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Friday Funnies


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There was a young scholar at Kings,

Whose mind was on Secular things--

His secret Desire

Was a boy in the Choir

Whose ass was like Jelly on Springs.


{repeat from a couple of years ago}

There is a young scholar named Sims,

Who hums (it is said) when he Rims:

A Spectacular Ass

Gets the B-minor Mass;

The rest just get Anglican Hymns.


{and more recently}

There was a young woman of Chichester,

Who made the Saints in the niches stir;

One day at Matins

Her breasts in white Satins

Made the Bishop of Chichester's Britches stir.


Especially #2:

For the uninitiated: J.S. Bach's Messe in H moll, or Mass in B-minor. The ordinary of the mass, which takes about two and a half hours to perform.

Examples of Anglican Hymns:

  • For All the Saints, Who From Their Labours Rest
  • Hail, Thee Festival Day [which seems uniquely appropriate].
  • St. Patrick's Breastplate is unsingable under almost all conditions. To be able to Rim and perform That would be quite the deed, indeed!
  • Jerusalem is just fun.

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If one remembers the premise to Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: We'd best get started on the limericks, and soon, lest the ElectroMagnetic Pulse devicer (EMP) eliminate everything on the Net.


"There is a theory that, if anyone were ever to understand the meaning of the Universe, it would immediately be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

"There is another theory that says this has already happened."

- Somewhere in
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
, by Douglas Adams (R.I.P.)

Edited by gallahadesquire
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There was a young man of Nantucket

Whose cock was so long he could suck it.

He said with a grin, as he licked off his chin,

"If my ear were a cunt, I would fuck it."


I knew a young man in Kent

Whose cock was so long that in bent.

To save himself trouble,

He put it in double,

And instead of cumming, he went!

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Clearly neither of you has ever stepped in goose poop or otherwise had firsthand run-ins with this beastly avian. :eek:


Oh I thought it was a duck. They are mean suckers too.



This may be a repeat. But it's a good one.





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