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  • 2 weeks later...

In Annapolis for Plebe Parent's Weekend. We got a hotel so his free time wouldn't be spent travelling to and from DC. He's free to leave after noon formation, but has to be back at night. We get to see his room, and eat lunch in the gigantic mess hall, then off to reconnect, probably going to see the Spiderman movie.


Brothers are excited. I'm embarrassed to say I can hardly breathe. I'll report in when I can.

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In Annapolis for Plebe Parent's Weekend. We got a hotel so his free time wouldn't be spent travelling to and from DC. He's free to leave after noon formation, but has to be back at night. We get to see his room, and eat lunch in the gigantic mess hall, then off to reconnect, probably going to see the Spiderman movie.


Brothers are excited. I'm embarrassed to say I can hardly breathe. I'll report in when I can.


Is everybody going? DePaul twin (obviously), Older Bro, Girlfriend?

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See the summer passed in the blink of an eye except that it took forever. I hope your family has a great reunion. Why would you not, when there is so much caring going on there? I am so happy for you, but if you feel the need to cry, do not embarrass the boys by crying in front of anyone they know, head for the nearest bathroom. At the very least, mention allergies acting up. Movies are a good choice, again be prepared with a cover story like The Green Goblin is so misunderstood it makes me cry. Many of us wait for the details.

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A moment to myself so I'll report in. Yesterday older brother, DePaul twin, and I went to a morning briefing on how the summer had been going (Plebe Summer technically goes through next week), then went to watch noon formation, our first glimpse of the Plebes in their summer whites, not the pajama-like sailor suits they wear during training. We then waited for them to be released, standing by the letter sign that corresponded to our last name. When the hordes of Plebes began to swarm out we were looking for him in a sea of white uniforms. Then a voice from behind us-- "Who are you looking for?" He had missed us and overshot, and we hadn't seen him go by! A whoop from all of us and we had a four-way bear hug, laughing. He looks great, and he seems happy. He gave his twin a second hug, another long, tight one. But they were smiling and when they broke they just looked at each other for a moment, and laughed again. Older brother rolled his eyes and laughed, too.


Off we went to see his room, one of only two times we'll be able to do that in his time there. We met his company officer, some of the upperclass detailers, and his roommates and their families. Each time anyone saw the twins they said "Wow." And one of the platoon leaders saw DePaul twin standing in the hall and was about to go ballistic because he thought it was Plebe twin in civilian clothes, which aren't allowed this weekend at any time. Both roommates seem nice but he's right, one did not seem happy, an only child of older parents.


Most of the Plebes turn down the opportunity to eat with their families in the mess hall, because they can't wait to get off the Yard! But he was amenable, so we saw how efficiently they serve 4000 Midshipmen at once, three times a day. Meals are all served family-style, with platters and bowls delivered to each table within 5 minutes. The staff is enormous.


Then finally-- liberty! At his request, first stop was the mall to see Spiderman, which is pretty good. Then back to the hotel to relax, talk on the phone to girlfriend, and play on the computer. We have connecting rooms, one for the twins and one for their brother and me. After a bit the other room got very quiet, so I went to see what they were doing. Plebe had changed to PT gear (still a uniform) and was fast asleep. Twin was quietly playing on the computer, watching him sleep. I will freely confess I, and even older brother, crept back from time to time to watch him sleep.


Eventually we had to rouse him to go eat, since he had to be back in the company area by 10, er, 2200. He sprang up as if he was worried he'd overslept. Then off for a dinner of soft shell crabs (a family favorite), ice cream in downtown Annapolis (DTA in Mid parlance) and plenty of time to get back, so we sat at city dock by the water and he told us stories, told us what he'd liked and what he hadn't, and for the third time this summer, said the food was better than he'd expected.


A stroll back to the Yard, a hug for each of us, twin last, and in he went. We headed back to the hotel and talked about it all, and how good he looked in the uniform.


This morning at 8:30, er, 0830, there was a formal dress parade, and his girlfriend and her parents drove over from DC to spend the day. Her family has only been in DC for a few years, and they'd never been to the Academy and were blown away by how beautiful it is, they'd expected a Naval base. The parade was impressive and full of traditions, lots of music and pageantry. Afterwards the Plebes marched back to Bancroft Hall, the dorm. to change back into summer whites. We waited at the same spot, and this time saw him coming. Girlfriend's mother is from the South, and at the first sight of him in his uniform, she blurted out, "Oh, my Lord!" Today girlfriend got the long hug, followed by a quick hug for mom and a handshake for her dad. They were all a bit speechless, I think.


No big plan for the day except to visit, and find at least some time for Plebe and GF to be together. So he was kind enough to show them around a bit, even though I'm sure he wanted to leave. He took them in the Chapel, filled with Tiffany windows, and described them all in detail, and he showed them the public parts of Bancroft Hall, including Memorial Hall, where the name of every graduate who died in combat is enshrined, a very grand vaulted room.


Then off to lunch where he ate everything anyone left on their plate along with his own, and back to the hotel to swim in the pool. Older brother went off by himself to poke around DTA, GF's parents hadn't brought suits so they're just sitting by the pool, and twins and GF are swimming (his bathing suit is his issued one-- still a uniform.) I had been sitting with her folks but came back to the room to check email, and figured I'd fill you in. We keep him until midnight, er, 2400, although I imagine GF et al will leave before that. The vague plan is hanging out, dinner eventually, maybe another movie. Dunkirk has been requested but that may not be a good choice for a newish Navy dad to see. Possibly the kids will go alone anyway.


Tomorrow we have until 6, er, 1800, he wants us to go to the chapel in the morning and then, well, hanging out, eating, maybe more sleeping. To be continued.

Edited by BasketBaller
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Just discovered this whole chain this afternoon. Great family, great adventures for all. If nothing else, you have a future as a writer, if you need something new yourself. Enjoy tonight and tomorrow together and then a good drive back here to DC......

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Okay, I'll try to be succinct. Try.

When I went back down to the pool, the twins, GF, and her parents were sitting on the deck talking. Plebe twin and GF were on chaises, and as the chat went on, he fell asleep. So now we were all watching him sleep, talking softly about his summer. He woke with a jolt and apologized, mostly to GF. The kids went up to the rooms to dress, and by now older bro was back. We all wanted to give Plebe and GF some time alone, but logistics were tricky with her parents there and limited time. So we eneded up going to dinner near the Annapolis Mall, with the two of them going out alone and the rest of us going elsewhere. Her parents had a million questions about his summer and the year ahead, and his brothers answered more than I did.


The pair of them walked back to meet us (I suspect after some smooching), and GF left with her folks. We still had some time, so back to DTA to visit over ice cream. This was the most normal it all seemed all weekend, everyone behaving like we always had, and very little talk about the Academy. DePaul twin told him about his roommate-to-be, and what the dorms at DePaul look like online-- much homier than Plebe rooms. Then walked him back to get him there before he turned into a pumpkin at midnight.


Sunday morning we met at the beautiful Chapel and joined the boys' cousin, my wife's sister's son, who is a rising senior there. He's always been a great guy and they all look up to him, not least because he's about 6'4! Afterwards we brought him back to the hotel for brunch (Midshipmen at an all-you-can-eat brunch must strike fear in establishments all over Annapolis). Cousin remembers his aunt, the boys' mom, and her death hit him hard when it happened. After brunch, he said, "I wish your mom was here, she'd be so proud." And cynical, sarcastic older brother said, "She is, and she is." And, well, no one said anything, or could have, for a while.


Cousin headed back to the Yard and we went to the rooms to relax. The plan was to swim again, but somehow we never got around to it. He didn't fall asleep this time, but we watched TV, surfed the internet, snacked, and talked. He was due back at 6, er, 1800, so we left to get there early enough that there wouldn't be a rush, or a delay at the gate. In the days before air travel, few Midshipman went home for Thanksgiving, so wouldn't see their families again until Christmas. So a longstanding tradition at the end of Plebe Parents' Weekend is for the upperclass to loudly play Christmas Music as the Plebes are dropped off the last day. We knew that would happen and were amused by it, but we saw some families who were visibly shaken at the reminder of how long it would be. In he went after hugs all around, but more normal ones, a "Good luck" to his twin, and we stayed to watch evening formation where we couldn't find him in the crowd. We stayed the night, to make the return home less fraught than it had been back in June.


So. In less than two weeks we take his twin to Chicago for orientation. From there I'll drive older brother, who is anxious to get back to his GF, back to NY. Paradoxically, the one I'll be able to see most often once the academic year starts is Plebe twin, since he gets some liberty on weekends and he's only 45 minutes away. I won't hover though, I'll wait and see how much he wants visits. But I have season tickets for Navy football, so at the very least I'll see him at games.



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My fraternal twin nephews started 1st grade today. Their parents took a picture to commemorate. Seeing their pictures made me think of your family. I hope you, your midshipman, his twin, and your oldest are doing well.



(One of my twins lost a front tooth a week ago. As they did last year for kindergarten, their parents put them in separate classes. )




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My fraternal twin nephews started 1st grade today. Their parents took a picture to commemorate. Seeing their pictures made me think of your family. I hope you, your midshipman, his twin, and your oldest are doing well.



(One of my twins lost a front tooth a week ago. As they did last year for kindergarten, their parents put them in separate classes. )




Thanks, my friend. We are well, and the first leg of the Chicago/New York trip starts Thursday. Everyone, except maybe my oldest, is standing on a brink where everything will change. Excited and happy and nervous and bittersweet, all at once.

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Since you will be visiting my hometown and sending your son off to one of my alma maters (started at DePaul and finished at Loyola), I thought you might like to know about one of my very favorite places on the planet - the cocktail lounge on the 94th (maybe 95th) floor of the John Hancock Center. Unlike the observatory, admission is the price of a beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) but the view is equally spectacular. I like to go during the late afternoon and then again at night. The views are equally dramatic and completely different.

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This thread's title now has a different meaning. This morning we moved DePaul twin into his dorm at, ahem, DePaul, so the "one to go" is older brother, who I'll deliver to Fordham on Tuesday. We drove to Chicago with a stop in Pittsburgh to visit family, and I was humored by the boys in my desire to see Fallingwater, which they were unenthusiastic about until we got there, and then they loved it.


I'm back at the hotel with my eldest for a break, and this evening we'll take twin and his roommate to dinner. Roommate is here alone, his parents didn't accompany him from Ireland. He's got an amazing accent, is covered in freckles, appears to be ripped like nobody's business-- and looks about 15. He and twin seem to have hit it off from the first Skype session, and that is reassuring (I had roommate issues my freshman year).


We'll say our goodbyes tonight and head East in the morning. This feels more like when we left older brother off as a freshman, less monumental than with Plebe twin, but still, it will be a parting from one of my boys, the quietest and most easy-going of them all. The drive to NY will be a good chance to talk with my eldest, who is more independent all the time. I'll stay in NYC Tuesday night, maybe take him to a show, and then Wednesday will drive back to DC alone, which I'm not looking forward to. And then we enter Terra Incognita as I live alone for the first time in my life.

Edited by BasketBaller
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Since you will be visiting my hometown and sending your son off to one of my alma maters (started at DePaul and finished at Loyola), I thought you might like to know about one of my very favorite places on the planet - the cocktail lounge on the 94th (maybe 95th) floor of the John Hancock Center. Unlike the observatory, admission is the price of a beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) but the view is equally spectacular. I like to go during the late afternoon and then again at night. The views are equally dramatic and completely different.

Thanks for the recommendation! I won't make it there this trip but I'm planning to visit during the fall semester so I'll shoot for then.

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