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La ChuckNorrisa



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This afternoon the radio station I was listening to discussed the subject of nicknames and how they aren't as imaginative as they used to be.


One caller told of a school mate who had an accident and lost several toes when they were caught in the chain of his motor bike. Thereafter he was called Milk because he lacked toes.

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Perhaps Brandon Taylor (who made the velociraptor remark) is, but there's a whole group of people I know on Twitter (mostly authors) who reference velociraptors all the time.


Speaking of Chuck Tingle, a website I follow just posted a podcast interview with him. I'll post it here as soon as the transcript is up. (I read much faster than I listen, so I skip the podcast and read the transcript.) I've read tweets congratulating the interviewer for not breaking out in laughter during the interview.


I've never read anything by Chuck Tingle, but I once read a review of one of his books on the website that just interviewed him. The review was so hilarious that I'm not sure I have the emotional wherewithal to read one of his books. :)


Here's the link to the inteview with Dr. Chuck Tingle and the transcript:



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