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How widespread is the use of steroids among escorts/pornstars? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

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How widespread is the use of steroids among bodybuilders, escorts and pornstars? (that didn't fit in the tittle)


Do the benefits outweigh the risks?


Thread inspired by @caliguy and @OliverSaks


How do you suggest steroids as being a part of his problem?


I don't think he's (talking about pornstar Roman Heart) gone off the deep end with meth after reading the article and some of the comments. It says more about steroid abuse then anything. You go off the juice and you just shrink. I can see how people might think it's due to Meth though. I love the "where is he now" thing they've got. I'll have to check that out.


No one's going to say he doesn't use steroids. It's obvious. However, I've seen much worse on this site and all the muscle lover queens salivating over what I consider grotesque. It's body dysmorphia. Sometimes I'll make the comment I hope that he's monitoring his heart well and I'll get slapped down for it.
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The world is filled with tempting shortcuts, that are relatively low-risk if planned/managed/executed cautiously and wisely.

  • Prisons are filled with convicted criminals who tried low risk crimes.
  • Many addicts started out with safe and sane substance-use.
  • How often do we see discussions on these forums claiming that tops are at less risk than bottoms, and unprotected oral sex is very low risk for transmitting some STDs. But disease is still transmitted.
  • Independence Day fireworks present little hazard if used carefully, but we could fill dumpsters with blown-off fingers.

Safe use, addictive tendencies, occassional carelessness, and unknown biological factors, all play a role.


One of my first escorts, a beautiful young guy from Chicago, used steroids sparingly and carefully. The effects were drool-inducing. He ended sick and broke with both kidney & liver damage. He beat both... and then developed brain problems. While the brain issues were probably not directly related, who knows what infection was lurking from the anti-inflammatory effects of roids. I know he needed drain tubes through his skull.


As a healthcare worker, Im not inclined to sound an alarm and scream that every steroid user will develop problems. Most wont. But theres a bit of a crapshoot in everything. Maybe a little Murphy's Law too.

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For these individuals, "appearance" is tantamount to their brand, so you do what ya gotta do.... It's THEIR lives and bodies. Like all other personal decisions, it's not our business.


Good point!


One of my favorite gay and one of my favorite straight porn stars were Brett Mycles and Adam Wild. Abuse of steroids took a toll on both of them. Who knows what their bodies would have looked like if they didn't take them? I'd love to have their build, but would rather personally live longer and continue to admire the appearance of muscle studs.


Brett Mycles


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Steroids present all types of risks. Some men find the benefits worth the risk. Even those who have a good handle on how to manage the dosings can run into problems related to side effects and administration complications. Adults make adult choices. To address the question, steroids are very frequently used.

As far a testosterone in older men, most of those men are using testosterone cream, foam or gel. Most bodybuilders who use testosterone, are using injectables. The cream, foam or gel, used under the guidance of an experienced physician are very safe.

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Goddam! If that’s a current photo (???) then it looks like everything has turned out awesome for him? Hotter now than in his younger days


Unless there are 2 guys using the same name, I thought he died about 10 years ago.


I'm not into steroidal bodybuilders at all. I do know that steroid use is rampant in the US, Australia and the UK. I suspect body dysmorphia is an increasing problem among young men. Steroid usage can and does lead to many health problems.

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Looking at my gym which is frequented by Wall Street types and seeing just how many more jacked 50ish guys there seem to be today versus 20 years ago, I'd say it's not just escorts using testosterone by any stretch. I presume these guys though are being more careful and are under a doctor's supervision. I'm debating giving that a shot myself for weight loss purposes.

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Unless there are 2 guys using the same name, I thought he died about 10 years ago....

I think there is a guy using the same name. This is the Brett Mycles who is alive (and is the one pictured above):



and here is the Brett Mycles who passed away in 2007:


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You can achieve results with hard work or you can skip the middleman and inject drugs.


While I may or may not be able to break through plateaus that I have in my gym life, it's not worth it to me to cycle on and off testosterone. The long term side effects are well-documented.

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Testosterone and steroids are NOT the same. In my far off youth I did several cycles of steroids. At that time I was working out six day a week, a minimum of four hours a day. I reached a couple of plateaus and used the steroids to break through to the next period of weight and size gain. I was extremely happy with the results and as I'm about to be 77 they obviously didn't kill me.

Would I do it all over again -- ABSOLUTELY

Edited by Epigonos
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Testosterone and steroids are NOT the same. In my far off youth I did several cycles of steroids. At that time I was working out six day a week, a minimum of four hours a day. I reached a couple of plateaus and used the steroids to break through to the next period of weight and size gain. I was extremely happy with the results and as I'm about to be 77 they obviously didn't kill me.

Would I do it all over again -- ABSOLUTELY

I crossed the highway with my eyes closed and got to the other side. Some are not that lucky. My grandmother smoked until she was 94 and never coughed. As with most risky behaviors, use of anabolic steroids has real, even life threatening risks. Some walk away unscathed but remember, your results may vary.


Steroids are a general term which include glucocorticoids, anabolic steroids and numerous other compounds. There are many other compounds used by body builders to help increase muscle size and development and avoid the negative effects of anabolic steroids. The refinement of anabolic steroids these days do make them safer but side effects still abound. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid but it certainly is not the only one used for muscle training.

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Testosterone and steroids are NOT the same. In my far off youth I did several cycles of steroids. At that time I was working out six day a week, a minimum of four hours a day. I reached a couple of plateaus and used the steroids to break through to the next period of weight and size gain. I was extremely happy with the results and as I'm about to be 77 they obviously didn't kill me.

Would I do it all over again -- ABSOLUTELY


As I tend to think, we all make personal choices for ourselves.


Sure, I may be able to put on more muscle, but at what risk? I just don't feel comfortable taking that kind of gamble with my own long term health. That's me being me :)

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As I said, we all make choices for ourselves. What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander.

I must admit to being inconsistent on steroids, fore while I would not use them myself, nor do I recommend their use. I must admit that for those who chose to use them, I enjoy both taking a gander and of course, the well timed goose.

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What people fail to realize is at some point extra weight is extra weight, be it muscle or fat. If your bodyweight is 40 lbs higher, that's more blood your heart has to pump, more work your internal organs have to do, extra burden on your joints, which can wear out sooner, etc. There are tradeoffs no matter how many precautions you take. You may still find them worth it.


I mean, if you told me I could look and feel like a superhero but I'd simply drop dead ten years earlier than otherwise, feeling good up to that point, I might do it. But if you told me I was going to feel great for a period but wind up in a walker or chair sooner and then be on dialysis, I'd say no.

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At age 55 I decided I wanted to cut way back on by bodybuilding regime. I was 6' tall and at the time and I weighed 217 lbs. with a 32 inch waist. I cut back my workouts, eliminated the use of steroids and I made major changes to my diet. Two years latter I weighed 187 and have tried to maintain that weight every since.


The entire issue here is one of self discipline. At 35 I had the self discipline to go from 147 to 217 lifting weights, using steroids and changing my diet. Later at 55 I had the self discipline to go from 217 to 187 eliminating the use of steroids, changing my workouts and changing my diet.


As I have said elsewhere, as I look back on my life about the only change I would make regarding my bodybuilding phase is that if I had it to do all over again I would have started the entire process 5 or 6 years earlier. Like all else we do in life everything has a time to start and a time to stop.

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As I tend to think, we all make personal choices for ourselves.


Sure, I may be able to put on more muscle, but at what risk? I just don't feel comfortable taking that kind of gamble with my own long term health. That's me being me :)


Right on!


Actions have consequences, unfortunately some escorts don't think about life after escorting.

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  • 8 months later...

There is a string that discusses how musclemen often grow fat as they age. I can’t imagine that all of the supplements these guys consume have a beneficial hormonal effect down the road. Although I think I have rarified tastes, at the end they’re my tastes, and not relevant for others, which is why I try to refrain from questioning others’ tastes in men.


And that would be the least of their problems as (or if) they age.

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