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What a beautiful landscape!


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Beautiful landscape? I think not. Rather, I feel this photo encapsulates the best and most modish elements of fashion photography involving a male model.


First, the model must be in underwear, preferably briefs. The brand cannot be basic and must be higher-end, as here with Parke & Ronen. The briefs are acceptably colorful, as white briefs are permissible only when worn by a bronzed and muscled model.


Secondly, the ‘great outdoors’ theme is supported by the Adirondack chair on which the model is sitting, apparently on a pier or deck by the water. The rugged qualities are enhanced by the model wearing substantial boots with thick socks whose horizontal bands echo those of the briefs. Environmental concerns about global warming are addressed by the model also sporting a sweater, again with with horizontal stripes to draw attention to his briefs.


Thirdly, to disallow any homosexual reading of the image, the model is presented as authentically an ‘outdoors man’. He has extremely short hair, no jewelry and no visible tattoos. To avoid criticism that he himself does not look ‘rugged’, the model rests his hand on a book entitled “Cabin Fever”. This suggests the model is an intellectual and allays concern that he lacks desirable muscularity.


It is for the viewer of the image to determine whether the book “Cabin Fever” will address the ‘great outdoors’ or detail the sexy adventures of a cabin-crew member.

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we have profoundly different tastes in men


Maybe not @WilliamM I dislike the bulked-up bodybuilder look whereas I enjoy a young man with a lean defined/muscled body.


Anyway, my intent was not to criticize your choice. My comment was simply tongue-in-cheek about how often an image offers a cliche. The uniform styling seems to require a male model in jeans to be smooth and bare-chested, and, at the very least, unzip his jeans and show his briefs...even if only to sell hair-product.


Of course, as a gay man, I can’t really complain about the rampant display of nearly-naked young male flesh used in marketing nowadays. I guess many heterosexual men may be disappointed that young women are now longer used similarly.

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