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My Montreal Vacation - - 5/7-5/12

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I just returned from an awesome trip to Montreal. I stayed at the Hyatt Regency for $50 a night thanks to BFT and Priceline. I had the top floor of the Hyatt (12th floor) right next to the Vice Presidential suite. I had the most fabolous view of the downtown cityscape that I have ever scene. I posted a review on BFT if you're intertested in reading it.


On my first night in Montreal I was so excited that my plane did not crash -- i'm terrified of flying! LOL I entered Taboo and saw the dancer that calls himself "Matteo" on stage. Matteo is a very skinny, attractive white twink boy. Totally my type!


Mateo was busy talking to the regulars and giving privates. I was getting really frustrated waiting for him to come to me. I smiled at him and he still didnt come.


I thought to myself "I didnt spend all this money ,$1,000, on vacation to just hope a dancer will approach me", so i got up the nerve to approach Matteo. We hit it off in a clinet-to-stripper kind of way and i had many lap dances with Matteo. Matteo is one of the dancers on the top of my list.


My favorite dancer in all of Montreal that I had the priviilege of meeting calls himself "Cedrik". I totaly fell for this dancer. Cedrik has a great smile, boyish looks, and a great ass. Cedrik gives a great private dance within the limits of Taboo. There was a minor language barrier with the French/English however for the most part it just turned me on. I loved his accent.


I also met the dancer known as Damien. He was very cute as well.


I spent the most money on Cedrik, followed by Matteo. I did see one of the "off duty" dancers that was very hot, but I didnt have a chance to approach him.


The clubs were so smoke filled that I got sick of taking 30 minute showers at the hotel each nite to rinse that nasty smell off my skin, not to mention my clothes were reeking. I stopped going to the strip clubs after 3 days because of the smoke. Remingtons inT oronto doesnt have that problem. Toronto is smoke free.


I was realy pissed off at Taboo on my second night. Sunday was completely empty. The 4 or 5 dancers that were there were NOT my type in any way.


I read, on this board, that even if you're not attracted to the dancer it is polite and customary in Montreal to continue to speak with the dancer even if you don't want a private dance from them.


So halfway through our "conversation" I mentioned that I'm "out of money" or some lame excuse to let them know I'm not buying a lap dance; however, the dancer continues to stand next to me for the next 30 minutes! Keep in mind that Im NOT attracted to him at all and I'm NOT fondling him like I usually do to a sexy dancer.


Apparently it was this dancers first night at Taboo. He got the job from a recommendation from a current dancer at Taboo.


Anyways, the current dancer at Taboo who got his friend the job comes up to me later and says "Do you know where you are?" I said "Yes. Club Taboo."


Then he responds "That's right. What are you doing here? You have to pay if you want to be here. You have to pay for lap dances or leave."


I was thinking like "What the F&*%" there are plenty of people who come in and buy one drink and nothing else for the entire night. They are entitled to enjoy the show.


The dancer looks likes hes going to slap me and says "I hope I am intimidating you".


I didn't respond but I was thinking to myself "i don't get imtimidated, im 6'6, 350 pounds, size 16 shoes".


The dancer walked away into the dancer room but I remained pissed the hwolke night. I didnt want to say anything to the manager since it was only my 2nd day in montreal and i didnt want to strr up trouble.


I told Cedric and Mateo about this incident the next day. They both couldn't beleive it. They told me I have evrey right to buy a drink and stay the entire night. A dancer should never intimidate anyone into buying a private dance.


You only buy private dances if youre attracted to the dancer. DUH!

Youre not obligated, guilted, or intimidated into buying a dance. A dancer should pride himself on being hot enough to generate his own bizness without threating or manipulating clients.


Looking back, I think that dancer must have been on cocaine or some drug. His new dancer friend looked like Sadam Hussein and I was totaly not into that!


That same night, another chunky, stocky, druggie dancer approached me and sat next to me. I also told him some lame excuse like "i just spent my money last nite". He kept saying i was obligated to but him drinks since he is "talking to me". I told him im not buying him anything and that im the cheapest person he will ever meet (hopeing he will leave). He contineus to sit by me and gets pissed a half hour later when he realizes im really not buying him anything because im not attracted to him!


Another dancer talks to me for 10 seconds then grabs my hands and tries to drag me into the back room for a pvt dance. I also told him I have no money. His response his "we have an ATM."


It's interetsing and worth noting how these dancers leave the other clinets alone. I guess they know when the "new tourists" are in the building LOL


I went to Adonis just once and left after 30 minutes. Im never going back. Literally every 5 minutes the bartender approaches me saying "do you wanna buy a drink, do you wanna buy a drink, do you wanna buy a drink". I had jsut bought a drink from them 10 minutes ago. Enough is enough.


Then the dancers at L'Adonis start doing the same thing: "do you wanna buy me a drink, do you wanna buy me a drink, do you wanna buy me a drink." I'm thinking to myself..if im not buying myself a drink, why the hell would i buy a drink for a dancer im not attracted to...and please stop asking me if i want to buy you a drink. Asking me the 7th time wont magically make me say "oh you know what, i think i'll buy you a drink since you asked me seven times."


I said to myself "the hell with this" and never came back to l'adonis. And it's too bad, cause i saw 3 hot twinks that would have made a lot of money from me. I came home with a lot more cash than i expected to have.


Atleast Taboo doesnt harrass you constantly for drinks. I go to strip clubs to relax, not to be harrassed for alcohol sales.


Speaking of drinks, Taboo has a great Frangelica in milk beverage.


I wish I knew ways of declining /rejecting dancers without having to come up with lame excuses like "im out of money", or having them sit next to me for 10 minutes only to find out that im not spending money on THEM.


I was so sick of the smoke that I did not go to Taboo for their crowning of "Mr Taboo 2005" contest on Wednesday, my last night.


I did get offers for "take homes" at Taboo, but they were only from the dancers i was NOT attracted to.


I hate the whole Stripper/Client protocol setup. I hate spending hundreds of dollars on a dancer only to have them obvioulsy more interested in talking to other client/ friends .


I guess the time is really just for the lap dance and the lap dance only. Immediately after they are free to roam. You dont own them LOL


I was just thinking if you spend that much money on someone that they might make somewhat of an effort to show some appreciation AFTER wards. I hate the so obvious, fake BS "niceities" they say, but the nagain you dont go to strip clubs looking for real friends of a boifriend.


Sometimes it feels like the strippers are hurrying you along so they can quickly talk to their friends or move on to the next person who might spend $10 on one lap dance when I just spend $150!


I guess thats the way it is.


It also feels awkward rejecting one dancder you're not attracted to one minute and going into the backroom for a private the next minute with another dancer.


I guess I expect too much from strippers. I need to look for a real boifriend LOL


I highly recommend the dancer that goes by "Cedrik" if you're into twinks. He's real popular and a club favorite. He knows how to work and play the crowd. Enjoy him on your next stay in Montreal.


I also posted in the "Street Hustler" forum and in the "Lounge" regarding Montreal/Customes etc if anyones interested.


Finally, the homeless situation is really out of control in Montreal. I thought Detroit was bad, but wow. Some of the homeless are very aggressive. I walked from Taboo to the Hyatt many times at 3:30am on St Catherines and look out! LOL


One homless man, in the middle of the day, went up to these 2 gentleman walking in front of me and starting screaming "Les Arabs! Les Arabs" and starting talking in Arabic really aggressively. It was scarry. The 2 guys in front of me, who i guess were of Arab descent, were also scared.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Your experience is so not typical of mine from alpha to omega. Are you sure you went to Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada?:o

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I agree that Matteo can be a little stand-off-ish, but his ass makes up for it. LOL


On my 3rd day of lap dances with him, his cock accidently hit my hand which was caressing his leg. He immediately said "you cant touch, you're not allowed ,etc" when it was obvious his cock hit my hand when he was repositioning himself. I would never just grab a dancers cock.


As for L'Adonis, I did buy a drink and was "nursing" it, yet the bartender kept asking "do yo uwanna buy a drink" every 5 minutes when I had just bought the drink ten minutes ago. I understand the entire concept of buying drinks for the entertainment provided, and the free cover.


I had no problems at Taboo with drinks. Chris the bartender was awesome.


I'm not cheap. Being alone in Montreal your first time can be scary. I would have taken Cedrik or Matteo, and a number of other dancers I found attractive out to dinner. I even offered to buy them drinks. It's all in the way they approach me.


I spend my money when I want to spend it, not by being pressured. The waiter at a restaraunt makes his living on tips. The waiter might expect more than 15% gratuity, but if the waiter constantly harasses me throughout my diner for a 50% tip then obviouisly i will never go back to that restaraunt. The same concept applies for l'adonis , in my opinion.


Montreal's current scene features a smoking environment. Toronto's scene was like that just a few years ago. One can always hope the scene will change :)


All in all, I did enjoy myself. The Jardin Nelson restaraunt was fantatsic! Thanks for the recommendation. I also went to this Grecque restaraunt near mexican town. I forgot the name but the atmosphere was terific, but the food awful.


L'Hommard Fou was also terrible. The waiter was terrible. The food terrible.


The Jardin Nelson was so yummy. It was the only place that served daquirris on that strip.


Gibbys's was too expensive for me. I wanted to try the restaraunt on the right hand side of the Hard Rock cafe. It looked interetsing and had hot twink waiters for such an upscale place.


The McDonalds turkey/bacon subs were fantatsic. I wish they offered them in the USA. McDonalds quality was much better in Montreal compared to Michigan. They also take credit card!


Many merchants in Montreal dont block your personal info on the receipt when you use a credit card, so be sure to dispose of your receipts properly.


I also had a great Mediteranean grilled tuna sandwhich at the 24 hour sandwhich shop on st catherine by the hyatt.


Flying directly over Toronto at 38,000 feet was also interesting. What a view!


My first night at Taboo I had to take a cab ride home at 3am. I asked the driver how much it would be from Taboo to the Hyatt. He told me around $5. Well when it was all said and done, his dash-meter read $7.65. I ended up giving him $10 canadian when you add the tip. $10 is kinda pricey for a one-way trip from Taboo to the Hyatt.


I found outthey have the all-night bus every 30 minutes if you head one block towards old montreal. Much cheaper than $10 for a taxi.

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I think your comments about Montreal and the stripper bars are quite perceptive and not off the mark at all. Of course the experience is different for everyone in some ways but there are always elements that anyone can relate to, whatever their viewpoints. For instance, having dancers or waiters pressure you for drinks happens but thankfully not all the time or at all the bars. You need to know how to respond when this does happen, and sometimes you just have to be blunt, although it is nicer when a gentle demurrer will suffice.


Given your size, I was surprised that anyone would try to intimidate you into hiring a dancer for a lapdance. Was there any irony in his tone while he was doing this? LOL. When I am not attracted to a dancer I usually say something like "not right now", or "I'm enjoying watching the show right now" or "I want to get another drink first" and then walk away. It usually works.


As for the food, while many restaurants offer first rate fare, just like in Paris, you can get a bum meal if you're not careful to size up a place first. I won't go into a restaurant without checking the posted menu in the window first. It is something of an art to read a menu well, but I think you can tell quite a lot just by doing that.


As for the smoke thing, GOOD NEWS! The government announced this week that Quebec bars and restaurants will be smoke-free as of January 1st, next year. Of course, there was an immediate outcry from the owners' association. These guys just don't get it! They think they are going to lose business but the experience elsewhere just does not support that. Of course Quebecers are heavy smokers so it is going to be an adjustment but so be it. Those of us who don't smoke will be better off! :)

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I was sort of sad to read you account of your first visit to Montreal. I get there about five or six times a year - and have done so for at least six years. I know your visit wasn't a complete write-off, but some of the behavior you had to endure was unfortunate, to say the least.


I often get approached by aggressive types in whom I am not interested. I simply do as the previous poster does: I say, I just got here and want to have a drink and take the place in, or simply "not right now" or "maybe later". Once or twice, they still hung around. So after a few moments of that, I usually say: I am waiting for someone, so it might be best if you move along for nwo, maybe later. It has worked for me.


Your post said we should brush dancers off. Has anyone else ever read where we aren't supposed to do this ?


Anyhow, I hope you won't give up on Montreal and that you'll try to hook up with others on your next trip and visit all the places!



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