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Seeking arrangements success!


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The hypocrisy of the SA management is surprisingly different from what I’d expect. (I.e., when there’s money involved I expect hypocrisy... just of a different sort.) Their customers - those who pay for subscriptions - are very heavily scrutinized and messages monitored.


But the content posted by the free members seems to have few boundaries:

  • I'm naturally submissive, loyal to people close to me, and attentive to other's needs. I currently live at home, and I'm having trouble with rent and going to school full time, so I need a bit of discreet assistance.
  • I’m everything that makes a good time worthy. I’m versatile, submissive and ready to be paid for. I’m here to have a good time with you as well. If you think we could have some sort of good conversation and sexual chemistry; I’d love to be a part of something interesting. I’m a poet, and an emotional bitch; I’ve got daddy issues that I wouldn’t mind discussing
  • Not looking for anything serious or committed, just looking for a daddy (or mommy) to have some fun with. A weekly allowance would be ideal, and we can discuss what I can do on my end to keep you happy. Message me and we can hash out the details, baby. Let's make your fantasies realities. ?
  • I'm looking for sexual encounters either one time or many times. I'm happy to go on dates with you. I can be a little kinky so if you are that's a plus, just give me a list of what you're into to make sure I'm okay with it. With men I'm a bottom but be sure to go slow ?
  • Tall, Black, and hung here... Not into back n forth just looking for someone serious with ???
  • Very athletic, fit, young man who is well endowed. I currently go to college and need help getting through financially, hit me up ;). I'll do anything for some money, let me know what you have in mind.
  • Let’s break the ice over a Private lunch upon arrival to find something suitable for the night: Toys? Gangs? Jockstrap? Handcuffs? Strawberry syrup? It gives me a chance to figure out a little more about your fantasies and kinks. What gets you going? What keeps you going?



I would have guessed they would be willing to look the other way for those who write their paycheck.

BUt why do daddy’s need to say anything? Its obvious what they’re offering....

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Stop reporting... live and let live!


I reported a couple of guys on Grindr but I stopped doing it.... amateur guys on Grindr willing to do it for $100 save escorts from being bothered by bottom feeders who end up becoming No-shows.


I'm shocked about how much S.A. wants to deny the obvious... Sugar daddy = long term client

I’ve been hesitant to join Grindr. I’m not sure that I want to be in the Chinese Ministry of State Security’s database!


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FYI I’m in contact with Seeking customer support and seems they *might* reinstate my account after I sent an email re-agreeing to the TOS ??

So...an update and some interesting information.


After a weekend of 2 to 3 emails back-and-forth with customer support, and a statement from me promising to be a good boy in the future, SA reinstated my original account ????


Funny side story... I used another device and a different email account to set up a “temporary“ new account on seeking over the weekend. I wanted to reach out to to 3 gentlemen I have been in contact with, regarding an out-of-town trip I had coming up in the future. I had only recently reached out to these 3 from my original account, before I got suspended.


Before my new profile for the new temp account was even approved, I sent a message to each of the 3 stating that my original account had been deleted, and here was my phone number if they were still interested. Within 12 hours of my new temporary profile being approved by seeking, my new account was suspended for using “escort terminology“


Coincidence? I suspect not! I think one of the 3 out-of-towners reported me.


As soon as my original account was reinstated I promptly blocked those 3 (and a few other recently contacted users) and deleted our convos.

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I’ve been hesitant to join Grindr. I’m not sure that I want to be in the Chinese Ministry of State Security’s database!



I would not worry. If you are my age or older, the raise of China following USA and Europe collapse will take place when we are dead or too old to care about it.

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I would not worry. If you are my age or older, the raise of China following USA and Europe collapse will take place when we are dead or too old to care about it.

What makes you think the Chinese government can't make mischief with that information now? They may not be as anti-gay as Russia, but they're not friendly.


It may be true, however, that they aren't interested in ruining your life, but only the lives of Chinese nationals or famous or politically connected people they can embarrass or threaten.

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What makes you think the Chinese government can't make mischief with that information now? They may not be as anti-gay as Russia, but they're not friendly.


It may be true, however, that they aren't interested in ruining your life, but only the lives of Chinese nationals or famous or politically connected people they can embarrass or threaten.

It was just a joke.

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Funny side story... I used another device and a different email account to set up a “temporary“ new account on seeking over the weekend. I wanted to reach out to to 3 gentlemen I have been in contact with, regarding an out-of-town trip I had coming up in the future. I had only recently reached out to these 3 from my original account, before I got suspended.


Before my new profile for the new temp account was even approved, I sent a message to each of the 3 stating that my original account had been deleted, and here was my phone number if they were still interested. Within 12 hours of my new temporary profile being approved by seeking, my new account was suspended for using “escort terminology“


Coincidence? I suspect not! I think one of the 3 out-of-towners reported me.


As soon as my original account was reinstated I promptly blocked those 3 (and a few other recently contacted users) and deleted our convos.


Interesting to hear @MikeBiDude tnat you’ve had these difficulties with Seeking.


When I was actively looking, I always stressed that I wanted an “arrangement” with an attractive young man as a “potential husband”. I emphasised that we needed to be “compatible physically” and emotionally. And lastly I mentioned that if the initial meeting went well, the young man would need to “commit” to a relationship.


I never suggested anywhere how long (or temporary) the arrangement might be. The young men seemed to understand readily what I was contemplating. And I never fell foul of the ‘escorting police’.

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Interesting to hear @MikeBiDude tnat you’ve had these difficulties with Seeking.


When I was actively looking, I always stressed that I wanted an “arrangement” with an attractive young man as a “potential husband”. I emphasised that we needed to be “compatible physically” and emotionally. And lastly I mentioned that if the initial meeting went well, the young man would need to “commit” to a relationship.


I never suggested anywhere how long (or temporary) the arrangement might be. The young men seemed to understand readily what I was contemplating. And I never fell foul of the ‘escorting police’.


My chats with the boys on Seeking varied a lot... Whenever they were specifically asking about what would be involved in an agreement, I always mentioned that I wanted to hang out and take them out to dinner and that I wanted a sexual element. And if they asked, I would agree that there would be a financial arrangement and we could meet a few times a month. I've never been barred from the site for that, and we were pretty clear there was sex and there was cash.


Other times we just agreed to meet up for dinner and go from there.


And most of the time, we switched to text fairly soon... as long as we both felt comfortable with each other. Which wasn't very often. Most of the time I would just let the conversation lapse because it didn't seem like there would be anything worth pursuing.


But I've had at least 3 or 4 good and fairly long lasting experiences on Seeking. In fact, I just bumped into one of the guys I'd gone out with... dinners, movies, fun in bed at home. He'd lost my number, but I'd assumed he just lost interest. He tried to message me on the site, but I had already let my premium membership lapse so I couldn't read it, and I figured that he just didn't recognize my profile so I didn't bother to renew my Premium Membership to read his message. But I texted him after I saw him in public this past Sunday, and he said he'd lost my number and started texting again, and I'm taking him out to dinner tomorrow night :)


So overall, while that site is a mixed bag... you can be somewhat open about what you're looking for without getting busted by the Secret Police. But best to switch to text as soon as you both are comfortable with it. And there are definitely boys worth meeting on the site who can hold a conversation and be fun to wine and dine and fun to roll around with in bed :)

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I texted him after I saw him in public this past Sunday, and he said he'd lost my number and started texting again, and I'm taking him out to dinner tomorrow night :)


And there are definitely boys worth meeting on the site who can hold a conversation and be fun to wine and dine and fun to roll around with in bed


Precisely my experience(s) too ;-)


I’m glad @muscleboyinsd that you’ve re-encountered a promising guy and I hope your date goes well.

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my membership has about 10 days to go and I don't expect to renew it. I did meet one guy who was fun and interesting and I think we'll get together again at some point. In the end it has been a lot of guys far away begging for money which got kind of tiresome. It's impossible to tell the scammers from the ones really in need and even if I could it's not like I can save everyone.


I also think it's ridiculous that SA treats the guys paying their bills so poorly.

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