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STING OPERATIONS BY VICE... What they do not want you to know!

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PART #1:


Hello Everyone,


Apparently, many of you (whether you are a client or an escort) have no idea what the legal procedure is, how law enforcement operates, what they do, how they do it and unfortunately from previous topics it seems that there are a big darkness in many people's minds about this topic in general. We have all heard, seen, read about it but still nobody can really summarize how this thing goes. It also seems like to me that most escorts prefer to save their money, run into a sting and paying thousands of dollars to attorneys, rather than "saving up" their ONE HOUR wage and contact an attorney. I have to warn everybody right in the beginning that what you will read here is STRICTLY what the law says in CLARK COUNTY *Las Vegas* and how VICE operates, and how the prosecution works in this legal system, also what happens if you get arrested and what you have to do to avoid being arrested. Although the following things will be STRICTLY valid for Clark county, there will be many general truth about VICE and STINGS that are valid all over the USA so it worth reading it even if you are not looking to hire anybody in Vegas. I will try to provide enough information on this topic for clients as well as for escorts.



Source: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/NRS-201.html#NRS201Sec354


NRS 201.354 Engaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution: Penalty; exception.


1. It is unlawful for any person to engage in prostitution or solicitation therefor, except in a licensed house of prostitution.


2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person who violates subsection 1 is guilty of a misdemeanor.


3. A person who violates subsection 1 by soliciting a child for prostitution is guilty of a category E felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.


(Added to NRS by 1987, 2027; A 1991, 462; 2009, 1245)


NRS 201.356 Test for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus required; payment of costs; notification of results of test.


1. Any person who is arrested for a violation of NRS 201.354 must submit to a test, approved by regulation of the State Board of Health, to detect exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus. The State Board of Health shall not approve a test for use that does not provide the arresting law enforcement agency with the results of the test within 30 days after a person submits to the test. If the person is convicted of a violation of NRS 201.354, the person shall pay the sum of $100 for the cost of the test.


2. The person performing the test shall immediately transmit the results of the test to the arresting law enforcement agency. If the results of the test are negative, the agency shall inform the court of that fact. If the results of the test are positive, the agency shall upon receipt:


(a) Mail the results by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person arrested at his or her last known address and place the returned receipt in the agency’s file; or


(b) If the person arrested is in the custody of the agency, personally deliver the results to him or her and place an affidavit of service in the agency’s file.


Ê If before receiving the results pursuant to this subsection, the person arrested requests the agency to inform him or her of the results and the agency has received those results, the agency shall deliver the results to the person arrested, whether positive or negative, and place an affidavit of service in the agency’s file.


3. The court shall, when the person arrested is arraigned, order the person to reappear before the court 45 days after the arraignment to determine whether the person has received the results of the test. The court shall inform the person that the failure to appear at the appointed time will result in the issuance of a bench warrant, unless the order is rescinded pursuant to this subsection. If the court is informed by the agency that the results of the person’s test were negative, the court clerk shall rescind the order for reappearance and so notify the person. If, upon receiving notice from the agency that the results of the test were positive, the person notifies the court clerk in writing that he or she has received the results, the clerk shall inform the court and rescind the order for reappearance for that determination.


4. The court shall, upon the person’s reappearance ordered pursuant to subsection 3, ask the person whether he or she has received the results of the test. If the person answers that he or she has received them, the court shall note the person’s answer in the court records. If the person answers that he or she has not received them, the court shall have the results delivered to the person and direct that an affidavit of service be placed in the agency’s file.


5. If the person does not reappear as ordered and has not notified the court clerk of his or her receipt of the results of the test in the manner set forth in subsection 3, the court shall cause a bench warrant to be issued and that person arrested and brought before the court as upon contempt. The court shall also proceed in the manner set forth in subsection 4 to ensure that the person receives the results of the test.


(Added to NRS by 1987, 2027; A 1989, 924)





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PART #2:


NRS 201.358 Engaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution after testing positive for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus: Penalty; definition.


1. A person who:


(a) Violates NRS 201.354; or


(b) Works as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution,


after testing positive in a test approved by the State Board of Health for exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus and receiving notice of that fact is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 10 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.


2. As used in this section, “notice” means:


(a) Actual notice; or


(b) Notice received pursuant to NRS 201.356.


(Added to NRS by 1987, 2027; A 1989, 589, 925; 1995, 1203)


NRS 201.360 Placing person in house of prostitution; penalties.


1. A person who:


(a) Places another in the charge or custody of a third person with the intent that the other person engage in prostitution or who compels the other person to reside with him or her or with any third person for purposes of prostitution, or who compels another person to reside in a house of prostitution;


(b) Asks or receives any compensation, gratuity or reward, or promise thereof, for or on account of placing in a house of prostitution or elsewhere a person for the purpose of causing that person to cohabit with someone who is not the person’s spouse;


© Gives, offers or promises any compensation, gratuity or reward, to procure a person to engage in any act of prostitution in any house of prostitution, or elsewhere, against the person’s will;


(d) Is the spouse, parent, guardian or other legal custodian of a person under the age of 18 and permits, connives at or consents to the minor’s being or remaining in any house of prostitution;


(e) Lives with or accepts any earnings of a common prostitute, or entices or solicits a person to go to a house of prostitution to engage in sexual conduct with a common prostitute;


(f) Decoys, entices, procures or in any manner induces a person to become a prostitute or to become an inmate of a house of prostitution, for purposes of prostitution, or for purposes of employment, or for any purpose whatever, when that person does not know that the house is one of prostitution; or


(g) Decoys, entices, procures or in any manner induces a person, under the age of 21 years, to go into or visit, upon any pretext or for any purpose whatever, any house of ill fame or prostitution, or any room or place inhabited or frequented by any prostitute, or used for purposes of prostitution,


Ê is guilty of a felony.


2. A person who violates the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished:


(a) Where physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the other person, for a category C felony as provided in NRS 193.130.


(b) Where no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used, for a category D felony as provided in NRS 193.130.


[1911 C&P § 180; RL § 6445; NCL § 10127]—(NRS A 1967, 479; 1979, 303, 1432; 1995, 1203)


NRS 201.380 Restriction on location of houses of ill fame; penalty.


1. It shall be unlawful for any owner, or agent of any owner, or any other person to keep any house of ill fame, or to let or rent to any person whatever, for any length of time whatever, to be kept or used as a house of ill fame, or resort for the purposes of prostitution, any house, room or structure situated within 400 yards of any schoolhouse or schoolroom used by any public or common school in the State of Nevada, or within 400 yards of any church, edifice, building or structure erected for and used for devotional services or religious worship in this state.


2. Any person violating the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.


[419:63:1947; 1943 NCL § 6084.429] + [420:63:1947; 1943 NCL § 6084.430] + [1911 C&P § 245; RL § 6510; NCL § 10193] + [1911 C&P § 247; RL § 6512; NCL § 10195]—(NRS A 1967, 480)


NRS 201.390 Property on principal business streets not to be rented for purposes of prostitution; penalty.


1. It is unlawful for any owner or agent of any owner or any other person to keep, let or rent for any length of time, or at all, any house fronting on the principal business street or thoroughfare of any of the towns of this state, for the purpose of prostitution or to make or use any entrance or exit way to any house of prostitution from the principal business street or thoroughfare of any of the towns of this state.


2. Any person violating the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.


[1911 C&P § 246; RL § 6511; NCL § 10194] + [1911 C&P § 247; RL § 6512; NCL § 10195]—(NRS A 1967, 481; 1979, 304)


NRS 201.400 General reputation competent evidence. In the trial of all cases arising under the provisions of NRS 201.380 and 201.390, evidence of general reputation is competent evidence as to the question of the ill fame of any house alleged to be so kept, and to the question of the ill fame of any person.


[1911 C&P § 248; RL § 6513; NCL § 10196]—(NRS A 1979, 304)


NRS 201.410 Duties of sheriff and district attorney; failure to act; penalty. The district attorney and sheriff of each county in this state shall see that the provisions of NRS 201.380 are strictly enforced and carried into effect, and upon neglect so to do, they, or either of them, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office and may be proceeded against by accusation as provided in chapter 283 of NRS.


[421:63:1947; 1943 NCL § 6084.431]


NRS 201.420 Keeping disorderly house; penalty. Any person who shall keep any disorderly house, or any house of public resort, by which the peace, comfort or decency of the immediate neighborhood, or of any family thereof, is habitually disturbed, or who shall keep any inn in a disorderly manner, is guilty of a misdemeanor.


[1911 C&P § 219; RL § 6484; NCL § 10166]—(NRS A 1967, 481)


NRS 201.430 Unlawful advertising of prostitution; penalties.


1. It is unlawful for any person engaged in conduct which is unlawful pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 207.030, or any owner, operator, agent or employee of a house of prostitution, or anyone acting on behalf of any such person, to advertise the unlawful conduct or any house of prostitution:


(a) In any public theater, on the public streets of any city or town, or on any public highway; or


(b) In any county, city or town where prostitution is prohibited by local ordinance or where the licensing of a house of prostitution is prohibited by state statute.


2. It is unlawful for any person knowingly to prepare or print an advertisement concerning a house of prostitution not licensed for that purpose pursuant to NRS 244.345, or conduct which is unlawful pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 207.030, in any county, city or town where prostitution is prohibited by local ordinance or where the licensing of a house of prostitution is prohibited by state statute.


3. Inclusion in any display, handbill or publication of the address, location or telephone number of a house of prostitution or of identification of a means of transportation to such a house, or of directions telling how to obtain any such information, constitutes prima facie evidence of advertising for the purposes of this section.


4. Any person, company, association or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be punished:


(a) For the first violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.


(b) For a second violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months, and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.


© For a third or subsequent violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for 6 months and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.


[1:109:1913; 1919 RL p. 3379; NCL § 10535]—(NRS A 1967, 481; 1979, 305, 604; 1995, 2299)


NRS 201.440 Unlawful to permit illegal advertising of houses of prostitution; penalties.


1. In any county, city or town where prostitution is prohibited by local ordinance or where the licensing of a house of prostitution is prohibited by state statute, it is unlawful for any person, company, association or corporation knowingly to allow any person engaged in conduct which is unlawful pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 207.030, or any owner, operator, agent or employee of a house of prostitution, or anyone acting on behalf of any such person, to advertise a house of prostitution in his or her place of business.


2. Any person, company, association or corporation that violates the provisions of this section shall be punished:


(a) For the first violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.


(b) For a second violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months, and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.


© For a third or subsequent violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for 6 months and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.


[2:109:1913; 1919 RL p. 3379; NCL § 10536]—(NRS A 1967, 481; 1979, 305, 605; 1995, 2300)



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Part #3


Prostitution is only permitted in a couple of counties in Nevada in legal brothels with valid licenses. Workers over there have to go through a medical checkup every month to be able to operate there.

Solicitation of prostitution (that is the full legal term) in Las Vegas means offering or agreeing to engage in prostitution. Even if the exchange of sex for money never takes place, solicitation is just as illegal as the act of prostitution itself. That is why you do not have to pull out the money or the undercover officer does not have to show you the actual money to get arrested.

You don’t have to intend to trade money for sex in order to be found guilty of solicitation: Simply asking or accepting an offer to trade sex for a fee qualifies as breaking Nevada solicitation law. I have had many phone calls from clients when they told me what they want and asked for the fee. I said, I am not allowed to discuss the fee because you just told me a sexual act and if I charge for that then it is solicitation for prostitution. When the undercover officer really wants to make his/her quota, he simply tries a trick that worked on other escorts before: "And if I say yes or no, or I say a number and you say yes or no... would that be okay?" DO NOT AGREE TO THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!

Many solicitation arrests occur in Las Vegas on the strip, even if the "John - client" and the escorts are both legit. Undercover officers are on the strip 24/7 and if they witness any conversation that includes the money for sex thing, they make the arrest right on spot. Nowadays, technology allows solicitation to occur in many other ways too: They work over the phone, online and through newspaper ads.


Solicitation and Prostitution charges are only misdemeanors in Nevada. HOWEVER, it can carry a fine up to $1,000 and/or up to 6 months in jail. First time offenders with an attorney are hardly subject to any of these though. (Case gets dismissed with an attorney even if they have all the evidences against you). Judges prefer to order the Johns (customers) to complete a school /called "John school/ (can be physically at a school or on-line) and escorts are usually ordered to finish a very similar school that is called: AIDS awareness program. These schools are completely useless (based on my experience) as it is also just part of the deal to make more money out of you as you have to pay for "education" ... (Education... right)... Not lengthy at least, many people finish them in a day or two /online/. IT costs about $200. AIDS awareness is not useless and it is very important - do not get me wrong - but when you actually start reading the material, you soon realize that there are about only 8 pages that really cares about that topic (lists all the HIV and STDs and how you can get them and how they can be cured and what they can cause) BUT the rest of the approx. 50-60 pages are pure psychology... Now, even a very happy person - like me - can go crazy about reading depressing stories of suicides and how those people made the wrong choice in their lives and other crazy stories that all ended with dead people or people who ruined their own lives forever. If you are strong enough, a couple of days later you finish your online exam and forget about all this stupidity! :)


VICE arrests:

A numerous number of staged solicitation arrests in Nevada result from undercover sting operations at major casinos such as the Bellagio, Mandalay Bay and Encore, and even in downtown. ALTHOUGH: There are prime spots where VICE has their own "rented" rooms for stings where they can operate from any time at any day... That list is available to my escort friends in Las Vegas, I prefer not to publish them online.


Female undercover officers also pose as prostitutes in bars and even in nightclubs but rest assured, men do not do that (yet). Once you offer or agree to pay her money for sex, the officer arrest you under the NRS 201.354 code.

In terms of male officers,they go undercover as well but most of the time they are the "Johns-customers": They call escort services, go to strip clubs, check upon the massage parlors but their main operation field is CraigsList adult services. They call girls AND guys, also they post their own ads with pictures under the m4w, m4m section. They prefer to call girls mainly from the w4m section, but they post as well in the m4m, so NEVER EVER use CL for hiring or advertising.

These police prostitution stings are legal, but you can claim the "entrapment" in court if it’s clear the you were not predisposed to solicitation and that the cop’s actions went far according to you.



Prosecutors must prove that you traded sex for money or that you offered or agreed to trade sex for money before you can be found guilty of solicitation or prostitution in Clark county.

Arresting officers rarely videotape (although I have to laugh when I see videos of escorts who say: Do you mind if you look around? ... Right... like you can find the spy cam, that is as big as a pin drop somewhere at the corner of the ceiling...) prosecutors rely on "circumstantial evidence" to try to prove guilt. These are usually the typical evidences to prove guilt:


Either when the prostitute has a client book, lot of cash, condoms or the customer has large amounts of cash and/or condoms. (It is not set what "large amount" is considered) OR if the arresting officer witnessed money or other things (such as drugs) changing hands or even a verbal agreement that was overheard.

OR if the arresting officer sees the escort and customer driving to an agreed location


Even suggestive gestures might be introduced as evidence of solicitation cases. However, they’re usually not enought to prove guilt unless there are more evidences that the arresting officer can come up with. Case studies show that in Clark county the quota is more important then really making sure whether the person did commit solicitation or not. County makes money, attorneys make money and cops get their quotas, everybody is happy... (YES, EXCEPT FOR YOU!)

The prosecutors have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you violated Nevada prostitution law. But many times the only evidence that the prosecution has that you solicited for prostitution is the police report. In Clark county vice love to use the recorded phone conversation where you agree to or solicit for prostitution. As soon as you arrive, you do not even have to say "Hi, my name is....", you are under arrest by showing up and them having the recorded phone conversation. If it was not recorded and no witnesses can back up the cop's story, a jury may be unwilling to convict. And since police have the capability to "wire" themselves, juries may be suspicious of cops who didn’t use any technology to document the solicitation.

Nevada attorneys usually get your case dismissed if that is your first offense. Other times they might help you to get it reduced to 2 types of convictions:

- Trespassing (and you will be banned or 86'd from that typical casino /Watch out if you are banned from the Bellagio you are also banned from the 10 other MGM Resorts as well).

- OR disorderly conduct ... (which can refer to a million things)

Both are misdemeanors...


The following probably does not effect male escorts and absolutely do not effect customers... But there is a VETO program that refers to (Vice Enforcement agains Top Offenders). They have the list of the TOP 100 offenders who got arrested for solicitation for many times... They randomly call them to capture them again. Practice shows that even top offenders hardly get jail time. I recently read about a woman who moved to Las Vegas in 2004 and since then she got arrested 169 times. Surprisingly, so far she only had to serve jail time 8 times, out of the 169 arrests. 85% of her arrests were dismissed.



Many attorneys also do record sealings and they usually charge anywhere in between $1,000-1,500 , however you can do it on your own but it might not be easy... There are restrictions but most arrests (regardless of the outcome at the court) can be sealed from your record, it depends on what the charge was and how long ago that was. A Nevada solicitation charge can be sealed after 1 year... BUT! Nevada law does NOT allow anybody to expunge (erase) it from your record, but you can get it sealed (the officer will see you had an arrest but will not see why and/or any other details... on the police computer screen it will simply say: Access denied). IF! You seal your record for solicitation (takes 2-5 months), then if you get arrested and charged with the same thing the JUDGE can reopen your sealed record and can make a decision whether to impose a bigger fine/punishment or not. So if you got arrested, get it sealed and get arrested for the same thing, the judge will know about it! California law, however DOES allow expungements, so if you were charged over there you have a good chance to get it completely erased from your record. These cases can mean harm to you in case you have to watch your immigration status. If you get convicted in any of those however is an inadmissible offense, and you have to face with deportation.


If you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer and thanks for reading! PLEASE! When contacting an escort over the phone DO NOT DISCUSS anything sexual, just money for his time... Therefore 1.) If the escort you call is an undercover officer you will not get arrested, 2.) The escort never knows whether you are a legit customer or an undercover officer ,so let's just make this whole procedure a lot more pleasurable AND SAFE for both parties!



Edited by peterhung85
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Well done Peter!

This posting should be read & kept by ALL.

Having been down this road once before (it as an election year, as well!)...I wish I would've had this to refer to! (Was still helpful in hindsight, as I found myself nodding my head in agreement while reading).

You're a DEFINITE asset to the "Vegas Working Boys"...

See you soon!

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  • 7 years later...

It is definitely true that laws are different in the various states and handled differently. In larger cities it is sometimes the truth that non-violent, single person violation of statutes/laws is overlooked simply because there is too much going on. That changes where a single person is making money off a group of persons that he or she handles in order to make money.

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I just wanted to share this post by SimplyAdam. I don't think he's active on the forum anymore, and he shared this with me a few months back, but wasn't quite ready to share it with the public. He shared it yesterday on FB though, so I figure it's safe now to share here. He was living in a luxury high rise in NYC, where he was arrested last year. Here's what he shared on FB.


"Because this latest (not the last!) patriarchal gasp is (truth be boldly, wholly told!) a one-sided heterosexual grasp:


At this very time on May 23rd I welcomed an undercover cop into Apartment 39G - then was unlawfully arrested.


And today, exactly half a year from my final court date (fittingly on the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising), that open case gets closed. (I feel... freer?)


My "client" - my age - said he was going through a divorce, and wanted to explore the other side of his bisexuality. He was unsure which direction he wanted to pursue going forward. It felt disembodied, but my lease was up in six weeks, so I cast fears aside and rather freely ran my fingers through his hair as we sat side-by-side on my loveseat. He tensed up. I'd since deafened to the whispers of intuition.


Officer: "Now I guess we have to talk about the dirty part."


Me: "What is that?"


Officer: "Money."


Me: "I don't think of it as dirty at all. You're coming here to experience something you don't feel safe getting - or able to get - somewhere else. The hope is that what we do together translates into your day-to-day life... expands your overall possibilities."


Officer: "Oh, I guess so. So, how much for you to go down on me, and me down on you, and for me to put it in you?"


I stated my rates ("time and companionship," as a matter of course). He went to the restroom.


About a minute later, the doorbell rang. I turned around and the locked door opened on its own (unconstitutional entry), followed by seven NYPD officers barging in, and closing in on - encircling - me.


I'm in shock. It's surreal.


Them: "What a fucking nice place you've got here!" "Where'd you get this fucking massage table? I love getting massage!" "Fuck... Fuck... Fucking... Fuck... Fuck..."


Me: "I'm so sorry, but I'm very confused. Do you have a warrant?"


Lieutenant: "There was a complaint made. Do you know why we're here?"


Me: "No."


Lieutenant: "Prostitution."


Me: "I'm sincerely sorry, but I'm confused and would like to know if you have a warrant for my arrest."


Detective: "You've been watching too many fucking movies!"


I didn't #resist. They cuffed me. Escorted me down the elevator. Through the lobby, and past the drop-jawed doormen. I spent a night in an obscenely unclean cell block ("93G" scrawled across the wall above the bench). Had a court date in the morning. They kept my phone for two weeks. And, foremost, traumatized me - in a profoundly recognizable way.


Those old glasses got knocked off yet again.


We're living in tenuous times. Yes, it really does feel painfully familiar. I remember this sensation of danger - coming from anywhere. And while, truly, we were born and bred for the moment we're in - where to head from here (the answer assuredly lies within)?


What I know - know in my hollow bones - is that those unconscious assholes desecrated my space, and that this hoary #GayRage is sacred fuel for transformation.


#RottenApples #ThePastIsEntrapped #ThePresentIsIntensified #TheUnfoldingIsKnowing #UpsetTheAppleCart"

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It should not be a crime but it is for various reasons. As per SimplyAdam's situation, do not store any confidential info on your personal phone. They will take it and go through it getting client info after getting a warrant if they need to. Have a cheap separate phone and do not give it to the police. Hide it and once you have given them your personal phone they won't look for your work phone.

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Good lord! I suspect one or more other residents in this “luxury building” did not like the in-call traffic and complained. Otherwise I don’t think the cops would have bothered. But I’d like to know more! I often host escorts in my very nice condo; I don’t think I’m at risk but who knows. I host maybe 6 times a year.

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I just wanted to share this post by SimplyAdam. I don't think he's active on the forum anymore, and he shared this with me a few months back, but wasn't quite ready to share it with the public. He shared it yesterday on FB though, so I figure it's safe now to share here. He was living in a luxury high rise in NYC, where he was arrested last year. Here's what he shared on FB.


"Because this latest (not the last!) patriarchal gasp is (truth be boldly, wholly told!) a one-sided heterosexual grasp:


At this very time on May 23rd I welcomed an undercover cop into Apartment 39G - then was unlawfully arrested.


And today, exactly half a year from my final court date (fittingly on the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising), that open case gets closed. (I feel... freer?)


My "client" - my age - said he was going through a divorce, and wanted to explore the other side of his bisexuality. He was unsure which direction he wanted to pursue going forward. It felt disembodied, but my lease was up in six weeks, so I cast fears aside and rather freely ran my fingers through his hair as we sat side-by-side on my loveseat. He tensed up. I'd since deafened to the whispers of intuition.


Officer: "Now I guess we have to talk about the dirty part."


Me: "What is that?"


Officer: "Money."


Me: "I don't think of it as dirty at all. You're coming here to experience something you don't feel safe getting - or able to get - somewhere else. The hope is that what we do together translates into your day-to-day life... expands your overall possibilities."


Officer: "Oh, I guess so. So, how much for you to go down on me, and me down on you, and for me to put it in you?"


I stated my rates ("time and companionship," as a matter of course). He went to the restroom.


About a minute later, the doorbell rang. I turned around and the locked door opened on its own (unconstitutional entry), followed by seven NYPD officers barging in, and closing in on - encircling - me.


I'm in shock. It's surreal.


Them: "What a fucking nice place you've got here!" "Where'd you get this fucking massage table? I love getting massage!" "Fuck... Fuck... Fucking... Fuck... Fuck..."


Me: "I'm so sorry, but I'm very confused. Do you have a warrant?"


Lieutenant: "There was a complaint made. Do you know why we're here?"


Me: "No."


Lieutenant: "Prostitution."


Me: "I'm sincerely sorry, but I'm confused and would like to know if you have a warrant for my arrest."


Detective: "You've been watching too many fucking movies!"


I didn't #resist. They cuffed me. Escorted me down the elevator. Through the lobby, and past the drop-jawed doormen. I spent a night in an obscenely unclean cell block ("93G" scrawled across the wall above the bench). Had a court date in the morning. They kept my phone for two weeks. And, foremost, traumatized me - in a profoundly recognizable way.


Those old glasses got knocked off yet again.


We're living in tenuous times. Yes, it really does feel painfully familiar. I remember this sensation of danger - coming from anywhere. And while, truly, we were born and bred for the moment we're in - where to head from here (the answer assuredly lies within)?


What I know - know in my hollow bones - is that those unconscious assholes desecrated my space, and that this hoary #GayRage is sacred fuel for transformation.


#RottenApples #ThePastIsEntrapped #ThePresentIsIntensified #TheUnfoldingIsKnowing #UpsetTheAppleCart"

Adam shared this with me when we got together back in May, immediately after it occurred, and just before he moved out of his high rise. Since Adam's field of expertise is in often helping men who may be confused about their sexual feelings, and since he is so open and caring in his therapies, I find the entrapment techniques used on him, trying to make him feel lower than the scum of the earth, confiscating his phone and withholding it for two weeks, and throwing him in a dirty jail cell overnight simply a disgusting display of abused power! The case is finally closed and Adam is moving ahead with his life and hopefully has found some strength and even positivity through this experience.


TruHart1 :cool:

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Good lord! I suspect one or more other residents in this “luxury building” did not like the in-call traffic and complained. Otherwise I don’t think the cops would have bothered. But I’d like to know more! I often host escorts in my very nice condo; I don’t think I’m at risk but who knows. I host maybe 6 times a year.

Each time I hired Adam in his home, he gave me very strict instructions on what to say to the desk clerk and made a point of telling me to not say anything when he opened his door until I was well inside and the door was completely closed. For that reason, I believe he was probably among the most discreet escorts I've ever met. That makes me speculate that perhaps another escort who did not like the man himself may have had a hand in the "complaints" against him.


There are also those men who desire the sexual interaction with another man but then experience remorse or guilt and feel (like some politicians!) they must remove this temptation from their lives! I guess only the police know where the complaint against Adam originated.


TruHart1 :cool:

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Damn a couple of the posts on here I was able to refill 3 drinks, 2 prescriptions, and waste an entire hour of my life reading them. Just contact an “escort”, “companion”, “friend”, etc. , set up a time to chill that works for both, and discuss specifics in person instead of text message on the phone. If you’re not a cheap ass and book 2 hours instead of 1, that gives plenty of time to prepare (and prepare together!) for what is expected. Sometimes old school is the best school, and that keeps VICE away anyways...

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I find this to be totally shitty for the escort on so many levels....mostly entrapment.


As an out BDSM performer I have many various types of bdsm equipment within my home. Plus I have both regular and the odd few new clients who come into my house for sessions.


I have had both genders enter my house seeking various types of activities and those who come to seek guidance or understanding of the Lifestyle. Yes I charge for both my time and knowledge regardless if all we ever do is just talk about activities. I see this as no differnt than paying for a community class on whatever topic that interests you. Me the teacher/professor you the student/learner. Nobody walks into a space expecting personal knowledge and gets it for free...regardless of the subject. You pay a price for a service...Time... demonstration..and or practical applications.


If someone wants to pay you to have/for sex within your own home what's the big deal? It's 2 consenting adults arranging and negotiating specifics to gain a mutual enjoyable time together. If that is illegal then start arresting everyone who dates! Afterall both parties are doing the same thing are they not? They discuss a set time, a location, negotiate a price that they both can afford..and at times it can lead to sex. Does that mean both sides are now considered escorts?


I had this debate with my local police department on a bdsm/sex worker panel discussion. Using the above mentioned statement as a practical physical example between two officers. In one party they were setting up a date in the other an "in call escort" service. The communication was the same thing getting to lnow what each party had to offer what they expected for the alotted time spent together.


To officers and members present at the discussion ...it costed more to be on the date than the escort fee. Once you factored in food/restaurant, tranpotation/parking, drinks, entertainment (club/ movie/ concert/theatre etc).



It's your house to do as you please within it.

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I just wanted to share this post by SimplyAdam. I don't think he's active on the forum anymore, and he shared this with me a few months back, but wasn't quite ready to share it with the public. He shared it yesterday on FB though, so I figure it's safe now to share here. He was living in a luxury high rise in NYC, where he was arrested last year. Here's what he shared on FB.


"Because this latest (not the last!) patriarchal gasp is (truth be boldly, wholly told!) a one-sided heterosexual grasp:


At this very time on May 23rd I welcomed an undercover cop into Apartment 39G - then was unlawfully arrested.


And today, exactly half a year from my final court date (fittingly on the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising), that open case gets closed. (I feel... freer?)


My "client" - my age - said he was going through a divorce, and wanted to explore the other side of his bisexuality. He was unsure which direction he wanted to pursue going forward. It felt disembodied, but my lease was up in six weeks, so I cast fears aside and rather freely ran my fingers through his hair as we sat side-by-side on my loveseat. He tensed up. I'd since deafened to the whispers of intuition.


Officer: "Now I guess we have to talk about the dirty part."


Me: "What is that?"


Officer: "Money."


Me: "I don't think of it as dirty at all. You're coming here to experience something you don't feel safe getting - or able to get - somewhere else. The hope is that what we do together translates into your day-to-day life... expands your overall possibilities."


Officer: "Oh, I guess so. So, how much for you to go down on me, and me down on you, and for me to put it in you?"


I stated my rates ("time and companionship," as a matter of course). He went to the restroom.


About a minute later, the doorbell rang. I turned around and the locked door opened on its own (unconstitutional entry), followed by seven NYPD officers barging in, and closing in on - encircling - me.


I'm in shock. It's surreal.


Them: "What a fucking nice place you've got here!" "Where'd you get this fucking massage table? I love getting massage!" "Fuck... Fuck... Fucking... Fuck... Fuck..."


Me: "I'm so sorry, but I'm very confused. Do you have a warrant?"


Lieutenant: "There was a complaint made. Do you know why we're here?"


Me: "No."


Lieutenant: "Prostitution."


Me: "I'm sincerely sorry, but I'm confused and would like to know if you have a warrant for my arrest."


Detective: "You've been watching too many fucking movies!"


I didn't #resist. They cuffed me. Escorted me down the elevator. Through the lobby, and past the drop-jawed doormen. I spent a night in an obscenely unclean cell block ("93G" scrawled across the wall above the bench). Had a court date in the morning. They kept my phone for two weeks. And, foremost, traumatized me - in a profoundly recognizable way.


Those old glasses got knocked off yet again.


We're living in tenuous times. Yes, it really does feel painfully familiar. I remember this sensation of danger - coming from anywhere. And while, truly, we were born and bred for the moment we're in - where to head from here (the answer assuredly lies within)?


What I know - know in my hollow bones - is that those unconscious assholes desecrated my space, and that this hoary #GayRage is sacred fuel for transformation.


#RottenApples #ThePastIsEntrapped #ThePresentIsIntensified #TheUnfoldingIsKnowing #UpsetTheAppleCart"



So sorry this happened to Adam. Quite eye opening. Thank you Lance for sharing.

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I just wanted to share this post by SimplyAdam. I don't think he's active on the forum anymore, and he shared this with me a few months back, but wasn't quite ready to share it with the public. He shared it yesterday on FB though, so I figure it's safe now to share here. He was living in a luxury high rise in NYC, where he was arrested last year.


What happen to Adam is terrible and undeserved. I have engaged him and found him professional and a gentlemen.


This goes to the basic premise of decriminalization of interaction between two adults

Edited by DERRIK
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They cuffed me. Escorted me down the elevator. Through the lobby, and past the drop-jawed doormen. "


I don't know what sort of building 'Adam' lives in. The presence of doormen is an indication this is a luxury rental or condo. If that is indeed the case, it is very likely that there are restrictions on using your apartment for business purposes. Especially if the legality of the business itself questionable. I would say that it is probable that some residents complained to the condo board. A steady stream of mature male visitors to apartment 93G? Doormen are very gossipy and usually 'know' what is going on.


I am sorry it happened to him. But he should have seen it coming.

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Just contact an “escort”, “companion”, “friend”, etc. , set up a time to chill that works for both, and discuss specifics in person instead of text message on the phone



I got nervous after reading these posts about police sting operations and ended up texting the masseur and cancelled my upcoming appointment with him. Good thing I did not contact an Escort, bcoz if I did the more I would freak out. I guess it's just me not being used to it . I thought cops in nyc don't really care much about arresting independent masseurs & clients, based on some posts I read here. Am I paranoid ? :(. Pls share your thoughts. Thanks guys.

Edited by ODIN51
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If an escort is rather well-known and favorably discussed on a board like this, or rent.men or Daddy's, I would hope I could assume he's not an undercover vice officer. And I know I'm not. So it would seem to me the only real risk to me, as a client, is if the escort is somehow under surveillance or if the outcall hotel is highly attentive to people's coming and going. (I guess that raises the "let's meet downstairs" or "come up to my room" question.) I'd like to think I'm not at much risk. I've hired four times with two different guys, once in Columbus (at The Arnold) and three times in Vegas, all of which went well and focused almost exclusively on muscle worship. But some of this discussion gets me spooked. Nobody is immune from risks, but I would hate to hang it up because I sure do like some muscle now and then.

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I do not know about NYC but in Chicago there were two main things that the Police Dept. is concerned with: first, activity that tourist would become aware of and second, the people who controlled operations of "prostitution." It is all a matter of dollars and cents. The city simply could not lose tourist dollars and so street prostitution or someone (escort) who draws attention to himself at a hotel/motel makes using police resources worthwhile. Second, if you go after the guys that are known as pimps an operation could result in the arrest of the pimp and hopefully ensnare a number of escorts. Going after a single escort just does not bring the same bang for the buck. That is not to say it does not happen but it is much less likely.

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Let's all admit it. If we participate in an illegal activity (hiring escorts) there is always the (very small) chance we may run into a sting of some sort or another. The solution is to carefully and fully vet each new escort you hire. If you can find absolutely no reviews online and no information by asking about the man you are interested in on the forum, then you should realize you may be taking a chance and though I believe it is rarely the case, a sting is possible but not statistically probable, especially when seeking male companionship.


If your intuition tells you something is off, never pay up front and NEVER discuss money for anything sexual! All these techniques, such as going through the door and kissing the guy deeply, or requesting he get naked right away, may or may not safeguard you. In Lance's original post, Adam admits that the undercover officer asked him about specific sexual acts before removal of any clothing and without any physical interaction having yet occurred. Red flags all over in that case!


Best and safest: hire escorts who are recommended by people on the forum or IRL you know you can trust. Once you enjoy an excellent escort with whom you feel chemistry, hire them again and again. I know there are clients who are not "repeaters" and are always out to meat new men, but that is not the best way to avoid any possible legal entrapment. Still...


I have always been very careful in vetting new guys in depth. Last year, there was an escort on Rentmen in my area, with absolutely NO reviews, I posted a 411 on here about him and got zero feedback, so I decided to pass him by. Fast forward to about 8 months later, and a couple of members posted some very positive statements about this particular escort. Now, he is on my to hire list for 2018! So: vet, Vet, VET if you want to avoid any problems in hiring somebody new!




TruHart1 :cool:

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In sharing Adam's experience it was not my intent to make anyone afraid. We can't allow fear to keep us from the things we enjoy and from doing what we are passionate about. All we can do is be smart, trust our intuition and hope for the best. Does this mean that nothing bad will ever happen? Of course not, but on our death bed it's more likely the things we didn't do that we'll regret, not the things we did.

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In sharing Adam's experience it was not my intent to make anyone afraid. We can't allow fear to keep us from the things we enjoy and from doing what we are passionate about. All we can do is be smart, trust our intuition and hope for the best. Does this mean that nothing bad will ever happen? Of course not, but on our death bed it's more likely the things we didn't do that we'll regret, not the things we did.


I completely agree with Mr. Navarro here! I am careful, yes, but I find this hobby amazing in so many ways! There's not an existing set of circumstances in my life that would or could stop me from enjoying myself with the excellent gentlemen I have met and have yet to meet! :)


TruHart1 :cool:

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I do not know about NYC but in Chicago there were two main things that the Police Dept. is concerned with: first, activity that tourist would become aware of and second, the people who controlled operations of "prostitution." It is all a matter of dollars and cents. The city simply could not lose tourist dollars and so street prostitution or someone (escort) who draws attention to himself at a hotel/motel makes using police resources worthwhile. Second, if you go after the guys that are known as pimps an operation could result in the arrest of the pimp and hopefully ensnare a number of escorts. Going after a single escort just does not bring the same bang for the buck. That is not to say it does not happen but it is much less likely.


I am more nervous about hiring an escort in Chicago (I have not done it yet but really waiting for a young good looking escort travelling to Chicago) bcoz I read a lot of news regarding police sting operations. For me, NYC is a lot more safer when it comes to hiring male escorts, I think.

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I do not know about NYC but in Chicago there were two main things that the Police Dept. is concerned with: first, activity that tourist would become aware of and second, the people who controlled operations of "prostitution." It is all a matter of dollars and cents. The city simply could not lose tourist dollars and so street prostitution or someone (escort) who draws attention to himself at a hotel/motel makes using police resources worthwhile. Second, if you go after the guys that are known as pimps an operation could result in the arrest of the pimp and hopefully ensnare a number of escorts. Going after a single escort just does not bring the same bang for the buck. That is not to say it does not happen but it is much less likely.


The cop claimed there was a complaint. As @BaronArtz said, I wouldn't be surprised if someone—a condo board member or just a neighbor who doesn't like Adam—noticed the traffic, somehow found his ad and reported it.

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