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Friday Funnies


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Hey, hey, hey! It is Father's Day Weekend! So here I go!



I'm glad the condom broke, Dad!


Ok, ok...maybe I wasn't grateful enuff in my last post. One more try...


Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thanks for the genes!




Who are the two in the middle? Woof!

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You'll have to explain this to us-ok me-who doesn't parlay moy the Fran-say.

Sorry, it was the first thing I learnt in French, forgot you folks are more likely to have learnt Spanish (or no other language). 'My name is...' is, 'Je m'appelle...' [lit: 'I call myself']. So, 'Je m'appelle Gemma Pell.'

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Yes. Spanish is currently the most widely taught non-English language in American secondary schools and of higher education. More than 1.4 million university students were enrolled in language courses in autumn of 2002 and Spanish is the most widely taught language in American colleges and universities with 53 percent of the total number of people enrolled, followed by French (14.4%), German (7.1%), Italian (4.5%), American Sign language (4.3%), Japanese (3.7%), and Chinese (2.4%). The Spanish language is the second most spoken language in the United States of America. There are 45 million Hispanophones who speak Spanish as a first or second language in the United States, as well as six million Spanish language students, making the United States the second-largest Hispanophone country in the world after Mexico. There are more Spanish-speakers in the United States than speakers of French, German, Italian, Hawaiian, and varieties of Chinese and Native American languages combined. According to the 2012 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, Spanish is the primary language spoken at home by 38.3 million people aged five or older, more than twice that of 1990.

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Of course, if a handsome Spanish-speaking man asks me "¿Como te llamas?" (What's your name?), I just say "Mi amor" (my love). So then he has to keep referring to me as "Mi amor." In French, I could just respond to "Comment tu t'appelles?" with "Mon amour."

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