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My foray into bottoming

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I need a venous angioplasty and stent. India seems to be the place for that. In the US it would cost ~$100K. In India it would cost around $10K.


How much is covered by your insurance here in US (what is your out of pocket here) vs. the $10K in india?

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How much is covered by your insurance here in US (what is your out of pocket here) vs. the $10K in india?



I have Kaiser - they won't do it. They don't think it is a proven treatment. If I could get an IR at Kaiser to do it, my co-pay would be $100.00, I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay guys, so tomorrow I finally have my appointment at the hospital to get my anus thoroughly checked. Because even five weeks later, it's still burning, sore and painful.

I have been having a lot of gut problems and pain these past few weeks and my doctor thinks the burning might be coming from my intestinal problems and not from a local problem. I'll know more tomorrow!

I've started a very clean, high fibre diet to help my gut.


Oh I do hope to be healed up soon... Last Saturday I was making out with a hot Portugese guy on the couch and I sat on his lap, straddling his legs with mine and internally I was yearning to ride his dick so hard.

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  • 2 months later...

Long overdue update! SO! My ass is in pristine condition, I have gotten the all get-go from the proctologist. The only thing of note is that my sphincter muscle of my anus is apparently stronger than average. Which I don't think tops will mind too much! :p I do need to consciously train relaxation of my pelvic floor and anus muscles. Which a very lovely physical therapist actually taught me how to do in the hospital. All good things!


And I also met a bottom guy who makes his own lube (cause he has sensitive skin like I have) and I've been making my own lube and sticking things up there and the lube is like heaven! It's silky smooth and actually hydrates your tissues (you can even use it on your face! :D )


There's one thing that bothered me: I douched completely before personal play-time. The water came out crystal clear. But right after play-time was done I had to go and do quite a big number two almost right after... There was only about an hour or two between the douching and the toilet break. I was a bit surprised 'cause I'd read that you can stay clean for at least a while if you douche, but maybe not if there's a new "shipment" just ready to go right before you douche? Thoughts on this?

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Good news!!!! Glad it's all working out. ;)


And I also met a bottom guy who makes his own lube (cause he has sensitive skin like I have) and I've been making my own lube and sticking things up there and the lube is like heaven! It's silky smooth and actually hydrates your tissues (you can even use it on your face! :D )


Can you share the recipe?

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Can you share the recipe?
Sure! It's super easy, only there's a bit of clean-up and you have to use it the same day or the day after at the latest since it has no preservatives.


You put white flaxseed into a pot, cover the whole base with a layer of flaxseed. Then add water till all the flaxseed is just floating above the base and then put it on a medium heat. Let the water lightly boil for a short while (it gets sticky really quick) until the water thickens, then take the pot off the heat. Now you scoop out any foam that's formed with a spoon and next you seperate the flaxsees from the liquid. The liquid is what's gonna be used as the lube.


You put the flaxseed on a cheesecloth (or even better: a butter muslin). And then squeeze the liquid from the seeds (careful the seeds will be hot!) into a container and tadaa, you've got completely natural, super hydrating and healing lube (it has omega 6 fatty acids in it that particularly bond well with mucous membrames of our bodies!).


You'll need to experiment somewhat with the heat, amount of water and how much flaxseed you use. My experience is that it gets too thick very quickly, it's best to keep it a bit more on the liquid side 'cause if it's too thick it'll be hard to seperate the liquid from the seeds.


It does have a particular smell, but not a bad one. It smells like homemade cooking. :)

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Sure! It's super easy, only there's a bit of clean-up and you have to use it the same day or the day after at the latest since it has no preservatives.


You put white flaxseed into a pot, cover the whole base with a layer of flaxseed. Then add water till all the flaxseed is just floating above the base and then put it on a medium heat. Let the water lightly boil for a short while (it gets sticky really quick) until the water thickens, then take the pot off the heat. Now you scoop out any foam that's formed with a spoon and next you seperate the flaxsees from the liquid. The liquid is what's gonna be used as the lube.


You put the flaxseed on a cheesecloth (or even better: a butter muslin). And then squeeze the liquid from the seeds (careful the seeds will be hot!) into a container and tadaa, you've got completely natural, super hydrating and healing lube (it has omega 6 fatty acids in it that particularly bond well with mucous membrames of our bodies!).


You'll need to experiment somewhat with the heat, amount of water and how much flaxseed you use. My experience is that it gets too thick very quickly, it's best to keep it a bit more on the liquid side 'cause if it's too thick it'll be hard to seperate the liquid from the seeds.


It does have a particular smell, but not a bad one. It smells like homemade cooking. :)


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I douched completely before personal play-time. The water came out crystal clear. But right after play-time was done I had to go and do quite a big number two almost right after... There was only about an hour or two between the douching and the toilet break. I was a bit surprised 'cause I'd read that you can stay clean for at least a while if you douche, but maybe not if there's a new "shipment" just ready to go right before you douche? Thoughts on this?
Any thoughts or tips about this or how I can prevent/handle this?

I do know I've been a little constipated lately and so there was a lot "backed up" so to speak... I'm taking magnesium now, which is helping a lot.

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Wolfer, it's all going to be about you, what anyone else has done may not be relevant! That said, I'll talk about it anyway. However you are cleaning yourself out, experiment with it. Do it even if you are not meeting someone, to see what happens. Think about your diet, fibre may help (metameucil perhaps). I thought I knew about douching but I bought a new shower attachment. It left water in my arse for longer than I expected (potentially embarrassing leaks) but after I'd used it I didn't have a number two for well over 24 hours. I haven't repeated the experiment, I hasten to add. How it all works for you is the best guide.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Through the power of search, I found this thread. Thank you @Wolfer for the idea of flaxseed lube. I just had a very vigorous fun time earlier this week and I'm still feeling it. I wonder if I'm reacting to the lube. I hadn't considered that before. I guess I'll have to try making my own lube.

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Through the power of search, I found this thread. Thank you @Wolfer for the idea of flaxseed lube. I just had a very vigorous fun time earlier this week and I'm still feeling it. I wonder if I'm reacting to the lube. I hadn't considered that before. I guess I'll have to try making my own lube.

Do it! Seriously, make that flaxseed lube. It is perfectly fine to use with condoms and it also contains some nutrients (or minerals or whatever they're called) that actually hydrate and heal mucuos membranes (which your anus is). Many commercial lubes have irritating agents (mostly the preservatives) that will irritate your butthole.


You can store the flaxseed lube for up to a week (is what I've read) in the fridge.


I would always have a slight burning feeling for days after using regular lube and using flaxseed lube I don't have it at all.


Coconut oil is also a GREAT lube but you can't use it with a condom as it will deteriorate the condom's material and make it likely to rip. But if you're in a position to use it, it's amaaaaaazing as a lube.

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I come here to learn about things and to expand my repertoire. But honestly, bottoming has become too much work - between the douching/cleaning out, watching the diet so that there is sufficient fiber, and now this new business about making my own lube??!! I'm overwhelmed. I quit, I resign, I give up. Sex is just too much work at this point.

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I come here to learn about things and to expand my repertoire. But honestly, bottoming has become too much work - between the douching/cleaning out, watching the diet so that there is sufficient fiber, and now this new business about making my own lube??!! I'm overwhelmed. I quit, I resign, I give up. Sex is just too much work at this point.


I don't douche anymore. It's too annoying to my sensitive tissues and a pain in the butt to do. Instead, I eat plenty of fiber and I use glycerin suppositories spaced an hour or so apart about 1-2 hours before I plan to bottom. It's far easier than douching, doesn't irritate my bum, and cleans me out just fine.


The flax lube though may be my next project to see how my skin responds. I definitely know I don't like the lube my top buddy used earlier this week. Maybe coconut oil might be worth trying too.

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Actually douching is almost entirely unnecessary and could potentially not be good for your body if done frequently over a long period of time. The only part you really need to flush is the rectum, which you can do by just using an ear syringe. Do that two, three times and you'll be squeaky clean. This is because our body doesn't actually store fecal matter in the rectum, it only enters it when we're about to go number two.


I used to hate and despise douching because the nozzle was too big, I'd squirt air up there and stuff... But these anal douches have too much water and too much pressure so the water flushes into your colon, washing away bacteria and not fully digested food. That's why it can sometimes take so long for the water to become clear when douching in that way because you're basically cleaning out a large part of your intestinal trac, which isn't neccessary. Unless you're gonna get fucked by a guy who's 10 inches, I guess... :rolleyes:o_O


I've used the syringe method a couple of times and it's an absolute delight. The tip goes in almost unnoticed and it's such a small amount of water it doesn't irritate at all.

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