nor is it even a conscious act. But, I haven't a clue as to how to explain it. It's just one of those things straight guys do, like spitting on the sidewalk.

I have a dumb theory that it is a subconcious acknowledgement of sexual desire. We all know, on some level or another, when someone is actively interested in us, because that kind of focused attention is like a little laser beam. A high concentration of energy. Thus, even if a man is not overtly aware of what's going on, he still feels it, and exposes/strokes his midriff, because that's where, traditionally, the ego center lies. And to the ego, attention always feels good! But probably it wouldn't successfully go any farther than that.


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RE: Flashing midsection?


>Yes, even J.D. Salinger made

>reference to it in "Catcher in the Rye" (Or was it "A

>Separate Peace?" All those ridiculous coming of age stories I

>had to read in high school have blurred together...)


Well I don't believe JD wrote "A Separate Peace" did he??? If he did let me know, because I love JD Salinger and thought I had read everythig he has written. I love Catcher in the Rye, which I've read several times, but the first reading as a junior in HS was the best, no question.


If I've said it once, I've said it a 1,000 times that Latino men are always aware of a man looking at him much more so than any other ethnicity, at least in my experience. But it has also been my experience that they are the coolest about handling it and like to provide a little eye candy as a treat of appreciation for adimiring their beauty. Certainly doesn't mean they are willing to pursue it further than that though.


I'm not saying this applies only to Latinos, as a lot of other men are aware of the looks/glances and the ones that are comfortable with and confident of their own sexualtiy are not the least offended and will do this to acknowledge a gay man's attraction to them. :)

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RE: Flashing midsection?


>Yes, even J.D. Salinger made

>reference to it in "Catcher in the Rye" (Or was it "A

>Separate Peace?" All those ridiculous coming of age stories I

>had to read in high school have blurred together...)


Well I don't believe JD wrote "A Separate Peace" did he??? If he did let me know, because I love JD Salinger and thought I had read everythig he has written. I love Catcher in the Rye, which I've read several times, but the first reading as a junior in HS was the best, no question.


If I've said it once, I've said it a 1,000 times that Latino men are always aware of a man looking at him much more so than any other ethnicity, at least in my experience. But it has also been my experience that they are the coolest about handling it and like to provide a little eye candy as a treat of appreciation for adimiring their beauty. Certainly doesn't mean they are willing to pursue it further than that though.


I'm not saying this applies only to Latinos, as a lot of other men are aware of the looks/glances and the ones that are comfortable with and confident of their own sexualtiy are not the least offended and will do this to acknowledge a gay man's attraction to them. :)

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RE: From the Trivia Fountain


Yes, John Knowles! I'd wanted to say Paul Bowles, who wrote The Sheltering Sky.

In reference to VaHawk's post, I agree more or less to what he said. I think latin men will accept a little apreciation more readily than some other ethnic groups. White guys, i've noticed, tend to throw back their shoulders and straighten their posture when intercepting a roving eye.

But they all spit on the sidewalk.

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RE: From the Trivia Fountain


Yes, John Knowles! I'd wanted to say Paul Bowles, who wrote The Sheltering Sky.

In reference to VaHawk's post, I agree more or less to what he said. I think latin men will accept a little apreciation more readily than some other ethnic groups. White guys, i've noticed, tend to throw back their shoulders and straighten their posture when intercepting a roving eye.

But they all spit on the sidewalk.

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Guest Merlin

RE: Flashing midsection?


Maybe he is more interested in experimenting than you think. I suggest you ask him if he would like to meet for a drink or something.

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Guest Merlin

RE: Flashing midsection?


Maybe he is more interested in experimenting than you think. I suggest you ask him if he would like to meet for a drink or something.

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RE: Cruising in Rio


>Utopia, you obviously haven't been reading the Rio threads where this is frequently >discussed. (Someone even commented that you need to talk to the boy as if he was >your servant because Rio is a class-oriented society!)


I guess I missed that posting because I certainly would have had something to say about it!


Brazil may not be a racist society, but it is definitely classist (and unfortunately, because of the legacy of slavery, Afro-Brazilians tend to be at the bottom of the economic class list). However, I would NEVER talk to one of the boys in Rio as a servant. (For that matter, I never talk to actual servants that way, either!)


The fact that someone comes from a lower economic class, has little formal education, and finds himself earning a living from his looks/endowment doesn't make that person either stupid or undeserving of respect. Sadly, it's true that some Brazilians and foreign visitors treat sauna boys and other sex workers as if they're servants. Needless to say, the quality of the experience they will have is likely to be significantly poorer and more mechanical than if they treat the guys with dignity and respect.


Fortunately, most visiting M4Mers have done exactly that, and as their countless threads on the "Escorts South" board illustrate, they've had great experiences and have been treated royally by the Brazilian guys they've met. Whether it's Brazil or anywhere else, you get what you give, and if you treat people badly or condescendingly, you'll get unpleasant treatment in return. Treat people (even those working for you in any capacity) with dignity and respect and you'll get the same, and more, in return. :D

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  • 14 years later...

Until I discovered this discussion, I had wondered if this sort of connection was going on and, voila! If I had a punch-list of physical attributes, these guys would probably meet every one. Short, sometimes stocky, jet-black hair, some hairy some not, uncut...goes on and on. Would love to have one of these guys on the payroll. They need a marketing vehicle, something like Day-Labor-Rentmen. Bet they'd be more than happy not to sweat buckets and make some easy bucks. The dark side of this would be risk and I would think even more risk than with traditional hiring methods. Probably some of the attraction here for me is the forbidden nature of the meeting as well.

Edited by Jakeenct
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