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Do You Remember Everyone You've Had Sex With?

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I remember all of the men I've had sex with, but that's only the past ten years or so. Escorts I hired are the most vivid memories, the few craigslists hookups are less detailed because they were short encounters and less satisfactory.


I say, with some shame, that I couldn't begin to remember all of the girls and women I slept with before I met my wife, nor estimate how many there were. I was trying to prove to myself that I was straight, and was very promiscuous.

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I add most of my hires to my contacts list. That way, I have a way of remembering them.


In the Notes section I add codes like KFC (he Kissed - he Fucked - he “Came”)


NKNFNC - (No Kiss, No Fuck, No Cum)



You've put a whole new meaning to KFC ;-))) It will never be the same now!

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You've put a whole new meaning to KFC ;-))) It will never be the same now!


It’s my usual response to providers who ask me what to expect in the encounter. One recently replied with “You don’t do Popeye’s or Bojangles?”


I feel that it diffuses the initial tension during the “what you are into” exchange.

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Sometime in my early 20s, I made a list of all the men I had sex with whom I could remember. There were 168 names or descriptions on the list (I still have it). When I turned 30, I started to keep a daily journal of my activities, which of course included the men I had sex with, including those whose names I didn't catch. I have never tried to count them, but occasionally I go back to read those narratives, and sometimes I can't even remember the ones with whom I apparently had lengthy relationships!

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I add most of my hires to my contacts list. That way, I have a way of remembering them.


In the Notes section I add codes like KFC (he Kissed - he Fucked - he “Came”)


NKNFNC - (No Kiss, No Fuck, No Cum)



Most of the escorts I’ve met over the years as well as most of the hook-ups, I have put in my contact list. But I put a Z in front of their last name. For the escorts if I don’t have a last name, I’ll put the city I met them in as their last name. For hook-ups whether I know a last name or not I’ll often add the app I met them on with a hyphen.


For example


In my contacts Mike Gaite is Mike ZGaite with his phone number listed.


Or if I met Harry Smith on Growlr


Harry ZSmith-Growlr


That way I have all my escorts and hookups in an easy to find place.


If someone converts, from a hook-up to an actual friend, I often take the Z out and they are in the contact list where they would normally fall.


Another bit of advice for newbies-and you may already be doing this. But while due to switching of phones I probably don’t have my full 14 years of hiring -in my Contacts List, I do have names from at least 5 years. Some of these guys I may have been interested in, but I never actually contacted. Other guys I may have met only once or twice. Notations like @Trick uses are helpful. I never did that. But I wish I had marked down the ones I had never actually met. Of course I know and remember very well the guys I saw multiple times. But in 14 years of hiring, it’s easy to forget the guys you only saw maybe once or twice 4 years ago. The other suggestion I have is to add an innocuous picture to your contact listing of them. When I started hiring, I had a small non-smartphone t-mobile phone which didn’t have a camera. During my last years of hiring I started adding photos to my contacts but not in a consistent manner. So in many cases I might have a listing such as Steve ZNYC-and unfortunately not know who the heck he is or whether we actually met-or if he was just a possible.


To summarize:

1. Z’s to collect them all in one place. 2. Pictures to help you remember them years later. 3. A few notes about them to help you remember.



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The other suggestion I have is to add an innocuous picture to your contact listing of them.




I’ve been doing that on an older Android phone. I have an iPhone now but I’m too lazy to transfer my “collection” to it. Here are the ones who made it to my Favorites list



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I liken it to coats and jackets. I remember having them, they vary by season and some stand out as clear memories. Most fulfilled their function and I haven't thought of them in years. Just as I couldn't count all the coats and jackets I've had over the last 40 years....the same would go for hook ups and escort encounters!



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Excepting the night of the 1990 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, yes. I’m often envious of my gay friends’ seemingly effortless abilities to find sex partners. I’m not one to wish away the past, but I think it’d be exciting to occasionally get cruised at the bookstore or supermarket or library and end up with a fun afternoon of sex. Sorry to be long-winded. The short answer is yes.

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  • 10 months later...


I had this female friend who used to cut my hair usually at my place but one time at her place. That one time her husband came home and he turned on the tv set to catch some sports event. He only watched a few minutes of it. As he was leaving rather than turn the tv off he handed me the remote. A guy thing. :)


Btw they were black and when they got married I was the only white man who was invited to the wedding and reception.

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The log above is fascinating to me...

Like with a photograph, there are two people on every line of that journal - the client and the escort. The notes say just as much about him as they do the people he meets.

  • Joe likes his balls licked and told escort he was getting meaner
  • Tom is lean and OK.
  • Chris showed up with a money order but it was a good scene
  • Fred came in 15 minutes and talked the escort down to $60
  • Brian works at Lincoln Center, lives on the Upper East side and is very hot.
  • Al felt rushed and is bored.
  • Scott was friendly and chatty
  • Mathew Is British, in his 30's and lean; it was a good scene
  • ? on 9/11 was 27, cute, lean, feminine and nice; he came quickly.
  • Paul was rushed by the escort; he's ugly and has a wife
  • Lou was a Texas businessman and OK.
  • Chris was high on MDA and escort couldn't get rid of him
  • Rob - was cute, hot and had coke
  • George was pleasant and wanted to be FF'ed but was dirty.


It makes me wonder what my client log entries would look like.


I've never made notes about my meetings but have a list. I usually don't remember what we did so much as how I felt afterward.

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