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Seeking arrangements success!


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I love it when I have the one everyone else is wanting

It is a lot of fun. I had what turned out to be a disastrous overnight with a young, extremely hot porn actor, but the disaster came later. When we were at the bar, he owned that place. The attention he got was remarkable. I'm sure the nature of our relationship was obvious, but I didn't give a damn. My attitude was, "Judge all you want. You wish you had him."

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It is a lot of fun. I had what turned out to be a disastrous overnight with a young, extremely hot porn actor, but the disaster came later. When we were at the bar, he owned that place. The attention he got was remarkable. I'm sure the nature of our relationship was obvious, but I didn't give a damn. My attitude was, "Judge all you want. You wish you had him."


LOL. I did give a fuck. I was radiant, feeding myself on their envy. I was not trying to hide the nature of my relationship. I was obviously buying the drinks, when the strippers jumped on us I would give him each single dollar he tipped. It was a lot of fun. Next time I will drink less.

Edited by latbear4blk
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Between views, interests, and messages.... about 40 guys have responded to my SA profile.


Many are from overseas.


Some if the profiles are mildly interesting.


I must have misunderstood the marketing.... I though it said if I post a picture, I can read messages. Picture posted, but all messages in inbox still marked "upgrade to read"


Nothing/No-one who's responded interests me enough to spend $80.


So just playing it passively for now. Who knows, maybe Mr. Right who is also Mr. Right Near Here will message one day, and I'll pay and reply.


Until then... I'm content to wait.

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It's amazing how many views, posts & replies this thread has

succeeded in creating.


What do others make of this?


IMHO it's a lurking desire for a (compensated) "relationship"

instead of (compensated) sex alone...

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It's amazing how many views, posts & replies this thread has

succeeded in creating.


What do others make of this?


IMHO it's a lurking desire for a (compensated) "relationship"

instead of (compensated) sex alone...


I'm not sure that's an insightful observation. The clue is in the name: lots of men seem to be interested in an "arrangement". I know I was before I met my current boyfriend, and I used the apps and all the usual sites to find a guy who met my ideals and needs. For my part, I never really enjoyed "one-off" sex. I prefer to have a connection with a guy and for me, that develops over several dates and longer duration encounters. When I hired, that meant multiple-hour/overnight sessions; with regular dates, it meant dinner and activities leading to weekend trips and vacations together.


I guess this thread has elicited such various responses because so many of us are looking for some combination of company, friendship, emotional support, affection and sex. I take the view that there's nothing wrong about any arrangement (or hiring) where two adults freely consent to spend time together: if a young man offers his energy and physical beauty to please an older man while, in turn, the older man picks up restaurant checks, organises theatre and concert tickets and arranges vacation trips to please the younger man.

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I'm not sure that's an insightful observation. The clue is in the name: lots of men seem to be interested in an "arrangement". I know I was before I met my current boyfriend, and I used the apps and all the usual sites to find a guy who met my ideals and needs. For my part, I never really enjoyed "one-off" sex. I prefer to have a connection with a guy and for me, that develops over several dates and longer duration encounters. When I hired, that meant multiple-hour/overnight sessions; with regular dates, it meant dinner and activities leading to weekend trips and vacations together.


I guess this thread has elicited such various responses because so many of us are looking for some combination of company, friendship, emotional support, affection and sex. I take the view that there's nothing wrong about any arrangement (or hiring) where two adults freely consent to spend time together: if a young man offers his energy and physical beauty to please an older man while, in turn, the older man picks up restaurant checks, organises theatre and concert tickets and arranges vacation trips to please the younger man.


Yes, with a younger man just by offering a room to live.


Why do you have to say "there's nothing wrong about any arrangement (or hiring) where two adults..." Ain't that imply that we all agree on that and hiring or being hired is the main reason that brought us to this site?

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I wonder if you met guys on SA who just wanted to move/immigrate to the states by finding a man in the states.


Russians used to do that a lot years ago.


I'm sure even some Americans would like to immigrate now.




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Edited by marylander1940
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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hate to ask for money up front but maybe you could transfer some now just so i know youre legit then we should go on a date this week!"


"Is 400 okay? Do you have square cash?"


"Im not gonna fuck you over. I really wanna meet you i can give you my phone number an we can plan dinner"


"If you wanna send less thats cool Im a stand up guy haha. I promise."


SA success, for sure...

Edited by Oaktown
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Everything is going pretty well with the Texan Boy. Our arrangement will probably last for a month, as he is using my place while looking for something more convenient for his commute, but we are developing a nice friendship and the sex is often not started by me. I think we are going to continue hanging out after he moves out, but it is too soon to tell.

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I had weird experience last week with an SA guy. His only pic was of a buff torso with 6-pack. We met at a Starbucks near a mall and chatted for an hour. He clearly wasn't the muscled guy in the pics but was pretty cute. He seemed a little edgy, not making eye contact, but I attributed that to nerves. He said he was a Finance student and it was evident that he was pretty knowledgeable about some arcane topics so I'm certain he is who he said.

We wrapped up our coffee chat and I was about to say goodbye and he blurted out "Do you want to get a room?". I was sort of knocked back on my heels but suggested he think about the kind of arrangement he wanted and we touch base in a few days.

Then he asked to see my car (we also talked cars a little as he's an aficionado). The alarm bells went off in the back of my mind (wallet snatched...robbed... jacked... ???) but I took him out and let him sit in the passenger seat... he then asked to go for a ride... more alarm bells but I took it around the block (in very slow rush hour traffic).

We ended up behind the shopping center and he asked to blow me while he jacked off. I declined, not being interested in a public indecency charge, but he enthusiastically shot a huge load up across his t-shirt. I got back to where I'd met him to let him off... still wary but now about both getting my wallet snatched AND getting arrested. He asked for $200 and I declined but told him we could talk numbers if he wanted to seriously consider an arrangement. I've not heard from him since, nor tried to contact him.

My take on it: he obviously needed the money.. he was a finance student...he was horny and maybe turned on by the prospect of getting caught.... he met me on a whim after getting his nerve up and it hasn't returned.


The unpredictable nature of these SA encounters can be interesting.

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Predictable and unambiguous... that's why I prefer engaging escorts rather than masseurs. I know what CAN happen and I depend on talented and creative companions to throw me a curveball every now and then.


With the SA guys it's a whole different perspective on meeting someone for the first time. Because most of them are ... inexperienced.... you're not bound by the conventions of the typical escort routine or dating/hookup grind. You never know what you're going to get at first.


I've seen one SA guy about 6 times and we've gotten to the point where there is one sexual thing he likes doing. That's fine but if I can't broaden his horizons it's likely to evolve back to a platonic friendship (which is still enjoyable and very pleasant).


There's another guy - a 19 year old philosophy major - who is really fun to talk to and I've loved spending platonic time with him. He told me a couple of weeks ago that he is FTM trans (clearly I need to sharpen up my people-skills; I should have figured there was something different when he joked he masturbated 10 times a day). It kicks a little different spin on things and I'm really not sure where it's headed.


I suppose the upshot is that sometimes predictable is what I want and sometimes unpredictable is good.

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